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Two outlaws kill their lawman escort in Favor's camp, saddling the trail boss with the responsibility of bringing them in for trial.
Looking for water, the drive arrives at a mission where Rowdy's wartime friend (they spent time together in a POW camp) is getting married. The bride's stepbrother, a murderer sixteen times over, has returned to claim his share of the family fortune.
A stage load of passengers being chased by the man with the black satchel wrecks. Favor takes them to his camp. The man is a hired executioner after someone from the stage or the herd.
Rowdy tries to help Clovis leave her sheriff husband.
On the drive north, the cowhands desert because they are still bitter about the Civil War. Gil and Rowdy try to get them to come back and discover that a woman is behind it. She and her cohorts are planning on setting up a new Confederacy.
Gil Favor gets permission from rancher Jed Reston to drive his herd over Reston's land. He discovers, however, that Reston has a bigoted attitude toward Indians, particularly a local Comanche named Taslatch who wants to be a farmer and who's paid for a mail-order plow. (Reston's recently had his son, Matt, give Taslatch 15 lashes on a trumped-up rustling charge.) Favor earns Reston's enmity by siding with Taslatch. Tensions soon escalate until violence is set to erupt between the Comanches and local townspeople and Favor must take decisive steps to intervene.
Brazo, a retired gunfighter, attempts to keep his kid brother from taking up the family business.
Four stranded women provide a love interest and a complication for Favor. A freight hauler with a gunfighter says he's using the only river crossing first.
When Rowdy and two steers are thought to have anthrax, The only medical help is a young lady with two years of nursing school. Her town doesn't want anything to do with the drovers or the herd.
Brother Bent the newest drover sparks gold fever, when he flashes a huge nuggett.
Banditos inside and outside threaten the herd and the drovers.
The drive faces a formidable tasks climbing to a plateau known for it's high winds and dust storms. Favor hires Tom Bryan more for his wagon than the man. Tom sneaks a woman dressed in a bridal gown into the wagon. Jefferson Devereaux, a wealthy land owner, comes looking for a man and a woman, his wife, Jenny. Rowdy was a POW with Tom. He says Tom sold out. Jeff and forty men will be back in the morning for Tom and Jenny.
Favor and Rowdy are looking for strays. They enter a deserted mining town. Matt Lucas is the caretaker. He says he's the only one there. Leaving they hear an organ. Mrs. Miller and her daughter, Angie, say Lucas and his son, Waldo, gunned down the stage coach driver, and is holding them hostage.
Favor stops Talby from shooting Johnny Camber, who he says is Billy Carter, who killed his daughter. Clark accuses Carl Myers of being a trail camp thief and a card cheat. Favor decides to take the herd across the dry plain at the worst time of the year. The men begin to question Favor's judgment. Eventually all but six of his men quit.
Favor and Pete find Jenny Watson outside a burned cabin. Her parents who died of a sickness were burned with the cabin. Favor invites Jenny to ride along to Silver Junction. Jenny is in cahoots with three brothers to rob Favor of the drive's payroll.
Rowdy finds two indians dead outside a house. Amelia Spaulding is inside singing and making candy.
When Pete is hurt by a steer, Gil and Rowdy try to find a doctor. They ride into a nearby town but end up as victims of a vicious gang which has taken over the town.
Favor's welcome to Paradise Valley is a group of gun toting farmers warning the herd better not do any damage to their property. Lightning stampedes the remuda and kills farmer Ken Wade. His wife urges Eli to avenge her husband's death.
Jess Hode, a bitter ex-trailboss who the owners thought was too old, demands half of Favor's herd for the only water around. Jess' son stands by him but soon comes to see through his old man. Favor tries a couple other water holes but they are dry.
With wolves threatening the herd, Pete is sent to town to get a wolver and traps. None are available, but he meets his old flame, Nora Sage. She is later found strangled in her room. Brad Morgan, Medrina Wilcox's foreman also came to see her. Medrina has a herd but only one man. They pool herds. Brad was a wolver, and directs Favor's men in placing the traps. Brad toys with the affections of Nora, Medrina and her sister Paula. Favor lets the sheriff take Pete, but says he needs Morgan.
Favor and Rowdy ride into a settlement of women to find out the source of explosions threatening to stampede the herd. They're told to go to the camp. It uses contract prison labor. The women are the wives and girlfriends of the convicts. Todd McCauley has one month to go, but Clement won't release him saying he knows where the money he stole is. Todd arranges a breakout. The convicts need horses and head for the drive.
A badly beaten wild man, Bing, says that Comancheros are planning to take the herd. Rowdy befriends a woman, once a countess, now being held by the Comancheros. She offers a mirror for the kindness Rowdy has shown. Rowdy says he couldn't accept it. She sneaks it into his saddlebag. At a trading post the mirror is identified as one taken in a Comanche raid. Rowdy is thought to be a Comanchero and has to fight his way out. Rowdy goes to the Comanchero camp to get Louisa to back up his story and is caught. Loouisa tells Rowdy of the Comancheros plans. Bing was sent by the Comancheros to lead the drive to them.
