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en 1 / 23 / O 143 0
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23. 01. 14
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en 1 / 26 / O 640 0
23. 01. 14
Plakat filma Stargate: Infinity (2002).


Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti adventure, animation, drama, fantasy, sci-fi, action
Jeziki en
Trajanje 30 min
External links omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Decision.


While a group of trainees have trouble with training, Major Gus Bonner is court-martialed for screwing up a mission and is confined to base. A research team finds a sarcophogus holding an alien worm creatre. Meanwhile an alien shapeshifter Nephestis, disguised as Dr. Grimes (who also set up Bonner) has infiltrated the base and uses Bonner's form to open the Stargate and bring through Tlak'kahn reinforcements to steal the worm creature, Draga. Bonner leads the trainees and recovers the creature, but they are forced to grab some vehicles and flee through the Stargate, leaving Grimes to accuse Bonner and the others of the crime.

Plakat epizode Double Duty.

Double Duty

The team stay on a jungle planet, cut off by Nephestis who has framed Gus as a traitor. The local Thorn aliens are dying of a disease which Gus believes he left there on a previous expedition. The others choose to head out with the Ancient chrysalis but are ambushed by the Tlak'khan but escape...as the chrysalis hatches and the winged Ancient escapes. The Tlak'khan leader De'kyll takes the Thorn village hostage and Bonner surrenders but the Ancient intervenes and the cadets take them prisoner (except De'kyll escapes). The Ancient learns English through Seattle and asks the team for help, and after being named Draga. Draga heals the ailing Thorn but knows nothing about the Stargates and remains with the team.

Plakat epizode The Best World.

The Best World

The team arrives with a planet with a mysterious "Guide" stone which is immediately endangered by an earthquake. The team helps the natives, the Mou'a'dash, to recover it. While Harrison deals with being "owned" by a local native that rescued him, the Tlak'khan launch an attack. Gus, Draaga, and Seattle get captured and taken through the Stargate along with the Guide, which they use to travel to the Ancients' home planet. They end up in a hellworld trap set by the Ancients, where the Stargate has no controls and they are stuck. Draga manages to use her powers to open the Stargate, leaving the Tlak'khan stranded. Gus realizes the Tlak'khan must have access to his travel record through the traitor and heads off to a planet he hasn't been on before.

Plakat epizode Coming Home.

Coming Home

When the younger team members reminesce about birthdays, Ec'co thinks back to his own torn life. The team convinces Gus to take Ec'co to his homeworld. An electrical storm shorts out their Stargate while Gus and Ec'co get taken into custody by the hostile Hrathi, who know of Gus' alleged betrayal. The rest of the team rig a way to recharge the Stargate using lightning while the Tlak'khan launch an attack on the Hrathi. Gus helps to drive them off and then are taken to a cache of data crystals. It turns out the crystals are a fake, but one of the Hrathi reveals he is a shapeshifter. Gus and Ec'co pass the test and receive the real Tlak'khan data crystal they need.

Plakat epizode Mentor.


The team intervenes on a planet when one group of the locals, the Mystari, use high-tech weapons to attack another faction – they meet up with Shepherd, a former Stargate team member who trained Gus. Shepherd claims the faction his men attacked are bandits but his followers worship him. Gus overlooks his apparent abuse until Stacey brings him around. Knowing Gus will act against him, Shepherd summons the Tlak'khan but when he finds out they plan to kill the team he and the locals side with Gus. Shepherd tells the Mystari to find their own way and then takes off on his own.

Plakat epizode Hot Water.

Hot Water

Arriving on a waterworld, the team makes for a nearby island after losing one of their vehicles while Da'kyll reports to Hah'lak that he knows where Draga is. The councilman sends a pair of bounty hunters after them behind Da'kyll's back. Ec'co, Draga, and Seattle get captured by the local amphibious natives and take the rest of the team to meet them. The locals, the Su'ri, welcome them once they are sure of the "landers"' motives. The bounty hunters negotiate with Sargall, one of the younger members, to have him turn over the team in return for medicine. Driven by jealousy toward Harrison, Sargall helps the mercenaries by helping them capture Seattle to lure in Draga and then challenges Harrison to a dangerous race. While Gus tries to rescue R.J., Draga gets captured and Ec'co and Stacey give pursuit. Harrison rescues Sargall from a monster and then Gus leads the monster to the escaping mercenaries as they enter the Stargate without their captives and it ends up attacking a waiting Hah'lak.

