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Plakat filma Battlestar Galactica (1978).


ID vn8
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti sci-fi, action, adventure
Države USA
Jeziki en
Trajanje 60 min
External links wikipedia , omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Saga of a Star World (1).

Saga of a Star World (1)

Lured by the gracious Sire Uri, half the fleet lands on the planet Carillon, unaware they are being set up for a Cylon attack.

Plakat epizode Saga of a Star World (2).

Saga of a Star World (2)

Plakat epizode Saga of a Star World (3).

Saga of a Star World (3)

Plakat epizode Lost Planet of the Gods (1).

Lost Planet of the Gods (1)

Female pilots step into the breach when an unknown virus strikes down the Viper Corps, leaving only Starbuck and Apollo untouched.

Plakat epizode Lost Planet of the Gods (2).

Lost Planet of the Gods (2)

In search of a clue to the location of Earth, the fleet follows a mysterious pulsating star to Kobol, the lost planet of the gods. There Count Baltar, leader of the Cylons, launches his attack — thwarting Adama and killing Serina, Apollo's fiancee.

Plakat epizode The Lost Warrior.

The Lost Warrior

A marooned Apollo must defend homesteaders against "Red Eye," a malfunctioning Cylon gunslinger who thinks the local cattle baron is his "Imperious Leader."

Plakat epizode The Long Patrol.

The Long Patrol

While testing out a new ultrafast spaceship, Starbuck loses the ship to a crafty renegade and suddenly finds himself marooned and imprisoned on a mysterious planet where the prisoners serve terms for the crimes of their ancestors.

Plakat epizode Gun on Ice Planet Zero (1).

Gun on Ice Planet Zero (1)

Convicts and clones join forces with Galactica personnel to disable a tremendous Cylon pulsar cannon that threatens the Galactica from an icy world.

Plakat epizode Gun on Ice Planet Zero (2).

Gun on Ice Planet Zero (2)

Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and their polar demolition team lead a desperate attempt to destroy the Cylon cannon.

Plakat epizode The Magnificent Warriors.

The Magnificent Warriors

On a mission to secure food for the fleet, Starbuck is tricked into becoming sheriff on an agro colony — a job complicated by marauding, swinelike aliens known as the Borays, and an amourous Siress with her eye on Adama.

Plakat epizode The Young Lords.

The Young Lords

Starbuck is marooned on a world where the Cylons have wiped out most of the adult population, leaving tribes of children in charge. He must lead them in a daring raid to free their father from the Cylons.

Plakat epizode The Living Legend (1).

The Living Legend (1)

A year has elapsed since the Galactica began the voyage of the fugitive Colonial Fleet on their quest for the mythical planet Earth, and fleet wide supplies of fuel are now critically low, to the point where the civilian fleet must shut down ship thrusters and coast through space. Patrolling well ahead of the Fleet, Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck come under fire - but after a prolonged pursuit their attackers turn out to be Colonial Vipers! These Vipers are flown by Lieutenants Sheba and Bojay, ace pilots from the battlestar Pegasus, a battlestar thought destroyed two years earlier in the Cylon empire's conquest of the allied human world Molecay. Apollo and Starbuck are flown to the Pegasus and meet its legendary commander, Cain. Eventually the Pegasus reaches a rendezvous with the Galactica and Cain, greeted as a conquering hero for returning from the dead as well as for returning Apollo and Starbuck alive and well, informs Commander Adama about Gomoray, the capital planet of the empire of Delphia, a civilization that has been utterly exterminated by the Cylons. Gomoray is now a Cylon outer capital and contains a vast store of Tylium fuel that will restock the Fleet perfectly, but Cain is more concerned with using the Galactica to help him conquer the planet, an attack plan Adama adamantly vetoes because two battlestars cannot conquer the heavily-armed Gomoray garrison, and it will expose the civilian fleet to Cylon base stars. Cain accedes to a plan to intercept and capture a pair of Cylon Tylium tankers for the civilian fleet, but insists that a squadron from the Pegasus be involved. The reason why becomes evident when the combined phalanx from the Galactica and Pegasus finds the two tankers and take on its escorting force of Cylon Raiders - while Apollo leads the fight against the Cylons, Cain uses that as cover to blast both tankers out of the universe, thus forcing the Galactica to go along with an invasion of Gomoray to capture its fuel stocks. Adama, however, orders some of the Pegasus' fuel supply siphoned off and transfered to the civilian fleet, and forces Cain to confess to sabotaging the tanker mission; Cain is thus relieved of all command and Colonel Tigh placed in command of the Pegasus. This leads to a confrontation between Galactica officers led by Apollo and Pegasus officers led by Sheba, Cain's daughter, and Bojay - a confrontation aborted when a gigantic armada of Cylon Raiders under the personal command of Baltar finds the Flet and attacks the Galactica, landing telling fire into the Galactica's port flight bay and strafing civilian ships throughout the fleet, overwhelming the Galactica's badly outnumbered Viper phalanx. But the besieged Galactica has one last trump to play, as Cain is immediately reinstalled as commander of the Pegasus.......

Plakat epizode The Living Legend (2).

