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An untold number of asteroids have slammed into Earth over millions of years. Scientists are now monitoring the skies watching for the next 'big one', and considering options on how to prevent the next major impact.
National Geographic Naked Science presents "Super Volcano", the inside documentary of what might happen if the Yellowstone Caldera were to erupt one day. This documentary includes a Yellowstone timeline of past eruptions, how Yellowstone would affect the world, and what impact will it be for the U.S.
The science of earthquakes is examined in this episode. Archival footage highlights damage from the great 1906 quake in San Francisco, as well as 1964's deadly quake in Alaska. Despite efforts to 'quake-proof' bulidings, some simply don't survive; why this happens is explained. Also discussed are tsunamis, caused by undersea earthquakes, and the threat they pose to coasts worldwide. Efforts by scientists to predict earthquakes are also investigated.
The general belief is that Druids built the ancient circle of stones. Recent archeological discoveries and new technologies reveal Stonehenge to have been built long before Druids arrived. Did the technology to build such a structure exist 4000 years ago?
Several possible reasons for the Triangle's reputation as a danger zone are investigated. Scientists have discovered that the area's magnetic field has dropped considerably in the last 20 years. Could activity involving underwater volcanic vents be affecting the field and posing a threat to vessels? UFO's, as well as bizarre weather conditions, are also considered as possible explanations.
In 350 B.C. Plato wrote about an ancient civilization that disappeared in one day in a catastrophic event. Is the story simply a myth or have remains of a real Atlantis been discovered? This episode examines the city that Plato described and analyzes a four leading sites that present-day explorers believe could be the remains of the ancient city.
A mysterious crash in Roswell, NM during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens. Crop circles in Britain have only added fuel to the fire. Few scientists doubt that life indeed exists elsewhere, but some believe we're more likely to make contact via radio waves.
Some of the worst nature can offer is spawned from the skies above. Though their damage is concentrated, a tornado's strong winds can turn debris into deadly missiles. With hurricanes, a huge amount of energy is discharged over hundreds of miles causing widespread devastation. What are the precautions can we take to protect ourselves?
The story of human evolution traces the development of our species from our earliest ancestors through their mastery of tools and their environment. Through five million years, the essence of what it means to be human is analyzed.
Galeras, Fuego, St. Helens, Kilauea, Popocatepetl. These are names of currently active volcanoes. They all have the ability to end human life, destroy millions of dollars of property, and instill fear. Volcanoes are necessary to build mountains, create new geological features, and are, figuratively speaking, the veins of our planet. Despite the brilliance and vividness of volcanoes, there is an intensity that cannot be escaped. This intensity has caused the deaths of over 30,000 people in just the last two decades. That's why it's important for scientists to be able predict when a volcano will erupt. To get an idea as to what's happening beneath the surface, vocanologists measure the temperature and gas content of magma as it rises in underground chambers, as well as changes in the movement of the nearby surface. Their goal is to recognize all the predictable signs of an eruption and, like a jigsaw puzzle, put them all together into predictions that are accurate.
The real Star Trek discovers the challenges humankind will have to overcome to journey to distant stars. One day we may face no choice but to leave Earth—forced by an ice age, pollution or a meteorite to find a new home elsewhere in the galaxy.
Two centuries of science has changed the bullet from a basic round ball into a highly-specialized form of ammunition. The advancements that have made modern-day bullets so efficient and deadly are examined.
Ever since the tragedy on December 2004 when huge waves pummeled the coastline of the Indian Ocean, people have been left with three questions: how, why, and what can we do to prevent it from happening again. The first is simple enough. However, the other two require more thought and initiative. The reasons may never be fully understood, but as human beings we have the ability to minimize or possibly even prevent the loss of human life should this merciless disaster ever strike again. Naked Science investigate what exactly the governments of the world are doing to get warnings out to people within hours, days, possibly weeks before one happens again. Scientists worldwide are for the first time working together to develop an understanding of the circumstances that take place to create tsunamis and consider what it takes to prevent the loss of human life and property.
Naked Science examines evidence that has survived over 4 billion years to answer questions that have plagued scientists and philosophers alike, such as: why we are here, what caused our planet to come to existence, what caused the diversity of life and natural spectacles available on this pristine ecosystem we call earth, and what exactly does it take to support human life. Via direct and indirect evidence and interviews with many of the best minds of science, Naked Science aims to not only answer these questions, but answer the questions that drive the human spirit.
