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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004).


Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti comedy, family
Države USA, Germany
Jeziki en es nl pt
Trajanje 22 min
External links imdb , omdb
Plakat epizode Guide to: First Day & Lockers.

Guide to: First Day & Lockers

Ned gives tips for surviving the first day of middle school. Ned and Cookie discover that they are not taking art with Moze. They scheme to change electives, even though Moze wants to go solo so she can find a new friend that's a girl. In "Lockers" Ned discovers his new locker neighbor is Timmy Toot Toot. Timmy pants blasts are too much for Ned and he searches for a new locker. Cookie needs to get to gym on time or he's going to flunk. Moze decorates her locker to attract new friends, but ends up in competition with Suzie Crabgrass.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Bathrooms & Project Partners.

Guide to: Bathrooms & Project Partners

Bathrooms: Cookie needs to use the bathroom but tries to hold it. Moze puts Ned's name on the wall and a mystery girl kisses it. Ned and Gordy try to find out who has a crush on Ned. Cookie ends up trapped and must be rescued. Project Partners: Moze must choose a partner for Social Studies. Ned and Cookie's baby is kidnapped.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Teachers & Detentions.

Guide to: Teachers & Detentions

Teachers: Ned clashes with Mr. Sweeney, Moze has a new student teacher in math. Cookie is distracted by the beautiful Ms. Enstile. Detentions. Ned, Cookie and Moze are sent to detention.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Seating & Tryouts.

Guide to: Seating & Tryouts

Seating: Ned and Cookie to figure out how to sit at the cool table. Moze changes when she moves to the front of Science class. Gordy Helps Cookie create the ultimate bus bounce. Tryouts: Ned tries to ascend to the basketball team while Moze goes out for volleyball, basketball, track... Cookie tumbles into cheerleading.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Crushes & Dances.

Guide to: Crushes & Dances

Crushes: Ned has a crush on Suzie and Cookie has developed a "perfect match" computer program. Coconut Head follows Moze. Dances: Ned wants to dance with Suzie. Moze has dance tips of her own while Cookie waits for super-model Martika.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Sick Days & Spelling Bee.

Guide to: Sick Days & Spelling Bee

Sick Days: Ned must stay healthy when the flu hits Polk Middle School and he finds out Mat Hoffman is coming to visit. Cookie tries to keep his perfect attendance record in tact while Moze tries to get sick and miss her speech in Social Studies. Spelling Bee: Cookie is the only one with a chance to beat the dreaded Killer Bees. Moze copes with sitting by Mr. Gross.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Rumors & Photo Day.

Guide to: Rumors & Photo Day

Rumors: Ned and Moze find out there's a rumor that they are dating. Cookie hatches a plan to find out if the "atomic flush" would really work. Photo Day: Ned promises to help Moze smile for her photo. Cookie tries to get the perfect school photo.

Plakat epizode Guide to: School Elections & Talent Show.

Guide to: School Elections & Talent Show

School Elections: Ned doesn't want to run for class president because it's a popularity contest. Moze and Cookie think he'd be great. Talent Show: Ned and Cookie creat "Talentpalooza" when kids are excluded from the school talent show. Moze must decide which of her many talents would be good for the show.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Computer Lab & Backpacks.

Guide to: Computer Lab & Backpacks

Computer Lab: Ned, Moze and Cookie are banned from the computer lab. Cookie learns about life away from technology thanks to Lisa Zemo. Ned and Moze disguise themselves to get back in the lab. Backpack: Ned needs a new backpack, Moze loses her's and Cookie creates the "bodypack" so he doesn't need a backpack.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Notes & Best Friends.

Guide to: Notes & Best Friends

Notes: Bitsy has Ned pass a note and Sweeney catches him, now he must pay. Cookie finds joy in forging notes. Best Friends: Moz continues her search for a new best friend and ends up joining the Huge Crew. The Killer Bees recruit Cookie which puts Ned and Cookie's friendship to the test.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Day Dreaming & Gym.

Guide to: Day Dreaming & Gym

Daydreams: Ned daydreams in Science class. Sweeney challenges the class to answer a riddle before they can go to lunch. Fairly Odd Parents lend Ned a hand, along with super agent Moze and Tech Wizard Cookie. Gym: Moze and Ned spar in martial arts and Ned gets thrown for a loop. Cookie must pass Derga's gym requirements.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Cheaters & Bullies.

Guide to: Cheaters & Bullies

Cheaters: Ned must decide if he's going to cheat on a test. Bitsy keeps copying Moze's work. Cookie develops a system for studying. Bullies: Loomer is looking for Ned and Cookie, they decide to make a stand. Moze and Claire start Peer Mediation to help with problems at school.

Plakat epizode Guide to: Emergency Drills & Late Bus.

Guide to: Emergency Drills & Late Bus

Emergency Drills: Ned decides to ask Suzie to a party, but emergency drills distract him. Gordy helps Cookie find a faster way out of school. Late Bus: Moze meets the perfect girl to be her friend while waiting for the late bus. Cookie takes kids on an after school tour. Loomer asks Ned to help him get Moze's attention.

Plakat epizode New Semester & Electives.

New Semester & Electives

Plakat epizode Pep Rallies & Lunch.

Pep Rallies & Lunch

Plakat epizode Video Projects & School Clubs.

Video Projects & School Clubs

Plakat epizode Math & Notebooks.

Math & Notebooks

Plakat epizode School Websites & Valentine's Day.

School Websites & Valentine's Day

Plakat epizode Mondays & Vice Principals.

Mondays & Vice Principals

Plakat epizode Guide to: Your Body & Procrastination.

Guide to: Your Body & Procrastination

Plakat epizode Guide to: Upperclassmen & Gross Biology Dissection.

Guide to: Upperclassmen & Gross Biology Dissection

Plakat epizode Guide to: Dares & Bad Habbits.

Guide to: Dares & Bad Habbits

Plakat epizode Guide to: Substitute Teachers & The New Kid.

Guide to: Substitute Teachers & The New Kid

Plakat epizode Guide to: Nicknames & Shyness.

Guide to: Nicknames & Shyness

Plakat epizode Guide to: Asking Someone Out & Recycling.

Guide to: Asking Someone Out & Recycling