Pete and Quince find young Davey Colby who says Indians killed his father and grandfather and carried off his mother. He is trying to reach his uncle in Eberle. Favor doubts his story. He hasn't heard of any Indians in the neighborhood. The Kimble County Sheriff tells Favor, there are no Colbys in Eberle and no Indians within 100 miles. Favor tells Pete some kids just find it easier to lie. Davey says he ran away from home to find his father, a bounty hunter. Favor tells Pete to take him home to his mother. After a couple of unsuccessful escape attempts, they ride up to Davey's home. The door is locked. Davey knocks. A woman answers and says she's never seen Davey before in her life. Pete says he understands and turns to leave. He gets a rifle leveled at him. Inside is Bodie whose knee was shot by Davey's father Sam. Bodie, Mooney and Harv are lying in wait for Sam to return home.
Rowdy goes to town to pick up the mail for the men and stops a runaway horse. Luisa, a rancher, sees it and tries to get Rowdy to come and work for her.
A badly wounded woman arrives at their camp and a short time later dies. Gil and Rowdy come across her baby while out searching for strays. Along comes a cowboy who claims to be the baby's father.
Favor and Rowdy are unwitting dupes to Rose Whitman's plan to get her expugilist father-in-law committed. Rose gets Harry riled up by calling him a coward and having him recall his last fight. The townsfolk like Harry and he's on his best behavior in front of the judge. He's not committed. The brother of the Marshall who cleaned up the town, comes to Rose with a plan to get Harry riled up in front on the townsfolk.
Drought stricken farmers ask Gil for some horses. Gil tells them he can't spare any and one of the farmers decides to steal some horses.
Wish has a toothache. He and Rowdy ride into Blanton to see Gene Matson surgeon, dentist and undertaker. Wish and Rowdy get impounded for the jury of the murder trial of Matson. He is accused of killing Sean O'Riordan, the indian agent.
Wish has a toothache. He and Rowdy ride into Blanton to see Gene Matson surgeon, dentist and undertaker. Wish and Rowdy get impounded for the jury of the murder trial of Matson. He is accused of killing Sean O'Riordan, the indian agent.
The herd has been without water for a while and the men are getting desperate. The only one who knows where they can find water is Tasunka, an Indian working as a drover. The only problem is the water is located in Indian country and these Indians aren't being very friendly.
Favor wounds an oversized puma that killed a steer. The wounded puma kills the nine year-old son of Marguerite Colinas. She blames Favor. Ben Teague wants to marry Marguerite. Ben, Favor and Wish go after the puma. Ben sees Favor as competition for Marguerite. Favor has to keep one eye out for the puma and the other for Ben.
Pete has been gone two days. Rowdy has been out looking for him. Pete returns and says there is 80 to 100 Cheyenne ahead. Pete jumps Dagget, a man Favor hired Pete says he's a bounty hunter. Another bounty hunter teams up with Dagget. He shows him an $8000 reward for Nancy Curtis a girl captured by the Indians. Someone posts the reward poster on the chuck wagon. Favor checks on twelve missing steers. He meets Manso, Cheyenne chief whose come to pay for them. Manso leaves and is captured by Dagget. Favor has him released. Favor takes an arrow in the shoulder. He is taken to Manso's camp. There is blonde haired, fair skin Winoka. She shows Favor a locket with "NC" on it. Favor is determined to return her to her birth family. Manso says she is Cheyenne now.
A storm with lightning is making the herd nervous. The blue fire of St. Elmo appears on the horns of the steers. Hey Soos says if a stranger should appear, he stops and blesses himself, death will follow. A stranger, Lucky Markley rides in. A clap of thunder and the herd stampedes. Rowdy turns the herd. Lucky says he has thirty some head to sell. Favor says he can't use any scrub cattle, but he'll look at them. Favor says no. Lucky says there is about two dozen Commanches around. Hey Soos says Lucky is the devil. A brave kills a steer the demands Lucky's horse. The Commanches line the ridge. A young buck comes out to talk. He wants the killer of his brother, ten steers, sugar, rifles and tobacco. Lucky offers Favor to leave. He was killed in a stampede. Hey Soos pulls a knife on Lucky. Collins takes over the fight. Rowdy tells Lucky to get out.
Rowdy and Gil come across a group of Mexican soldiers. The soldiers claim that Frank Volaro, one of the hands, is the son of a revolutionary leader and demand that he be handed over to them.
Professor Lismore and his daughter Mave have come to Texas from Boston to look for rumored Druid stones. Favor tells Jim Lark, who tried to force his intentions on Mave, to draw his pay in the morning. Lark and two other drovers hear the Professor speak figuratively about the value of finding the stones. The three draw their pay. They kidnap the Professor and Mave. They go about trying to force the Professor to disclose the location of the "treasure".
Favor, Rowdy and drover Lou Paris find themselves in the middle of a smallpox epidemic in Red River Station. The town's doctor wants to vaccinate the populous. The barber/dentist relies on acifidity bags, leeches and herb tea. Favor tries unsuccessfully to get vaccine from the army.
A posse gives up looking for two outlaws, Vance and his partner. They come upon the body of a lawyer ambushed by Indians. Vance decides to pose as Jonathan Williams, attorney at law.
An Easterner and his daughter are heading West when they have an accident. Pete Nolan and some friends help them out and they go on. Later, the girl mysteriously disappears.