Unlike many other natural disasters, landslides offer no real advance warning. Often triggered by heavy rainfall, landslides pose a danger to those who live in areas where humans have altered the local geography. In addition to video taken of landslides in progress, this episode highlights efforts being made to protect motorists from rocks and boulders falling onto roadways.
Are there actually strange creatures swimming in Loch Ness? This episode examines the photographic evidence and the many high tech attemps to gain proof of Nessie's existence. Using computers, the famous photos and films are analyzed and the results are less than convincing.
Why do so many people claim to have been visited or abducted by aliens? Are these sightings mere hallucinations or something more? Experts interviewed consider most to have been concocted by the brain operating in a culture awash in UFO images and folklore. Studies show that dreams can be triggered by something as simple as electromagnetic waves. But if aliens want to contact us, how can they do this? One way is through radio waves. SETI investigators scan the skies searching for a signal from intelligent life form. Perhaps beings more advanced have discovered how to manipulate time and space to find shortcuts to overcome the barrier of distance between locations in the universe. Or maybe they have sent tiny robots to investigate our planet.
The moon's effect on Earth has been considerable. It's gravitational pull may have made life on our planet possible. In more modern times, some think it affects our behavior. Still others think it causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Naked Science investigates the perplexing science behind human sexual attraction. To solve the mystery of sexuality Naked Science explores all aspects of attraction such as the beating pulse, sweaty palms, hormone extravaganza, and nervousness.
It generates heat and sustains life on our planet. But like humans, the sun has a limited lifespan. As our star ages, it will become hotter and expand, evaporating all of our oceans and killing all life on planet Earth. Don't panic yet--we have a few billion years before this happens.
As odd as sounds, global warming may be rushing the planet into the next ice-age. The Big Freeze could come with no warning, resulting in a massive extinction of species and changing life on Earth. Is the next cold snap nearer than we think?
Before you label it "modern technology", you might want to check your history books. 2000 years ago the Romans developed much of what makes modern urban life possible and comfortable. Their achievemnts range from flowing clean water to the bikini.
In over 200 years of study, scientists are still unsure of what stimulates a lightning strike. One current theory suggests that cosmic rays could be the trigger. The odd phenomenon of ball lightning is examined, as well as recently discovered sprites that emanate upward from clouds and into the middle atmosphere.
The last great unexplored territory on Earth lies in the depths of the planet's oceans. The bottom of the sea is home to explosive volcanoes and massive earthquakes generating tsunamis that cause massive destruction along the coasts. These extreme depths are inhabited by large and long-lived creatures, many still unknown to science.
Explosives have gone from gunpowder to the A-bomb in relatively short order. The future may lie in the stuff of science-fiction: anti-matter. Scientists are currently at work on this even more powerful and deadly explosive force.
In the space of 500 years, eighteen of these huge monuments were built. Focusing more on the "who" than the "how" of their construction, forensic anthropology learns that it wasn't slaves that built the pyramids, as originally thought. The facilities that housed the workers have been unearthed, giving a clearer picture of the mammoth project that was pyramid building.
All of the Earth's landmasses were once clumped together, forming one giant "supercontinent" known as Pangea. Slowly, it was torn apart, broken up into the modern day continents. Those same forces are still at work beneath the planet's surface, moving the continents and constantly reshaping our planet as they collide, buckle, and rise up to form new mountain ranges. Looking ahead hundreds of millions of years, the Earth will look nothing like the one we know today, the continents having reshaped the surface completely.
Our universe, the galaxies, the solar system, our home planet earth - land, sea, air, life - where did they all come from? American astronomer Edwin Hubble believes that our universe was once very tiny. Is this true? Join NGC as Naked Science takes a journey through space and time to discover how the universe was born, how it created everything in our world and how eventually it will die.
Some dearly departed have had their bodies put into a deep freeze, hoping one day medicine will have a cure for what ailed them. Critics consider the use of cryonics to bring back the dead a fool-hearty idea. It's an unproven science that faces many obstacles to success, especially in the formation of ice crystals that damage the body's cells. Cameras follow cryonicists to document the processes they employ in prepping a body for freezing. On the more practical side, scientists are making real progress in preserving individual organs for later transplantation into sick individuals.
