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3. 03. 14
Plakat filma Yes, Minister (1980).


ID _oU
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti comedy
Države UK
Jeziki en
Trajanje 60 min
External links omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Open Government.

Open Government

Jim Hacker wins a seat in the election and is given a cabinet post in the new government He meets the permanent secretary for his department Sir Humphrey Appleby but Jim decides to change the way things are done in the civil service so Sir Humphrey starts a plan to stop him

Plakat epizode The Official Visit.

The Official Visit

When the leader of an African country is killed in a coup, his successor, who is an old friend of Jim's, comes in his place. They negotiate a £50 million deal to help buy oil exploration equipment.

Plakat epizode The Economy Drive.

The Economy Drive

Jim Hacker is determined to reduce the Civil Service, but he is frustrated by Sir Humphrey, and the only numbers he can alter are the numbers of tea ladies.

Plakat epizode Big Brother.

Big Brother

When the Government is planning to introduce a national database, Jim wants to bring in safe guards, but Sir Humphrey stalls until with some help from the opposition, Jim gets his way.

Plakat epizode Writing on the Wall.

Writing on the Wall

A rumour starts that Jim's department is about to be axed. So with help from Sir Humphrey, they try and defeat the Prime Minister's plans.

Plakat epizode The Right to Know.

The Right to Know

Jim faces rebellion at home and in the office over the removal of protected status from a badger habitat, while he tries to circumvent Sir Humphrey's efforts to keep him ignorant of things.

Plakat epizode Jobs For The Boys.

Jobs For The Boys

Jim goes on radio to support the ‘Solihull project' a Government,union,and private enterprise building scheme, that he has inherited from the last administration, but unknown to him the project is close to bankruptcy, Sir Humphrey hopes to save the deal by offering a ‘Quango' to the director of the bank involved

Plakat epizode The Compassionate Society.

The Compassionate Society

When Jim learns that a brand new hospital still has no medical staff, but hundreds of civil servants working there, he proposes that half of the civil servants be sacked and use the money saved to open wards with medical staff.

Plakat epizode Doing The Honours.

Doing The Honours

When Jim learns that he can block civil servant's honours, he blackmails them into cutting their budgets, but when he hears that he might be in line for an honorary degree, he has to back down.

Plakat epizode The Death List.

The Death List

When Jim learns that when in opposition he was bugged by the secret service, he decides to bring in legislation to kerb the bugging. only to find out that he is on the death list of a group of terrorist's, and the best way to find them, is by bugging phone lines

Plakat epizode The Greasy Pole.

The Greasy Pole

Jim has the chance of creating jobs,and saving a chemical company, when they are offered the chance to manufacture a highly dangerous chemical, but when the news gets out that it might be too dangerous, he has to back down.

Plakat epizode The Devil You Know.

The Devil You Know

When Jim is betrayed by a Cabinet colleague over his plans to bring in jobs for British workers, he thinks about leaving Westminster and becoming a European Commissioner, But when Sir Humphrey learns who his replacement will be, he tries to change Jim's Mind.

Plakat epizode The Quality Of Life.

The Quality Of Life

Sir Humphrey uses Jim's promise to keep a popular city farm project open to get special permission for an additional nine floors on a proposed skyscraper.

Plakat epizode A Question Of Loyalty.

A Question Of Loyalty

Jim and Sir Humphrey pass the buck to protect each other when they appear before a select committee investigating charges of waste in Hacker's ministry, until Jim's higher loyalties are called upon.

Plakat epizode Equal Opportunities.

Equal Opportunities

Jim decides to promote more women to high civil service positions despite Sir Humphrey's opposition.

Plakat epizode The Challenge.

The Challenge

When Jim tackles local council administration and civil defense, he runs afoul of a BBC interviewer.

Plakat epizode The Skeleton in the Closet.

The Skeleton in the Closet

Jim uses a costly mistake from Sir Humphrey's past to escape chastising an efficient local council for being late with their paperwork.

Plakat epizode The Moral Dimension.

The Moral Dimension

Jim is forced to back down about exposing bribery used to obtain a lucrative foreign contract when Bernard allows a valuable vase from a foreign government to be undervalued so that Mrs. hacker can keep it.

Plakat epizode The Bed Of Nails.

The Bed Of Nails

Jim accepts an unpopular position pushing a transportation bill desired by No 10, but opposed by everyone else.

Plakat epizode The Whiskey Priest.

The Whiskey Priest

Jim faces opposition from all sides when he learns that British munitions have been sold to terrorist groups and he decides to start an inquiry into how it happened.

Plakat epizode The Middle Class Rip Off.

The Middle Class Rip Off

Jim and Sir Humphrey collide when Jim acts as an MP to sell an art gallery and museum in his district to support a popular local soccer club.