Plakat epizode Phobia.


Arriving on a new planet, Stacey runs into a web and reveals she has a problem with her fear of spiders. Naturally, the local civilization are spiders and Stacey apparently overreacts, injuring one of them and endangering relationships between the two groups. Stacey insists she acted in self-defense but is placed on trial for her actions. Meanwhile, the Tlak'kahn warriors show up and attack. Stacey comes to terms with the spider she harmed, allowing it to heal. She and it team up to help the team bring down the Tlak'kahn and the team departs.

Plakat epizode Can I Keep It.

Can I Keep It

After avoiding a flash flood, Seattle finds a kitten-like creature that she names Flotsam. It gets into their food supplies and grows substantially...and grows some more. All efforts to train him seem in vain and it looks like the team will have to leave him behind. Da'kyll and his Tlak'kahn mercenaries show up and Flotsam gives warning by playing "fetch" with a grenade. A simlar flash flood wipes out the Tlak'kahn and Seattle agrees to leave Flotsam behind.

Plakat epizode Who Are You?.

Who Are You?

Right after arriving on a new world Draga gets a sense that something is watching them. Harrison finds a Mayan temple and returns to report he found the T'ak'khan and a captive human prisoner. However, Seattle and Stacey become suspicious when Harrison acts differently. Gus decides to launch a solo rescue and finds the prisoner is Captain Arnold Grimes - then he gets captured and is thrown in the cell with the real Harrison - they discover a race of shapeshifters who are reluctantly helping the Tlak'khan. Gus puts the pieces together and realizes how he was framed, then engineer an escape while the shapeshifters/Gus & Harrison lead the others into a trap. They escape and go rescue the team from a battle with the shapeshifters, seeing through the fakes. They are about to leave with Grimes when Draga says that she still senses a presence. Gus told everyone to whisper their suspicions in his ear so that he could find out who it was. The only person who accused someone else was Grimes - from this Gus figures out that Grimes was the fake.

Plakat epizode Greed.


The team arrive on a new planet and find diamonds. The team soon starts arguing over the diamonds themselves - a concept which Draga has trouble understanding. While Gus explains the concept of "money' at great length, a team of bounty hunters closes in on the SG crew. Gus and Draga get captured but Gus turns the mercenaries against each other by playing on their greed. The team manages to overcome their greed and get it together to help out Gus and Draga but have to give up the diamonds to the mercenaries to buy their friends' freedom.

Plakat epizode Stones.


Arriving on a new planet, the team meets with the Alteri, a martial society that practices ritual combat. After getting defeated several times, Stacey learns their ways and that wearing the "Mandro stones" enhances the wearer. As she dons them she begins to suffer strange side effects - paranoia, anger, addictive qualities, and physical transformation. Stacey goes berserk and escapes for the Stargate. The team manages to slow her down enough so Gus can talk her down and Draga can transform her back to normal. Meanwhile, Draga has a vision of a star system after touching the stones which they believe may be the home of the Ancients.

Plakat epizode Initiation.


Gus brings the gang to Brianna for some rest and relaxation and they're caught in an earthquake. Harrison, separated from his jet pack, is rescued by Havave and helps him on his Kamuna initiation ceremony, while Ec'co discovers the volcano they are near will explode and destroy the local island. Harrison tries to convince Havave not to give in to peer pressure while helping him deliver an egg to a local creature as part of the rite, but they fail. He and Havene meet up with the others and the Akua, Havane's people. The Akua initially refuse to leave but Havane's actions convince them and they accept him despite his failure. The team manage to get to the Gate just in time as the island is destroyed.