After horse thieves hit the heard, the drive is at a standstill while Pete Nolan scouts for replacements.
The drovers try to keep as much distance as possible between the herd and a wagon load of nitroglycerin.
Pete Nolan attempts to take an astronomer's wife back home to an observatory in the middle of nowhere. When they arrive they are met by an Indian woman and a man who claims he is the astronomer.
When a horse stolen from the drovers is found next to the body of Gypsy prince, the Gypsies accuse the drovers of murder.
A man called Pagan talks the drovers into visiting a nearby trading post for liquor. When they return, the herd is gone.
Wishbone has grown tired of all the jokes about his cooking. He leaves the cattle drive for romance and to start a restaurant.
Hey Soos's mother, Rosa is branded a witch, and blamed for the lack of rain and an eclipse.
A series of murders occur after four men join the cattle drive. The murders all have one thing in common - a steer appears after each death with the word "murder" branded on it.
Anton Zwahlen is burying his wife Freida. He asks to travel with the herd for a couple of days. He offers to clean and oil everyone's guns and instead sabotages them by filing down all the firing pins. Part of a plan by Anton's relatives to rustle the cattle.
Jeannie watches from a distance as John Taggert kills her father Henry and leaves. An ex-con comes and takes Henry's clothes and catches Jeannie. He passes himself off as Henry and his little girl, Carie who doesn't speak.
A pair of newlyweds from Boston joins the cattle drive after their wagon is washed away in a flash flood.
Rowdy is sent to buy some cattle to replace those lost during the drive. He finds some but they are owned by an Englishman, Sir Richard Ashley, who doesn't want to sell them. Ashley's daughter however, promises to work out a deal.
Favor and a calvary detachment lead by Sargeant Matson swear if they did not know better would think they were under attack from a military unit.
Favor gets knocked off his horse and knocked out. Mitla finds him and care for him until he wakes. Favor is grateful and joins Mitla in his search for Julia Garcia, a girl said to possess magical powers.
An ailing Favor asks John Cord to take over the herd. He heads them to Dragoon Crossing where the Bates boys demanded tribute when he brought his herd through.
Jeff Barkley catches a stranger in the camp, a boy of about twelve. He wings Jeff. They track the boys footprints. Seven or eight men tried to steal the ramuda. Favor finds the boy. He was traveling with some horsetraders led by Nick Mesa. Favor takes the boy back to Mesa. He doesn't want the boy back. Joey Gardner is looking for his Pa.
Mrs. Bradley pulls a gun on Victor Laurier and wants to know where her husband is. She knows he isn't dead. Victor was in charge of a POW camp. At the end of the war Victor says he sent 27 union soldiers and three guards, one his son east, but they never reached their destination. Mrs. Bradley got a letter from her husband four years after he was supposed to have died.
Ralph Bartlet asks Favor to return $250 to a stage line he held up and to check on his first love.
Wishbone finds an Indian left to die in a cave, and rescues him.
The Poco Tiempo bank has been robbed. Rowdy and Quince are suspects and are taken to two nuns to be identified. They say they are not the men. Two desperadoes are holding Father Sebastian until the nuns deliver the money to Blainesville.
Harkness Musgrove's mother is coming to take him home to operate his father's barber shop. Mushy asks to be a drover and Favor says yes. Mom's stage gets held up and she slaps the bandana off one of the highwaymen. Another stage chases them off.
Rowdy chases after a buffalo soldier who has killed another soldier and has taken off on his horse.
Ben Foley resorts to murder to hide the fact the cattle he is selling to Favor are diseased. Frank Pierce accidentily shot Ben's wife years ago.
There's a new drover who has just spent five years in an army hospital and is addicted to morphine.
The drive has reached Sedalia but there is a bank scare and no buyers. Favor must deal with bitter Emma Caldwell to graze the herd.
The drovers celebrate the end of the drive. Rowdy is mistaken for another man.
Favor returns to Philadelphia to see his two daughters. Another passenger is Ogala, Chief of the Pawnee. He is going to be in a wild west show.
The men are gathering for the next drive. A stray horse is tied up. Favor is arrested for horse stealing. The sheriff's wife is having an affair, with Cronin who reported the horse stolen.
Jubal Wade has 1600 head on this drive and demands to be trail boss and says he'll keep Favor's crew if he stays on as ramrod.
Frank Miller is a herd cutter getting on in years with a nineteen year old son. Quince chases a rustler off, but is arrested himself.
Dan Fletcher returns to his Ma and brother,Cal, whose home just burned. Cal thinks Frank Travis is trying to run them off. Frank's daughter Flora has had Cal courting her for a year, but she likes Danny.
Ruthann Harper and Richard Goffage are taking 200 head of cattle to Australia. Ruthann has a questionable past.
Paul Evans is confined to a wheelchair. His wife is preparing to run away with Paul's brother. Pete gets stuck in the middle.
Favor and Rowdy come upon a ballet in the middle of nowhere. A search for a pass and water leads to villians looking for gold.
Jayhawkers try to charge Favor for water and a toll to cross the river, on indian territory. Captain Brian Donohoe follows the orders of Judge Brady. Mary, the judges daughter is married to Brian and doesn't like it.
