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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma Sin tetas no hay paraíso (2008).


ID Pc4
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti drama
Države Spain
Jeziki es
Trajanje 70 min
External links imdb , omdb
Plakat epizode Pilot.


Friends Mike, Adam and Ethan are each at different points in their lives in terms of their romantic relationships. Mike is married to Lisa and the two have a young son. Family demands stretch Mike thin in terms of time for himself, and he finds himself getting his "me" time watching movies in his car and thinking Lisa has no idea it's going on, even though she's all too aware. Adam has just moved in with his girlfriend, Callie, and he finds living together is a whole lot different than "she comes over a lot," and they are just starting to figure out how to reconcile their life together with the previous freedom of their single lives. Ethan, who is perpetually single, thinks dating the same woman for three weeks is an extended commitment. Find out how these friends navigate these waters.

Plakat epizode En Fuego.

En Fuego

Plakat epizode All the Precedent's Men.

All the Precedent's Men

Plakat epizode Credit Balance.

Credit Balance