Plakat epizode The Mother of Invention.

The Mother of Invention

The team arrive on a tech-world and while investigating a refinery are attacked by some youths. One of them, an inventor named Creda, is an attractive girl who Ec'co takes a shine to but she seems to be lying about a lot of things, including the fact the Tlak'kahn attack them. While they conduct repairs Creda steals some of their parts from their vehicles and Harrison's flightpack. Creda insists her co-workers stole the parts and Ec'co finally calls her on it when it becomes clear she is no inventor and uses the scavenged technology to maintain her power. The Tlak'kahn arrive and confront everyone in a hydrogen storage facility after Creda tries and warns them. The Tlak'kahn don't believe the tanks are fill of hydrogen and cause a series of explosions. Which they manage to escape with Creda's help. Creda returns the parts and asks Ec'co to stay, but he reluctantly leaves.

Plakat epizode Reality.


Gus and Seattle go into an alien VR system where the real society has deteriorated due to its preoccupation with the virtual one.

Plakat epizode Museum.


(from contributor Jared Prophet) The gang come through the Gate on the Great Wall of China...in a large museum. After exploring, and listening to Gus Bonner's "boring" speeches about history, the group runs afool of both Julius Cesar's and Napoleon's robot armies.

Plakat epizode Us and Them.

Us and Them

The team arrive on a planet where the natives bear a extremely strong resemblence to Draga. They are contemptous of "rock crawlers" but Draga is drawn to them. But when the Tlak'khan show up the local's powers serve no good. The team helps them and gives them a measure of understanding of other cultures.

Plakat epizode The Face of Evil.

The Face of Evil

The team arrives on an ice planet and intervenes in a fight between the Tlak'khan and the native Ursons. They win the day for the natives but begin to suspect all isn't as it seems. Seattle follows a young Tlak'khan to a hidden city while Gus interrogates the prisoners who it turns out are farmer/refugees. The team realizes the Ursons are in the wrong and turn against them to help the Tlak'khan farmers.

Plakat epizode The Key.

The Key

The team arrives on a civilized high-tech planet, Rokari, where they determine a comet is heading for the world they're on with only 60 hours to spare. The local government, the Commonality, don't believe their warning and state they have outgrown written and recorded language. The team break out a member of an underground resistance that distributes writing and leads them to a hidden library with info on how to use the planet's defense system. Harrison manages to figure out the language and the team activates the defense system, the Commonality sees the value of writing and everything turns out well.

Plakat epizode Chariot of the Sun.

Chariot of the Sun

The gang find a mysterious ship emitting dangerous energy on an uninhabited planet. While Harrison and Seattle look for the owners the others break into the ship, much to Stacey's concern. Gus insists on using the ship to return to nearby Earth, unaware that it's actually a Tlak'khan trap - the ship takes them to Ga'Harn, the Tlak'khan homeworld. Da'kyll captures them all and holds them back from the Nax'kan Council by claiming Warrior Right of Capture. Hah'lak sends his own operative, Gal'korn, to free first Gus and then the rest of the SG team and they see through the deception. They get their vehicles and weapons and get to the nearest Stargate to make their escape.

Plakat epizode The Answer.

The Answer

The team arrive on Octasar where a Dr. Carrie Mason of the SGC is working with a local scientist, Dr. Bri'sal, who is working on a project of universal telepathy as part of a scientific conference and believes the Tlak'khan can help him - they're playing him, naturally, since Bri'sal's fellow scientists don't support his project. Stacey overhears them while the rest of the team convinces Mason they're not traitors. Mason doesn't believe them and when the project succeeds the Tlak'khan take control. The team launches an attack but the mind-controlled scientists are forced to attack them, but Mason grabs Da'kyll's device, freeing everyone and forcing the Tlak'khan to retreat.

Plakat epizode The Look.