Billy Manson, his mom and sister Laurie are on the way to meet their aunt, who is to take them back east. Two bounty hunters shadow them, hoping to find Clete their wanted father.
Rowdy is handcuffed to a deputy that says he has to warn Camp Henly. The deputy is shot and Rowdy is arrested for murder.
Partners of Thad Clemens are holding Favor's herd until they're paid the $15,000 that Thad swindled them out of. Baxter Springs Cattleman's Association will not help Favor.
Partners of Thad Clemens are holding Favor's herd until they're paid the $15,000 that Thad swindled them out of. Baxter Springs Cattleman's Association will not help Favor.
Sky Blackstorm sends a message to the River City sheriff with Mushy. He's coming tomorrow at sun up for his son Danny.
Judge Akins tells Favor he has 750 head of Mrs. North's cattle. Lewis, Mrs. North's lawyer, says the cattle that Wesley Adams turned over to Favor, were Mrs. North's and were to be delivered to the army.
Sidney Proctor, along with Joe Stapp, are robbing his father's bank as a joke. The night watchman, Simpson, wakes up. Joe clunks him. Sid thinks they're bringing the money back in three days.
Rowdy and Hey Soos are robbed by Antonio Marcos. He is leading a revolution against the Texas land grant. Rowdy meets his Dad, who ran out on him and his Ma.
The drovers are beating the scrub for strays. Favor finds wagon remains and twelve graves.
An overbearing Favor leads to many drovers quitting. Five replacements stir trouble.
Quince gets a letter. He needs a couple of days off. Jim, Pete, Rowdy and Hey Soos go to Hando Seco. Casey the bartender knocks their drinks out of their hands when he finds out they rode in with Jim. Jim asks Judge Matt Quince how's his niece Joanna. She wants help running away. She's in love with Brad Lyons. He has a murder warrant on his head.
Indians stampede the herd. The sheriff says it's a 100 Cheyenne headed for Mexico. Pete picks up their trail. Pete asks Rowdy not to tell Favor right away. Little Hawk, the Chief, is the father of Pete's dead wife.
Craddock and Clay Forrester plot to steal the herd. Shelia Brewster is running away from her army fiancee.
Favor asks sheepherder, Tod Stone, to let the herd pass his flock. He won't. They take the herd over the ridge to the next valley. Tod takes a shortcut and beats them. Rowdy and Collins scatter the flock, and Tod scatters the herd. Rowdy fights Tod. Tod falls on his scaling knife. Favor tells Rowdy he's taking Tod and his flock to Twin Hat.
Favor finds a circus that is lost. Pascal, the owner and clown, beats his wife, Jenny, who wants to run away with Dario, the other half of her high wire act.
Gilmore tells Favor there's a panic brewing back east. He needs to cut ten days off the drive. Gilmore says don't tell the drovers about the panic. Tom Gwynn ,a fishbreeder, is sick with fever. He's taking shad to California to claim a $10,000 prize.
No one believes Nolan when he tells them about the Indians running around in strange costumes. That is until a beautiful actress stumbles into camp and tells them about an Indian attack on her theatrical wagon. The men are delighted until they learn she was once a Yankee spy.
Favor gets caught between Lord Ashton, hunting the white buffalo and Buffalo Bob Driscoll. Ashton entrusts Woolsey, his valet, to Favor.
Mushy tells Wishbone he saw Santa Claus (Mr. Bateman) in the middle of August, in the middle of Texas. He's lost, exhausted and keels over. He, his wife Mag, and their nine year old boy, Danny, are on their way to New York. Danny won't last till Christmas.
Martha Hastings is running a way station for outlaws. Rowdy, Pete and Wish are hired as census takers.
Nora Holloway is ambitious for her Captain husband to advance. She resorts to lying and really causes problems.
The drovers discover peddler Mendel J. Sorkin trying to drive a small herd of cattle all by himself. Mendel wants to sell the herd in a nearby town and use the money to return to his native country.
Pete and Rowdy find a whole herd of good looking women heading to Fort Worth to get married.
The drover are stopped by fence at Vance Caldwell's ranch and are told they will have to wait until he returns to get permissin to pass. But the fence isn't Favor's only problem, his daughters are about to join him on the trail.
The Indians want to trade six soldiers they hold for their Chief. Favor is commissioned as a captain to make the exchange.
Ada Randolph offers the town $300,000 if they find her dead son, a convicted murderer innocent, and run the sheriff out of town.
Rowdy, Wishbone and Clay deliver 300 head of cattle to Agee's ranch but Agee isn't there. He's off on his honeymoon and Rowdy decides to ride out and try to find him. On the way he meets a little old 'grandma'.
When Frank is killed by Indians, a collection is taken for his family. Clay suggests a poker game to run it up.
A thirteen year old Indian is going to Fort Lacey to see his sister. The commandant hates all Indians. He and his wife Azuela have a son.
Quince, Clay and Wish are captured and told by Count Ulrich they are his property and will work on his manor house.
Mushy's cousin asks him to take her sister to his mom, to get her out of the saloons. She doesn't want to go and eventually all the men get involved.
A wagon falls on Harve. Rowdy and Favor go for a doctor. Dr. Daniel Pearson, a quack, says he's the only doctor in town. Mrs. James directs them to Dr. Louise Amadon.
