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Plakat filma Fallen (2007).


Tip vnosa Mini serija
Zvrsti adventure
Države USA
Jeziki en
External links imdb , omdb
Plakat epizode The Beginning.

The Beginning

Orphaned since birth, Aaron Corbett has finally found a loving and supportive home life on a farm. On his 18th birthday, just when his world is finally coming together, a series of dark visions disturb his sleep, and he develops a confusing array of supernatural talents. An Angel reveals the truth of his mysterious origins: He is a Nephilim, the child of a fallen Angel and a human mother. But he is not just any Nephilim; Aaron is the Redeemer, the embodiment of a prophecy that has tantalized Fallen Angels for millennia. Like all Nephilim, however, he is marked for death by a group of fierce warrior Angels called the Powers.

Plakat epizode The Journey.

The Journey

Aaron survives, but he has to leave his adopted home. Traveling the country with his guardian Angel, he helps dozens of the Fallen return to Heaven. But the Powers are still trying to kill him. After he meets a sinister professor who knows way too much, Aaron finds and frees a beautiful Nephilim from the clutches of a dangerous secret society known as The Order. Meanwhile, far, far away, an unseen entity sends a charismatic Angel named Azazel on a mission to lure the Redeemer to a meeting. Azazel tracks Aaron down and convinces him to meet the Light Bringer, who he says will answer all of Aaron's questions. Azazel sets about protecting Aaron from harm—but whose side is he really on?

Plakat epizode The Destiny.

The Destiny

With Azazel in their corner, Aaron and his pretty Nephilim friend are no longer vulnerable to the Powers or to the Order. But they may be more vulnerable than ever. As the trio progress to their rendez-vous with the Light Bringer, all the Angels on Earth join forces to stop them. They're not just trying to stop Azazel—they're working to thwart the evil that he serves. Will Aaron be strong enough to resist the greatest temptation of all?