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After two years in one spot Sarah Connor feels the need to move on before they get too comfortable. They move to a new city where John starts school and meets a mysterious girl. However, danger strikes, and Sarah and John are caught in another struggle for their survival. Can they possibly overcome the overwhelming odds they face and fight for the spirit of humanity?
Sarah contacts an old friend to acquire new aliases for herself and John. In the meanwhile, John leaves to meet Sarah's ex-boyfriend, and Cameron manages to find herself a new friend. Also, FBI Agent Ellison discovers that Sarah is alive and that one of his enemies is back.
Sarah visits Miles Dyson's widow to find the creator of Skynet. Sarah is lead to a man named Andy Goode, who used to work with Dyson, and is building a chess-playing computer named "The Turk." John and Cameron try their best to fit in on their first day at a new high school.
While searching for some stolen cargo, John becomes separated from Sarah and Cameron. Meanwhile, Agent Ellison's murder investigation leads him to a surprising suspect. Can John prove himself as the great military leader he is supposed to be and stop SkyNet's plans?
Sarah reevaluates the capabilities of her friend Andy's computer after he enters it in a chess competition. During the competition, Sarah meets a stranger with a history similar to hers. Meanwhile, Agent Ellison finds remnants from a past terminator battle. Can Sarah make the right decision to stop the future war...or has the decision already been made for her?
The stranger from last week, fighting for his life and flashing in and out of consciousness, recalls his future life battling the machines in 2027. Meanwhile, Sarah tries to explain the past to Charlie.
Sarah breaks into Agent Ellison's apartment and discovers a file on her from her time at the mental hospital, leading her to Dr. Silberman, a doomsday convert. Meanwhile Cameron signs up for a ballet class and John finds out why his mom escaped the mental hospital. Can Sarah stop the seemingly unstoppable chain of events that endanger the life of her son and the future of mankind?
Derek finds the brain chip from Vick that Cameron had kept. John builds an interface for it and they discover a computerized traffic system is important to Skynet. Sarah decides it must be sabotaged. Meanwhile, Cromartie is checking through school records in search of John. Can John, against all odds, strike down the beginnings of SkyNet and change his fate as the future leader of mankind?
Sarah finds herself in a business transaction with a mysterious business man. Meanwhile, Cromartie closes in on John and Agent Ellison discovers a nemesis at the agency. However, events seem to spin out of control yet again. Will Sarah manage to stop the future war against SkyNet while protecting the life of her son?
After the Jeep explosion, John's 16th birthday makes him confront the fact that he's destined to be alone. Meanwhile, after Cromartie's massacre, Agent Ellison must face off against both the Feds and his faith.
Cameron and Sarah take the initiative to investigate a nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, John loses interest in academics, but makes a new friend and chafes at being treated like a child.
Derek and Sarah must outwit Cromartie after he kidnaps Charley's wife, and they must weigh the consequences in rescuing her. Meanwhile, John finds himself unable to choose between Cameron and Riley.
Cameron has a software glitch and loses her memory, causing her to leave the Connors. She is taken in by a homeless kid named Jody, who ends up at a halfway house with her. Meanwhile, Agent Ellison meets with Catherine Weaver to talk about his future with Zeira Corp.
John and Derek protect a future member of the resistance at a military academy, and Weaver gives Ellison his first assignment.
Sarah, John, and Cameron track down another name on their list. Meanwhile, Derek gets a visitor from his past.
The Connors get robbed, which puts them on high alert. Meanwhile, one Terminator gets very close to John, while another Terminator terrorizes Agent Ellison.
John and Riley face some fatal aftermath on their trip to Mexico. Sarah and Ellison finally meet up.
Sarah experiences deja vu when she has disturbing nightmares, meaning trouble for Sarah and John. Derek and Jesse look into a Skynet collaborator.
Sarah catches up with the Turk. Jesse faces some problems in her plans. Ellison has a surprise meeting with someone powerful through Weaver.
A Terminator sent to the wrong time causes catastrophic results changing history.
Sarah and Cameron attempt to save a family whose fate links in with Derek in the future. Jesse fights for her life.
Sarah's continued obsession with the three dots leads her to a blogger with intimate knowledge of the symbol. Meanwhile, Riley and Cameron face off.
Sarah gains strength from images of Kyle Reese, John's father, while she's hurt. Weaver attempts to save John Henry.
Sarah, John, Cameron and Derek go in search of clues connected to a factory that has been torn down. Weaver sends a man to the same place to look for survivors.
Sarah is forced to seek help from nightmares at a clinic. She tries to figure out Skynet's next move.
Cameron creates danger for all with her flaws. Riley fears her secret is out.
Jesse leaves Serrano Point in 2027 for a new mission aboard a nuclear submarine. Sarah and John suspect Cameron in the death of Riley. Ellison and Weaver must play a game with John Henry to find the missing Savannah.
Jesse's mission takes a turn for the worst, which results in unexpected consequences for Sarah, John, and Derek. Meanwhile, Sarah deals with Cameron and John makes a very important decision.
Sarah hides John with Charley Dixon, the only person she thinks she can trust. Meanwhile, Derek struggles to work together with Cameron, and someone compromises John Henry, putting Catherine Weaver's efforts at risk.
John is one step closer to catching Weaver while on his mission to rescue Skynet's latest target. Sarah and Ellison's reunion causes a change in their plan. Weaver discovers Ellison's secret.
The Connors and Weaver face an epic battle that will change everyone's fortunes.