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Astronaut John Crichton's "Farscape-1" space module is swallowed by a wormhole and spat out on the other side of the universe into the middle of a space battle. Taken on board "Moya", a huge bio-mechanoid living ship, desperately trying to escape Peacekeeper captivity. On board Moya is a group of alien fugitives trying to escape from the ruthless Peacekeepers, a local military regime. While managing to escape the immediate threat, John Crichton forms friendships with the prisoners and continues to look for a way home. But later a race of beings called, "The Ancients" implanted knowledge about the power of wormholes in his mind and this knowledge makes him a wanted man throught the Uncharted Territories. Now, John and his crewmates are on the run from ruthless alien races that want his knowledge so they can make wormhole weapons to take over the universe. Despite all that happens to him, despite his friendships and relationships with the crew, at the end of the day he wants to get home to Earth. This 2-hour TV pilot was later divided into episodes 1 and 3 of Farscape the series.
Moya's crew tries to relax on planet. A device unexpectedly reacts with Stark, and they get sent back in time. The crew must figure a way to get history back on course. This is not a typical sci-fi time travel episode. They're actions in the past have repercussions, and puts Farscape in a class all by itself.
D'Argo injures Crichton, as Crichton lies in a coma/near death, he escapes into a highly animated world. It's Farscape, Chuck Jones/Loony Tunes style. Meanwhile D'Argo's actions create a crisis on Moya, which could destroy the Leviathan