Pete is leading Lieutenant Matthew Perry to his father, General Augustus Perry, who is bring 500 head of cattle for the Indians. The son of Pete's friend Grey Hawk, Wild Horse, has escaped and is raiding.
A deaf mute delivers a letter for Rowdy at the camp. Rowdy picks up a guy, Kilo, whose wagon was stolen. They make camp for the night and in the morning, Kilo and the horses are gone. Rowdy walks to a house and when he enters he is taken prisoner by Mackie and five other people. Someone shoots at Rowdy from outside the house. The six are being held prisoner in the house.
Hosea Brewer has been prospecting Lost Mine ten years after everyone has left. The thought of gold and his three daughters attract the drovers.
Favor wants to fatten the herd for a week. Another herd is three to five days behind. The trail boss is Ben Wade and all the drovers are old. Charlie Holt , owners representative, comes onto Helen Wade, and vice versa. Two of Wade's cattle have Texas Tick.
The herd finally arrives in Abilene, the end of a long, hard drive. While most of the drovers plan to spend their pay painting the town, Favor has a few other ideas. He is going to buy some land and get out of the cattle business. Don Grenfell also has been told to quit due to a bad back. The drovers are all quarantined at Oddity House due to small pox.
A new man joins the drovers and Rowdy recognizes him as John Shepard, a former Confederate who was a POW along with Rowdy. Clay says he knows the man but as Rankin, a boundy hunter. Tensions are high as the men wonder who he is after.
Frank Trask enters the Curtis' at night through a window. He's hungry and takes a picture of a woman. Raymond Curtis hears a noise and checks it outs. Trask knocks him out. Marion, the woman in the picture, "sees" Trask leave.
A man has been following the drive for days and the men are getting edgy. The man finally rides into camp, says he is Simon Royce and says he is just looking for a job.
Sam Hargas finds a half baked, half starved greenhorn, Ben Whitney IV. His horse stepped in a chuck hole. He's heir of a very wealthy family.
Favor and Clay are witnesses at a the wedding of Amy Gault and Frank Louden. Gus Marsdon provokes Frank into shooting Amy's brother Carl. Tom Gault, Amy's father, sends Ben Kerran after them. Frank and Tom claim the same 100,000 acres.
Favor finds a woman, Lissa Hobson, and her baby, barely alive. She says her husband was killed in a wagon accident.
Rowdy, Quince and Clay help out three soldiers being attacked by by a small band of Comanches. The Indians flee but soon return with reinforcements.
When the herd is threatened by a large pack of wolves, Rowdy hires wolfers Abner Cannon and his children.
When one of the drovers, Sam Garrett is injured on the trail, Rowdy takes him to a nearby town called Sugar Creek. But the town doctor refuses to treat him and Sam may die.
Rowdy gets drugged in a bar with Shelia, the bar owner's girl and wakes up married to her.
Gil's old friend, Lije Crowning, has had his ranch foreclosed on by the bank. Lije wants to take his thirty head with the drive to Colorado.
Monty Fox comes stumbling up to the night camp playing the concertina, saying he's found the promised land. He says he's found Quivera, Coronado's golden city. He says he'll share with those who help him against those who chased him out.
When Rowdy buys eighteen cattle for the next drive he has to contend with a young would be drover with a crooked leg and banditos.
Favor and Rowdy see two Cheyenne. They are watching a hearse wagon. It's owner, Pomeroy K. Tollliver (Poke) surrenders to Favor thinking they're a posse. The wagon is broken. Favor will have the wagon fixed and Poke can ride to Rock City with the herd.
Gil Favor offers his old trail boss, Harry Maxton a job. Harry takes the job but doesn't tell Gil that a doctor has just told him he is going blind.
The drive stops near High Divide for a welcome break but then they find out Lola's saloon is watering the booze and cheating the drovers. On top of that, the supplies Wishbone bought are bad.
Thomas and the men of the wagon train are ready to string up Scout Josh Green for killing Thomas's boy. Josh is a mountain man lost in the modern world.
Gil stands by his old friend Jack Jennings. Jack's a gunfighter who has decided to turn over a new leaf. But Sam Talbot recognizes him and forces him into a showdown. Jack is forced to defend himself and he kills Sam. But Sam's brother is the most powerful man in town and wants revenge.
Rowdy's ex-commanding officer, Captain Cabot convenes a make shift courts-martial for him in a ghost town. He and some of Rowdy's old army buddies believes that Rowdy's betrayed their attempted escape from a Union prison camp.
In Cottonwood, at the Pair-A-Dice Saloon, Qunice gets in a fight with Major Courtney. Jim swears he'll kill him.
In Calvin, Miss Abigail owns The Silver Slipper Salon, a very posh saloon. There Rowdy sees the picture of the dead war hero, Gil Favor, Abigail's husband.
The new man is a dead ringer for the man Rowdy shot in a Wells Fargo holdup.
Sisters Benaventura and Teresa cut Maria Jose Chappela off an indian torture rack.
Morris G. Stevens, a failed actor, toured the world as a clown. Now a philologist he wants to create a Comanche dictionary.
A gypsy tells Wish's fortune he draws the death card three times.
Rowdy buys three white children from the Arapahos that have been raised by the Apache.
