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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
en 1 / 2 / O 437 0
27. 05. 14
en 1 / 2 / O 377 0
27. 05. 14
en 1 / 3 / O 394 0
24. 05. 14
en 1 / 3 / O 567 0
19. 10. 13
en 1 / 1 / O 557 0
6. 10. 13
Plakat filma Welcome to the Family (2013).


Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti comedy
Države USA
Jeziki en
External links imdb , omdb
Plakat epizode Pilot.


Dan and Caroline Yoder are attending the high school graduation of their daughter Molly, who barely passed her classes, and have to get her to stop texting long enough to receive her diploma. At the same time, Junior Hernandez, the eldest son of Miguel and Lisette Hernandez and a valedectorian at his high school, is just starting a speech to his class when he receives a text from Molly, announcing that she's pregnant. Dan, not knowing of his daughter's relationship with Junior, has a shouting match with Miguel when he tries to use a "free boxing lesson" coupon at the gym that Miguel owns. Later, when Junior insists his parents meet Molly's parents, Miguel and Dan continue to berate each other. While Caroline and Lisette attempt to deal with the situation and each other's families, it appears that Miguel and Dan want to continue being antagonistic.

Plakat epizode Dan Finds Out.

Dan Finds Out