The Look

The team arrive on a resort-type planet where the locals are obsessed with fashion accessories to the point of endangering themselves. They befriend Rikell and the women and Harrison help her to gather some ferns to make a fashion statement and run afoul of the local wildlife, while a mercenary attacks the team up above and grabs Draga. The others get clear with Harrison's scientific knowledge and catch up to rescue Draga. The team gets enough of the ferns from the merchant that helped out the mercenary to let Rikell make an outfit but she realizes she doesn't need a fancy outfit.

Plakat epizode Feet of Clay.

Feet of Clay

The team find themselves on a plant of locals who worship and emulate the Tlak'khan but are suffering from a plague. Draga cures as many as she can but the leader, Mek'rod, insists they are the Tlak'khan and follow their ways, but eventually acknowledges the Tlak'khan merely provide them with help. Ec'co comes up with a cure for the plague while the Mar'dan elders summon Da'kyll and his men who tell the Mar'dan to obey them and lure the team into a trap. The Tlak'khan abandon the Mar'dan to the plague and Mek'rod turns against them. The team breaks free only to enter a trap, but the Mar'dan turn against the Tlak'khan and drive them off.

Plakat epizode The Natural.

The Natural

After escaping the Tlak'khan on a jungle world thanks to Harrison's flying skills (sort of), the team arrives on a sulphur-covered planet and bat-like inhabitants, the Har'un. With his jetpack damaged Harrison accepts an invitation to fly with the locals but doesn't do so well. Determined, Harrison keeps trying but is the only one in the group who can't manage. The planet is polluted due to the Tlak'khan's efforts and they send a team to attack - Harrison has to mount up to warn the others and manages to get the hang of it. the Tlak'khan refuse to learn from their mistakes and fall victim to the Har'un's gas bombs.

Plakat epizode Big Mistake.

Big Mistake

The team arrive on a desert planet in the middle of a sandstorm and meet Mashuma of the Mo'Tai people and his tribe. Seattle leads the group in helping the Mo'Tai find buried water and then finds an irradiated rock that could be used to power the pumps but Seattle soon becomes impatient to help and uses full power, setting off a quake but finding a huge energy rock and a energy sphere that unleashes memories for Seattle of how her father refused to admit his mistake in moving away from their home to the city. Seattle continues and is injured during an excavation but is more determined then ever. Another energy sphere escapes and heads for the village and Ec'co figures out how to trap it long enough for Draga to establish communication with the creature and determine its want to return home to the energy-rocks. Without the rocks, the team comes up with a way to use windmills to run the pumps.

Plakat epizode The Illustrated Stacey.

The Illustrated Stacey

The team arrives on a planet and helps the native Ner'alds against a energized dragon-creature – a late arriving Harrison manages to knock it out. Stacey and Seattle admire the locals' markings and the guys end up teasing Stacey into getting a marking. It turns out that the paint is made of microbes and they start spreading on Stacey. They're not toxic, but will cover her entire body. They need a stream with mud to make a removal salve but another energy-resistant creature attacks – Gus takes Stacey while the others hold off the monster. Avoiding a variety of dangers, Gus and Stacey make it just in time but the stream has dried up. A persistent bug creature that has been following them finally latches on to Stacey and sucks off the microbe.

Plakat epizode The Long Haul.

The Long Haul

After being chased by creatures and visiting an ice planet, the team begins to wonder if they are on a pointless quest. Draga opens a gate to "where they wish to go" and they end up on Earth in the Yucatan, where a local professor working for a Horace Van Gelder reveals she discovered the new gate. The shapeshifter Nephestus, disguised as Grimes, is working with Van Gelder and gets word the team is present when they contact Stargate Command. Disguised as Stoneman, Nephestus welcomes them and claims he'll help them clear their names, then summons Da'kyll and his Tlak'khan. Draga suspects something as Stoneman sends the cadets into Cancun – in fact it's an ambush but they turn around and return. Gus and Draga catch on and make their escape while the others return in just in time to rescue them. The team is forced to escape through the Gate and go on the run once more before they can clear their names, and the Tlak'khan and Nephestus depart with Van Gelder as Nephestus takes his place to further implicate the team.