The Living Legend (2)

Surrounded by Cylon warships, Commander Adama reluctantly joins forces with the foolhardy Cain in a desperate surprise counterattack.

Plakat epizode Fire in Space.

Fire in Space

The Cylon's attack and set Galactica on fire. Adama is injured and may die. Boomer, Athena and Boxey along with others are trapped in the rejuvenation center by the fire. It looks like Galactica will be destroyed by the fire. Apollo, Boomer and Sheba attempt to put out the fire with a special setup on their Viper's but fail. Muffy is sent to get help through the air ducts by Boxey after Boomer hot wires a door allowing more time for the survivors in the lounge to await rescue (air ducts do not have bulkheads like the compartments!). In a last ditch effort Apollo and Starbuck place es on the outside of the Galactica which blow out the outside walls letting the air escape into space putting out the fire. Boomer, Athena and company are saved by Muffy who brings back air masks so they can breath - though how their bodies survive decompression to space is not specified. Adama has surgery and recovers. Galactica is saved and no one important dies.

Plakat epizode The War of the Gods (1).

The War of the Gods (1)

While Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba search for missing pilots, they find the mysterious Count Iblis. Charismatic and gifted with mental powers, he entices the Galactica's people, including Sheba, with promises of a successful end to their search for Earth.

Plakat epizode War of the Gods (2).

War of the Gods (2)

At first thrilled that a mysterious stranger on board will lead them to Earth, the Galactica leaders discover their benefactor is the evil Prince of Darkness.

Plakat epizode The Man with Nine Lives.

The Man with Nine Lives

Film legend Fred Astaire plays Chameleon, a con-artist on the run from a group of humorless nomads, the Borillian Nomen. He masquerades as Starbuck's long-lost father — and may indeed be.

Plakat epizode Murder on the Rising Star.

Murder on the Rising Star

Starbuck is engaged in a game of triad (by Earth standards a mixture of basketball and football) and is consistently struck by hot-tempered bullying Flight Sergeant Ortega, whose low-blows to Starbuck finally result in a fight and ejection of both from the game. Starbuck nearly resumed the fight with Ortega but is stopped by Cassiopeia. Both men separate and after Ortega cleans up he is confronted - and found shot to death. Starbuck is seen rushing to the shuttle bay before Ortega's body is found - and when Starbuck's laser gun is tested it is found to be the murder weapon. Now incarcerated, Starbuck is at wit's end protesting his innocence and driven to force an escape. He boards his viper but is persuaded to stop by Apollo, and Apollo, checking on Ortega's background, learns that Ortega knew a man named Charybdis - who turns out to be the man who was Baltar's personal pilot and a co-conspirator whose sabotage of Inter-Colony Defense computer systems made possible the complete success of the Cylon attack on the Colonies. Apollo and Boomer learn that Ortega had blackmailed three men into boarding the Rising Star illegally during the Cylon attack, but the only way to smoke out the real traitor is to get the cooperation of Baltar, who proves to be the unlikeliest of heroes in saving Apollo and Starbuck.

Plakat epizode Greetings from Earth (1).

Greetings from Earth (1)

Apollo and Starbuck intercept a cryogenic sleeper ship they believe may be from Earth. The inhabitants say they're from a planet called Terra, and warn of the pursuit of the tyranical Eastern Alliance.

Plakat epizode Greetings From Earth (2).

Greetings From Earth (2)

Plakat epizode Baltar's Escape.

Baltar's Escape

The imprisoned Baltar leads a deadly revolt and takes hostages with the aid of the Borellian prisoners and the Alliance Enforcers.

Plakat epizode Experiment in Terra.

Experiment in Terra

The Beings of Light from "War of the Gods" enlist Apollo in an attempt to save Terra from nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Eastern Alliance.

Plakat epizode Take the Celestra.

Take the Celestra

Starbuck's rekindled romance with his old love Aurora takes a back seat when he and Apollo become embroiled in a life-or-death struggle for control of the battlestar Celestra, ruled by the iron-fisted Commander Kronus.

Plakat epizode The Hand of God.

The Hand of God

On a night off, Apollo takes Starbuck, Cassiopeia, and Sheba to one of the least-explored areas of the Galactica - the last of the ancient battlestar's astro-navigational domes, an area Apollo has been repairing in his spare time as relaxation and as an outlet for his passion for deep-star exploration. The dome's scanner is set for long-range communication, and to their surprise they receive a signal, an image of an ancient spacecraft similar to what the Colonies once flew. After showing the signal to Boomer and Commander Adama, they are sent on a long-range Viper patrol to a distant solar system on the transmission's line - and to their horror they discover a Cylon base star orbiting one of the system's planets in its search for the Colonial Fleet. They escape to the Galactica undetected, and Adama considers avoiding the system, but then decides that he's tired of running and begins preparation to attack the base star. Apollo recommends infiltrating the base star to cripple its centralized command chamber before the Galactica attacks, and to their surprise Adama is able to secure information from Baltar, who is allowed to barter knowledge of the Cylons in exchange for freedom, Adama willing to risk that Baltar will also see eventual rescue by the Cylons. The Galactica thus begins its most important mission yet as battle is joined between the ancient battlestar and her Viper fleet against the stronger Cylon raider phalanx of the base star.