Since the advent of DNA analysis, many of the traditional forensic techniques have been shown to have a questionable scientific basis. This episode examines several long-trusted methods, including fire and firearm investigations, and tests to see how they hold up.
Incredible heat was needed to turn sand in an Egypt desert into yellow-green glass. Searching for clues as to what could generate such heat, scientists first looked at the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia; the wide-spread destruction is believed to have been caused by an exploding asteroid. Viewing the 1994 collision of a comet with Jupiter provided scientists with answers. The huge fireball that it generated was validation of their theory that an asteriod impact some 30,000 ago could easily have turned an Earth desert into glass.
Dominant life forms have been wiped out before as our planet has a history of mass extinctions. A huge asteroid impact is credited with the passing of the dinosaurs, but what caused the others? This hour examines three of the major extinctions in the Earth's history and the possibily of another occurring.
Earthlings may one day develop the technology to visit other planets, but could we survive their hostile environments? This hour examines the extreme surface conditions of the planets within our solar system, as well as some that lie beyond.
For well over a century, critics have charged that Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species can't possibly explain the development of life on our planet. They counter with the belief in "Intelligent Design". This hour seeks to put science to the test to see how wrong, or right, Darwin was.
Naked Science reports on the chilling evidence that many of the world's mountain glaciers are melting at a faster rate than any time in the past 150 years. A veteran Artic and ice sheet expert in Greenland explains how the melting rate of the ice affects the rate of sea levels rising in the future. And the episode explains the devastation of that impact on the world.
Why do mountains have a triangular shape? How much rain must fall to start a river? How does one grain of sand become an entire dune? Join NGC as we show you how our Amazing Planet is sculpted. But hold on tight, because this is no ordinary view. Our timemachine will sling shot you back to the formation of Earth's first continent, and then propel you through billions of years of geologic evolution to see the Earth as we know it today.
Human evolution is believed to have begun some six million years ago. Despite the passage of so much time, the amount of diversity among the DNA of all humans is minuscule. Some 75-thousand years ago, something apocalyptic occurred that left relative few humans alive to carry on the species. The cause of this "bottleneck" is now believed to have been a massive volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Scientists are only now starting to unravel the secrets of comets. Often referred to as dirty snowballs, they contain ice and elements from the very start of the universe. Some theorize that a comet, crashing into our planet, brought with it the organic material that started life on Earth. Spacecraft continues to offer new information on their makeup, from bringing back samples from a comet's tail to direct contact when a NASA-launched craft slammed into the comet Tempel-1.
It has long been said that the first Americans were hunters who arrived on the continent some 13,500 years ago via the Bering land bridge. This idea is now being challenged by scientists using modern, high-tech forensics to arrive at a new conclusion; the first residents may have arrived thousands of years earlier and had a more developed grasp of engineering that we had thought possible.
In the face of deadly radiation, raging sun-storms and monstrous asteroids, robot space probes are opening up a whole new frontier of exploration for humankind. Probes are our eyes and ears in space, showing us the universe up close and helping science solve some of the greatest mysteries. Now, NGC ventures millions of miles away to show two of the most ambitious probe missions to the planet Mars and Saturn's moon, Titan, in hope of answering: is there life elsewhere in our solar system?
Scientists monitoring global warming predict further melting of the polar icecaps. The effects of a rising sea level on the world's coastlines is investigated.
Scientists have long thought that dinosaurs were hurled toward extention after a huge meteor collided with Earth. Now, some theorize that a meteor impact may have given rise to the huge creatures.
Some 3.9 billion years ago, our solar system was assaulted by a gigantic asteroid storm. This episode examines how life on our planet survived and the chances of another such attack occurring.
Millions live in lakeside towns, enjoying the scenery and recreational activities the water provides. Unfortunately, danger lurks beneath the surface of many of these seemingly harmless bodies of water. This episode examines several of the lakes in the United States considered to be potentially dangerous, including those of Yellowstone and Mount Ranier.
With advanced technology in their hands, astronomers and scientists may now be capable of detecting extraterrestrial life in the universe. In fact, some think the proof may be found in as little as a decade. Astronomers involved in the effort, including those at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), discuss the possibilities and the likely spots for finding life outside of Earth.