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en 1 / 6 / O 25 0
19. 04. 14
en 1 / 5 / O 25 0
19. 04. 14
en 2 / 6 / O 14 0
19. 04. 14
Plakat filma Pressa (2007).


ID l9I
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti drama
Države Iceland
Jeziki is
External links omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Pilot.


Detective Casey Shraeger is a New York City vice cop who gets transfered into the homicide branch of the 2nd Unit, which is a "special unit" of detectives investigating crime and corruption in the city after one of the 2nd Unit detectives is found murdered. She is called in as his replacement to find out if the late detective was dirty. Casey begins to find out some interesting facts about her new co-workers, one of whom includes Det. Walsh, whose partner was the victim.

Plakat epizode Boorland Day.

Boorland Day

Plakat epizode One Man Band.

One Man Band

Plakat epizode Crime Slut.

Crime Slut

Plakat epizode The Circle Line.

The Circle Line

Plakat epizode The Tape Delay.

The Tape Delay

Plakat epizode The Dentist.

The Dentist

Plakat epizode The Apology Line.

The Apology Line

Plakat epizode The E.I.D..

The E.I.D.