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A band of pirates raid a cruise ship, but who should they find in an old barrel but Monkey D. Luffy, a young man who dreams of becoming the pirate king! Luffy befriends the pirates' beleagured and reluctant cabin boy, Koby, and offers to help him escape. But if either of them wants to get out alive, they'll have to face the rest of the villainous crew, as well as the oversized, overbearing, self-proclaimed "Pirate Queen", Lady Alvida!
Luffy and Koby put into port at Naval Base Island, Koby hoping to sign up and Luffy looking to recruit Roronoa Zolo into his pirate crew. But everyone on the island seems to be just as terrified of Captain Morgan, leader of the base, as they are of Zolo. And with good reason: Morgan is little more than a paranoid, ruthless tyrant, and his selfish, spoiled-rotten son had Zolo imprisoned under dubious charges. And in the process of rescuing Zolo from his false imprisonment and eventual execution, Luffy and Koby end up getting on Morgan's bad side! How will our heroes escape this mess?
Luffy manages to get his hands on Zolo's swords, and convinces the pirate hunter to join his crew in exchange for freeing him. But before they can get out alive, they'll have to go through the ferocious Captain Morgan and his men! Will Luffy's Gum-Gum powers and Zolo's Santoryu (three swords) fighting style be enough?
While adrift at sea, Luffy nearly loses his hat, prompting him to reminisce about how he got it- and, in a way, his Gum-Gum powers- from his hero, the near-legendary Captain Shanks. But in the present, an attempt at capturing a sea-bird for dinner results in Luffy being carried off! Meanwhile, while trying to rescue Luffy, Zolo learns the infamous pirate, Buggy the Clown, is nearby... after a run-in with some of his crew members. And Luffy has problems of his own after escaping from the big bird, only to get caught in the middle of a fight between Nami, a young lady thief, and some of Buggy's men.
After saving Nami from Buggy's pirates, Luffy gets the lowdown from her on how Buggy's pretty much taken over the town. Unfortunately, he also gets double-crossed by Nami, as part of her scheme to get her hands on Buggy's map of the Grand Line AND treasure. But when Nami finds herself faced with orders to eliminate Luffy with one of Buggy's high-explosive cannonballs, Luffy finds that Nami, a self-professed master thief and pirate-hater, may not be so bad after all. But even when Zoro shows up to save the two of them from Buggy's wrath, will his swordmanship be enough when Buggy reveals he's got the powers of the Chop-Chop Fruit?
Luffy and his friends, having escaped Buggy and his pirates, befriend a local dog, still guarding the store of his late master, and the mayor of the now-abandoned town, and take a much-needed break. But their rest won't last long, as Buggy sends Mohji the Beast-Breaker and his pet lion Richie to deal with the meddlers once and for all!
Luffy saves the Mayor, who overzealously tries to take on Buggy alone in order to save the town, from Buggy, but is forced to knock the man out before he gets himself killed. Buggy sics his next henchman, the sword-slinging Cabaji the Acrobat, on Luffy, but Zolo insists on stepping up to the plate. Can Zolo win this battle of swordsmen, even with his injuries? And could it be that Buggy used to be shipmates with Luffy's hero, Captain Shanks?
Luffy's had it with Buggy terrorizing the town, bad-mouthing Captain Shanks, and messing with his prized hat, and vows to take him down once and for all. But he might not be able to beat Buggy's Chop-Chop powers without a little help from his crew. And even when he does, he'll have to face the angry townsfolk, who have come to back up Mayor Boodle, and aren't aware that some of the pirates in town are on their side!
Luffy and his crew make landing on a small beach near a small town, only to be ambushed by the dreaded Captain Ussop and his crew! Unfortunately for "Captain" Ussop, he's revealed as just a wannabee, a coward, and a liar, whose "crew" consists of three local kids. But hopefully, with the help of Ussop's friend, the wealthy but sickly Miss Kaya, Luffy and company can get some supplies and a new ship.
Our heroes find their requests for aid turned down after a run-in with Klahadore, Kaya's straight-laced butler. And Ussop, outraged after Klahadore insults his pirate heritage, doesn't help in the least by clobbering Klahadore! But our heroes have more important things to worry about when Luffy and Ussop discover that Django, a mysterious and highly eccentric hypnotist who's blown into town, is here to see Klahadore... who, in reality, is the long-thought-dead pirate, Captain Kuro! It seems the two of them are conspiring to trick Kaya into writing Kuro into her will, and then kill her! When Luffy gets KOed by Django's hypnosis, Ussop is the only one who can warn the townspeople... but what will he do when everyone thinks his warning is just another of his wild stories?