Favor and Hey Soos rescue Domingo, Lt. Carter and the Butlers from a runaway stage. The make to a stage station and fight off indians.
Don Francisco Maldonaldo sentences Favor and Rowdy to die for the death of his son.
Burt Harvey is accused of cowardice at Gettysburg by his new father-in-law.
Favor tells Rowdy to let Lou Bowdart drive the herd up the San Marcos trail.
Joseph, a Comanche, is hired after returning the remuda. Colonel Macklin and Sergeant Grogan are accompanying the herd as far as Waycross.
Rose Cornelius and her ten brothers have fenced off the trail Favor needs to cross to get the herd to water.
Jagger is fished out of the river with leg irons on. His story doesn't match that of Matt Harger.
Rowdy rescues nester Higgins from being used for target practice and gets involved in his fight to stay on his farm.
In return for crossing her land to water, E.J. Farragut wants Favor to hire her grandson Billy.
Wish volunteers Rowdy to fight Jeremiah O'Neal for money. O'Neal gives the fight away and Rowdy wins $50. The losers are ready to tar and feather O'Neal. Rowdy helps him escape. O'Neal has a cross made by the indians for the Spaniards. He speaks of a lost mine.
The drovers have a Saturday off for the first time in a long time. To wake up the dead town. Rowdy and his friend Rabbit shoot at a schoolhouse bell. A bullet ricochets and kills Jud Hilton. His brother, Brother William, a tetched self proclaimed minister, puts a curse on them and say they can't outrun death.
Elwood P. Gilroy and his assistant Crystal Simpson steal the ownership papers for the herd, and sell the herd to Orville Tippet at a large loss. Elwood ditches Crystal. Rowdy and Crystal follow Elwood to bring him back to justice.
Carlock has been tracking an African lion for four years. Favor hires him to get the lion. Mushy wants to be a hunter.
When Mushy wins $1500 from saloon-owner Lorelie Mears, his troubles begin.
After Rowdy tells Hey Soos to let a wild stallion go, Hey Soos tries to saddle it again. It bolts knocking Rowdy down and injuring his back. The remuda is stampeded. Out collecting the horses Hey Soos sees the stallion. He tries to lasso it. He is knocked of his horse by a limb and rolls down a hill into a stream. He awakes with his clothes drying overhead. He is in a kimona and a geisha kneels nearby.
The drovers find a young white woman dressed as an indian, babbling.
Three brothers think Wish is their sister's intended.
Wish nearly falls off the high trail and awakes blind.
Rowdy and Quince come across a wee lass, with four huge Scottish bulls and a wagon of heirlooms.
While helping the Army deliver cattle to an Apache tribe, Favor, Wishbone and Quince run into a band of renegade Indians determined to stop them.
An old "friend" of Wish's tells him he is a wanted man for a murder in New Orleans thirteen years ago.
Michob, a peddler, comes out of a rain storm, bone dry. Things begin to go wrong and he is labeled a jinx.
Favor goes to Zebulon, Johnny Larkin is taken by a group of masked riders and charged with a woman's death. When Favor is horse whipped he is determined to find out the identity of the major, the head of the regulator.
The herd needs to get through Hourglass pass where the army is preparing to blast for a dam. Favor's hometown friend is married to the Post Adjutant. When she kills an officer, she lies to get Favor convicted of the murder.
Favor is pushing hard to outrun hoof and mouth disease just as he had seven years earlier. Pan an ex-circus performer searches for a lady he heard singing eleven years earlier.
An old friend of Favor's, a banker, backs him into a corner and is allowed to take over as trail boss, while Favor runs his bank.
Rowdy's old acquaintance, Louise Temple is on the run for killing a sheriff. She ran the Temple Of Gold gambling hall.
Sam Turner steals Rowdy's horse. Sam is an escapee from the army guardhouse, charges with breaking and running in the face of fire. Rowdy's horse goes lame. Rowdy catches Sam and offers him a job. Captain Coulter and his men rush into camp and arrests Sam. Favor says things don't add up and comes to his defense.
Hey Soos is captured by a small secretive tribe of Indians, and forced to drink peyote liquid. An indian girl helps him escape. The new drover, Mister Brothers was a missionary and tried to convert this tribe. They came to believe if they crucified white men they dead ancestors would come back to life.
When Fred Grant slugs Favor he hits him back. Fred falls, hitting his head against a fencepost, and dies. There is an inquest. Favor has to deal with the widow and her three kids.
A cattle baron has lost everything and has filed bankruptcy. He decides to get the money he needs to rebuild his ranch by stealing money from the bank.
Favor loses the whole herd except nine, taking a shortcut thru Devil's Patch Quilt trying to beat another herd in. He must face Mr. Teisner of the cattleman's association.
Mushy is swindled out of the wagons and the remuda. He is fired, kidnapped by gypsies, sold into slavery and rescued by his new girlfriend.
Gurd Canliss, an aging hired gun, has Don Miguel as his next target. Gurd's wife Augusta and Favor try to stop it.
Jonathan Damon is building the C&L Railroad. His crew has quit due to lack of pay. The store says no more credit. Goldie, his girl, and the three girls in her act are leaving. He needs to dig up 20 men. Favor shows up with 2400 cattle and 28 men. Damon tricks the drovers into signing work contracts and having Favor arrested for abducting Goldie.
