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His Divine Shadow rules The Cluster with dark powers and an impenetrable bureaucracy. As fate would have it, four unlikely heroes are thrown together to wreak havoc on The Cluster: Zev, a strong willed but hideously ugly orphan transformed into a sexy love-slave; 790, a Zev-obsessed robot head; Kai, a poet-warrior transformed into an empty headed assassin by His Divine Shadow; and Stanley H. Tweedle, a bumbling Class 4 Security Guard.
In the hopes of extending Kai's un-life, Zev decides they should go to the original home of the Brunnen-G. The only thing they find when they get there are holographic messages left by the "Poet Man" (Tim Curry).
Out of energy, the Lexx is forced to land on a planet to replenish its energy supply. Zev and Stan bury the apparently dead Kai, before they discover a lost outpost seemingly occupied by lunatics led by a manic Rutger Hauer.
Kai is running out of protoblood, and a desperate Zev forces Stan to set course back to the Cluster through the fractal core. When they arrive they find they entire planet barren - everybody killed in "the cleansing", in preparation of the birth of the Gigashadow.