Just as Kuro predicted, Ussop's warning that pirates are really attacking goes unheeded, and not even Kaya will believe Ussop. It looks like Ussop will have to fight off the Black Cat Pirates himself, but he isn't alone... can Luffy and his crew help Ussop stop an army of ferocious pirates at the shore? Maybe... but Luffy and Zolo will have to get there first!
The fight begins when Django hypnotizes the whole crew and Luffy gets hypnotized with them. Luffy uses Gum-Gum Rapid Fire and nearly kills every one of them. He then rips the bow off the ship and is about to swing it at everyone when Django hypnotizes him and makes him fall asleep. The bow lands on him and the living part of the crew! Meanwhile Kaya wakes up to fine Merry nearly dead, she tries to wake him up, wondering who or what did this to him and when he wakes up he mutters one word. Klahadore. Then she leaves the house and heads for the beach, Carrot, Pepper, and Onion secretly follow her. Meanwhile Django call out the ship guards, Siam and Butchie, to take out Zolo. Siam steals Zolo's swords and Nami tries to get them back but Django slices her with his ring. Just then Captain Kuro shows up
Kuro shows up to find that his whole pirate crew has lost to four amateur pirates. Siam and Butchie say Kuro's lost his stuff after all these years and they attack him! Kuro threatens them saying that he will give them five minutes to kill Usopp, Zolo, Luffy, and Nami or he will kill them. Then Kaya shows up... Will Kuro kill her? Will the Meowmen Brothers kill our heroes?
The veggie pirates show up and hit Kuro in the face with shovels. Kuro then wakes up and walks right past them and hits Usopp. The veggies run into the forest with Kaya but Django runs after them while Zolo is fighting Butchie and Luffy is about to fight Kuro. After Zolo gets done fighting Butchie he picks up Usopp and heads into the forest with him. Will Django kill Kaya and the veggies? Will Usopp and Zolo catch up with Django?
Luffy breaks five of Kuro's claws and Kuro uses the Out-of-the-Bag attack to kill his whole crew. Meanwhile Zolo is carrying Usopp and trying to catch up with Django, Kaya, and the veggies. Will Kuro succeed in killing his whole crew? Will Zolo and Usopp make it in time or will Kaya be killed and her will be written leaving everything she has to Captain Kuro?
Luffy grabs Kuro while he is doing his Out-of-the-Bag Attack and wraps his arms and legs around Kuro. Meanwhile Usopp uses his exploding star attack to defeat Django. And Luffy uses his Gum-Gum Bell to defeat Kuro. Then Usopp joins the Straw-Hat Pirates and they get a ship from Kaya. Where will their adventure to find One Piece lead them next?
Luffy and Usopp make a pirate flag for the Merry Go! Then they stop at an island and meet Gaimon, a black green haired man who is stuck in a treasure chest! Luffy offers Gaimon to join his crew but Gaimon turns him down. Then they leave the island as the Straw-Hat Pirates.
While Luffy and Usopp are playing with the ships cannon Zolo is remembering his old friend, Kuina. He dreams about how Kuina made him a promise that one day one of them would become the best swardsman {or woman}to ever live. Then Kuina gets seriously injured so that she can never fight again. Now it is up to Zolo to become the best swardsman ever. But first he will have to beat the legendary Hawk-Eye MiHawk...
Zolo recognizes two old friends named Yosaku and Johnny. Johnny tells them of a place where Luffy can find a cook and where Zolo might be able to find a man that he was looking for before he joined Luffy's crew. Soon they get to Baratie and get into a fight with a navy officer Ironfist Fullbody who shoots a cannon at them; Luffy reflects the cannonball, sending it right into the floating restaurant Baratie! The owner of the restaurant tells Luffy that he has to work for a year to pay it off. Meanwhile a smoking waiter named Sanji beats the crud out of Fullbody. Finally the owner {Zef} gives Luffy one more choice He leaves behind a leg!
A cook named Patty tries to stop Sanji from finishing Fullbody off. Meanwhile Chef Zef kicks Luffy right threw the ceiling into the fight. Zef stops Sanji. Just then A naval officer runs in yelling that he's escaped. Then someone comes up from behind him and knocks him out. The man walks in and sits down but Patty refuses to serve him unless he has money to pay for the food. Patty throws the man out, whose name is Gin, and Sanji comes and feeds him. Gin tells Luffy about the Grand Line and tells him not to waste his life. Inside, the cooks talk about Don Kreig and the Pirate Armada and how he has 5,000 pirates at his command! Gin heads off and Luffy starts his job as a chore boy!