Damon has Favor's crew believing the railroad is the future. Favor escapes and goes to his crew, who want to be railroaders. Favor gets Quince to send a false telegram that Damon's payroll arrived a week ago. Favor tells Damon's old crew. They go for a showdown with Damon.
Sam Jefferson aids Rowdy after his horse takes a spill. Sam is a wanted man. He asks Rowdy to turn him in and give the $5000 to his wife.
A photograher leads an unsuspecting Rowdy into a den of thieves.
Gil Favor's cattlemen arrive at a town after a long,hard cattle drive and find that the town isn't receptive to cattle drivers.
Favor and another trail boss are forced to go to meet Rian Powers. Powers has assembled a group of outlaws. He has a plan to take over the beef industry, buy scaring off legitimate buyers so the trail bosses must sell to his men at low prices.
Pop Stark promotes gunfights for profit. Billy his latest boy just lost. Carl Hatcher loaned Pop money. His brothers are coming to collect. Pop arranges a gunfight between Rowdy and Austin Ware, a professional gunfighter.
Seventy year old Josh Breeden's pride won't let him admit he's too old to be a drover. He blames Favor for all his problems.
On his way to Fort Mason Rowdy is chased by indians. Rowdy testified against Captain George Ballinger at his trial, even though they are friends. He asks Rowdy to stay until he is hung.
Sheriff Royal K. Shaw plans are making a name for himself by delivering popular Robin Hoodesque outlaw, Reed McClulley. He ties up with the herd. Reed's little brother rallies the farmers to free Reed.
Clete Bonner and his grandson Will, posing as Jonas and Duke Williams, join the drive, to see if Will's Dad, Adam, is suitable to take Will. Adam, known as Cable now, is scheming with two others to steal 1500 head and sell to the army.
Mace and Gorman the new drovers have more than cows on thier minds. Mace shows Favor a reward poster for $10,000 for a white girl captured by the Apaches. Rowdy visits the grave of his sister killed the the indians. Rowdy refuses to sell twelve head to Yuma, the Apache chief.
Favor and Pete recommend to Kurtz, who has been traveling with the herd with his daughter, a shortcut to the San Luis crossing. Lt. Whitley gets a message to warn the ranchers of Comanches. Winter soldier, Hap Johnson deserts. He trades his army gear for cheap indian trading goods at Watson's. He asks Watson, Wish's name. Hap strides into camp telling Wish he is his old friend from Nachodoches. Favor won't hire Hap. Hap has overheard Kurtz has money. He rides after them and takes them on a "shortcut" up into the hills. The lieutenant arrests Watson, Favor and Hey Soos for having army goods. Rowdy and Quince go after Hap. They find him with Kurtz. Rowdy sends Quince to get the army and the drover.
Wish buries Tod Murdoch, his friend, who 500 head he is to take to tie up with Favor's herd at horsehead crossing. Tod's foreman Jerry and Milt and Pitts plan to steal the cattle once they get the ownership paper from Wish. Wish has hidden it plain sight. He won't tell where and they try to beat it out of him.
Major Cantwell can't wait to retire from the army. He was demoted from colonel for "irregularities in records". He says the charge was unfounded. He steals the $32,000 camp payroll and wraps it in a package. He asks Favor to mail it for him. Kaster, the major's aid, drummed out for drinking, sees Favor take the package. Cantwell's replacement arrives and says his demotion was reversed and he's being promoted to brigadier general. He goes after Favor and the package. Kaster steals the package from favor's saddle bag.
Tom Cowan lost an arm in the war. He had a friend in the hospital write his wife, Jenny, that he died. Tom reluctantly returns to his hometown when the herd needs salt. Sam Butler, the banker, made a deal with Tom when he was caught robbing the bank. Tom enlisted under Sam's son's name, Will. Tom is shot by the sheriff and brought into town. Sam wants him snuck out. Will tells Jenny the whole story.
Rowdy's ex-commanding officer, Jeff McKeever, is part of a band of confederates not willing to admit the war is over. They have stolen $50,000. Wish shoots one of them in the holdup, Decker. Decker stumbles into Favor's camp with the strongbox and dies. McKeever posing as a deputy sheriff along with Jim Newton come for the money. Wish recognizes McKeever as one of the robbers. Newton escapes. The rebel leader Colonel Reed, poisons steers, shoots one of Favor's men, poison the water hole, stampedes the herd with blasting powder, and captures Hey Soos in an attempt to get Favor to give up the money and McKeever.
Wish is tired of trail cooking. He quits the drive and befriends a mother and her three boys. She is married to an abusive drunk, Fred Harmon who beats her. At the hotel, Fred tries to beat Wish to within an inch of his life. Mrs. Harmon shoots her husband. Wish takes the blame. Charlie Peg the hotel clerk knows the Mrs. did it and blackmails Wish.
Emma Teall and her sister Betsy are following the herd. Ryan an his forty buffalo hunters won't let the herd through to needed grazing, until he pens the buffalo up. Rowdy gives him three days. Wish tells Mushy to take two calves and kill them. Emma relieves Mushy of the calves. He says there may be three more later. Wish reports the milk cows are gone. They followed the calves to Emma's camp. The drovers tip over her wagon. Emma fires a warning shot. Billy Wallace a buffalo hunter calls on Betsy and gets rough with a protesting Emma.
