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Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is dead. King Robert Baratheon plans to ask his oldest friend, Eddard Stark, to take Jon's place. Across the sea, Viserys Targaryen plans to wed his sister to a nomadic warlord in exchange for an army.
Arya reveals her identity to Gendry on the road north while Gold Cloaks pursue the party. Tyrion is far from happy with Cersei after the recent bloody actions in the capital. One of Dany's scouts returns with bad news. Theon Greyjoy finally returns home to his his father Balon after years as a Stark ward and hostage. Stannis' right hand man, Davos, enlists a pirate with a fleet of ships to join Stannis' cause.
Tyrion tries to find allies with the promises of marriage. Cat, as Robb's envoy, tries to forge an alliance with King Renly, who has his own plans. Bran has strange dreams that Maester Luwin tries to help him understand.
Joffrey is far from happy with Robb's success on the field and takes it out on Sansa, while Tyrion and Bronn try to find ways to counter his cruelty. Cat tries to get Stannis and Renly to unite against the Lannisters while Dany finally finds a way out of the desert and arrives at the gates of a great city. Tyrion finds help among the queen's servants while Arya and Gendry find themselves in Harrenhal with Ser Gregor, the Mountain That Rides, in charge of the place. Davos, being an ex-smuggler, has to use his old skills to help Melisandre reach a special place.
Cat has to flee and Littlefinger act quickly after the Baratheon brothers' enmity comes to an end. At the capital, Tyrion finds out about Joffrey's defensive plans as well as about some secret weapon that could be used to defend the city against attack. Theon starts his quest to prove to his father that he is Ironborn and not a Stark lackey. In Harrenhal, Arya finds help from a surprising source while north of the Wall, the Night's Watch make a stand against the wildlings at an ancient fortress, the Fist of the First Men.
Arya gets a surprise visit while Dany makes some vows. Joffrey encounters his subjects, and Jon is given a chance to prove his worth.
Jaime has some surprising company in his prison. Theon goes hunting near Winterfell while Dany is given an invitation to a special place. Sansa wakes to a horror and gets guidance from a surprising source, and Jon Snow has his vows questioned in the wild.
Theon receives a guest while Arya asks Jaqen to pay his debt to her. Stannis and Davos are getting closer to their goal while betrayal befalls Robb.
Stannis finally begins his assault on King's Landing and Tyrion and the Lannisters must fight for their lives on the Blackwater Rush.
The aftermath of the Battle of the Blackwater sees the winner reward his followers while Tyrion finds himself in a strange situation. In Winterfell, Maester Luwin has some final advice for Theon. In the Riverlands, Jaqen H'ghar gives Arya a gift, and Dany visits a wondrous place in Qarth. Beyond the Wall, Jon Snow pleases Qhorin with his actions.
Jon is brought before Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, while the Night's Watch survivors retreat south. In King's Landing, Tyrion asks for his reward. Littlefinger offers Sansa a way out.
The fate of Jon Snow is revealed. Daenerys is brought before Khal Moro. Tyrion gets used to living in Meereen. Ramsay sends his dogs after Theon and Sansa. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes make their move. Cersei mourns for Myrcella.
Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven. Tommen meets with Cersei. Tyrion makes a bold move. Theon leaves while at Pyke new issues arise. Ramsay's brother is born. Davos asks Melisandre for a miracle.
Daenerys arrives at Vaes Dothrak. Sam and Gilly sail for Horn Hill. Arya trains as No One. Varys finds information on the Sons of the Harpy. Ramsay receives a gift. Tommen meets with the High Sparrow. At Castle Black, a miracle occurs.
Sansa arrives at Castle Black. Tyrion makes a deal with the Slave Masters. Jorah and Daario sneak into Vaes Dothrak. Ramsay sends a letter to Jon. Theon arrives at Pyke. Cersei and Olenna Tyrell plot against the High Sparrow.
Sansa and Jon make plans. Arya is given another chance to prove herself. Jorah confesses a secret to Daenerys. Tyrion meets with a Red Priestess. Yara finds her rule tested. Bran discovers the origin of the White Walkers.
Bran and Meera find a new ally. Gilly meets Sam's family. Arya makes a difficult choice. The Lannisters and Tyrells march against the High Sparrow.