Meet Don Kreig of the Pirate Armada who arrives at Baratie with his starving crew of one hundred! And to make matters worse He wants to keep Baratie as a pirate ship! Will anyone be able to stop this crazy man?
Don Kreig says that Chef Zef was once the legendary "Red Shoes" The Pirate He also says that Zef kept a logbook of his journey in the grand line. Meanwhile Nami takes off in the crew's new ship, the Merry-Go! Why has Nami done this? And will Don Kreig take the logbook from Red Shoes Zef?
Zolo challenges "Hawk eye" Mihawk-The world's greatest swordsman to a fight. Zolo loses and almost dies. After that, Ussopp, Johnny, Yosaku, and Zolo go after Nami. Then Luffy and Sanji prepare to fight Don Krieg and his pirates. .
Patty and Carne bring out Baratie's secrets weapon, the Mackerel Head. They are about to attack Don Krieg, but he deflects it and throws it at the resturaunt. Sanji deflects it by kicking it, and kicks the living tar out of Don Krieg's Pirates. But then, Sanji must fight a Surfer-Dude with iron shields all over him named Pearl.
Sanji takes the beating of a lifetime from Pearl as he remembers how he met Chef Zef and how he got at the restaurant, Baratie, in the first place.
When Ghin kills the Pearl and challenges Sanji to a fight, Don Kreig pulls out his shield {which is really a cannon} and aims it at Luffy with a poison gas cannon ball that can kill Luffy and anyone around him. He fires his gun and it turns out that it is not the cannon ball that everyone expected. Meanwhile Ghin and Sanji have a fight to the death and so do Luffy and Don Kreig.
Don Krieg's poison gas poisons Ghin and Sanji tries to save him. Meanwhile Luffy and Don Krieg have their final battle and Don Krieg seems to be winning with his special shield {that has all the weapons stored in it}. Who is more worthy as Pirate King, Luffy, Captain of the Straw-Hat Pirates or Don Krieg of the Pirate Armada?
When Luffy falls into the sea it's up to Sanji to save him. When Sanji does, Luffy appears to be knocked out. Don Krieg yells about how he is the best pirate and he beat Luffy. Ghin hits him in the stomach as hard as he could and puts him to rest. Then Ghin sails off to the Grand Line.
Luffy wants to recruit Sanji as ship's cook but Sanji refuses. The Yosaku flies through the wall in a sharks mouth saying that they found out where Nami was heading but they would need Luffy's help. So Luffy leaves. Will Sanji go with him?
Everyone finds out where Nami is headed: Arlong Park. Yosaku tells Sanji and Luffy that there are three dangerous forces that control the Grand Line. One in particular being The Seven Warlords of the Sea who are protected by the Navy! We find out that MiHawk is one of them and that Arlong's boss is one of them too. When Nami she finally gets there she immediately finds Arlong cutting a deal with a naval officer named Ratface and we meet one of Arlongs henchmen, Hatchi who carries General Ratface across the like in a giant cup, the Octopod. Zolo is separated from Usopp and Johnny and is captured by mermen. Yosaku and Usopp meet a mysterious woman and we see a shadow of a mysterious monster named Momoo under Sanji's ship. Zolo is taken hostage and questioned by Arlong. And Nami reveals she is part of Arlong's crew!
Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku come across a giant ocean cow. Luffy has to punch it out of the way. Meanwhile Zolo gets a beatinf from Nami and everyone meets a man named Genzo who knows Nami.
Chu, one of Arlong's main men, captures Usopp and takes him to Arlong. Zolo hears of this and tries to find and save Usopp but he's to late Nami stabs Usopp in the stomach and he falls into the sea. Johnny sees this and runs to tell everyone. Meanwhile Luffy, Sanji and Yosaku finally hit land, hitting Zolo in the process. Then Johnny shows up and tells everyone what happened.
Luffy, unknowing that the town was pirates, engages in a battle with Zoro after he discovers Zoro's doing to the townsfolk. During their fight, Luffy and Zoro take out Miss Valentine and Mr. 5. The fight is even until Nami breaks them up. With Crocodile's name revealed to Luffy's crew and that he's a warlord, Igaram knows that Baroque Works is going to be after them. So, he uses a bunch of dummies and disguises himself as Vivi to throw them off track. But the plan fails when someone destroys Igaram's ship.