The spring that feeds a creek, has been dammed by Dr. John Merritt and his friend Phinn Harper and their men. They are looking for the remains of a 200 year old Spanish expedition, and their treasure chest. Merritt has three to four months to live and has nothing to leave his wife and kids. He quit practicing medicine, but is teaching Phinn. The cattle need the water.
Favor and Mushy are driving six prize bulls toward the American border in Mexico. A band of Mexicans tell Favor they are looking for El Hombre Bravo. General Velasquez's men rope a drive steer and search the wagons for El Hombre Bravo. Favor and Mushy meet Pajarito, a school teacher and eight orphans heading to a mission north of the border. Pajarito wrote pamphlets for the revolutionaries and signed them El Hombre Bravo.
Favor brings five of his men, sick from either food or water, into a ghost town to the Gray Rock Hotel. Lottie was on the way to Fort McCloud when her horse went lame. Favor asks Lottie to help care for the five. Favor sends Quince to Gold Ridge for a doctor. Four guys are looking for Lottie. She tries to create dissension among the drovers. Lottie tells Favor she is on the run. Mushy defends Lottie from Marty's advances. Quince falls off his horse. The four find him. Lottie asks Favor to teach her to use a gun.
Morgan Kane and his son Jethro hang two drifters who killed his son, Vance. Morgan kills Peters and seriously wounds Ian who tried to stop it. Rowdy takes Ian to Regis for medical attention. He tries unsuccessfully to get the law to investigate Peter's killing. Sheriff Blaine says the drifters broke Vance's neck. Blaine is blackmailing Jethro. The coroner's inquest finds the Kane's innocent. Rowdy tells Morgan he's taking him and his son to Wichita for a fair trial.
Rowdy and his men are caught in the middle of an evil plot when a killer decides to go to all ends to keep a stallion worth a lot of money.
Mr. Fletcher offers Rowdy $6,000 to get 1500 head to Bent Fork in six weeks or less. There is a penalty of $30 for each head that doesn't make it. Lash Whitcomb, one of Fletcher's men is going along as Segundo (#2 man). Lash and Rowdy disagree on which trail to take. Rowdy checks his out. It leads to a box canyon. Rowdy's horse hits a chuckhole and he is thrown and breaks some ribs. Rowdy tells Lash to take over. Ten miles and three days from Bent Fork, Sheriff John Keeley, says there is a sixty day quarantine on Texas cattle.
A mine cave-in traps Quince and Simon. New drover Ed says he's found some blasting gel and guncotton. He and his buddy Jerry will blow them out for $500. It is a perilous journey hauling the unstable gel to the mine in a rickety old wagon.
Rowdy enlists the aid of eight Indians who have been trailing the herd to get to the Little Red River. Their leader, Yellow Sun, looks white. The drovers, particularly Wish doesn't like it. The other Indians, particularly Quadero doesn't like it.
Rowdy is held for ransom by a family of crooked horse traders. Quince, Jed, Wish and Simon try to dicker unsuccessfully. The family is led by Ma Gufler. Her two sons are Jesse and dim-witted Max. They prepare to hang Rowdy. Jed rides in to talk things over.
Colonel Emilio Vasquez "buys" 200 head from Quince, Jed and Simon in Mexico. Jed goes to town to see if the pesos are worth anything. The gringo who runs the town says they're just paper. Emilio's wife, Maria, was left behind and is in the bar. Emilio sneaks into town and kills the gringo, but doesn't get Maria. Jed escapes with Maria. Jed and Emilio argue over the terms of her return.
Rowdy must convince a young widow to allow the herd on her land to protect it from a norther. She is involved in the suffragette movement. The saloon owner will do anything to stop women from getting the vote. The drovers are allowed to vote if they stick around. The saloon owner buys their votes, but Rowdy has second thoughts.
Jed is being pursued by Marshal Hanson Dickson, a well known lawman. Dickson claims Jed Is James Carothers wanted dead of alive for murder in Missouri. Jed says he was cleared of the charge.
The new drover, a young southern gentleman, Roman Bedford, has incurred the wrath of the ranch foreman they're picking up cattle from. Roman has paid attention to the ranch owner's daughter, with whom the foreman has intentions. The ranch owner has kept hidden his past from his daughter.
Major Buford who fought for the south ties his herd in with Rowdy's. He does this so he can cross Duke Aberdeen's land. Duke was a POW in a Confederate prison, and won't let Buford cattle cross his land. The major's son Court hates anything Yankee. Union forces burned the Buford mansion in Virginia, and soon after Mrs. Buford died. Duke sends out phoney stock inspectors that claim many of the cattle are someone else's.
An army lieutenant requisitions 100 prime steers and only offers a piece of paper in return. He pulls a gun and Rowdy wings him. Reinforcements come demanding the 100 head. Rowdy goes forty miles to the fort and the major says he can't pay him.
Rowdy hires Jonas Bolt to guide the herd to and across the river. Rowdy finds Jonas drunk and fires him. The saloon owner tries to trick Rowdy out of a 1000 head using Jonas.