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A family recovering from a mother's miscarriage, and a father's infidelities make the decision to move into a creepy home with a complicated history. The family is introduced to a handful of eccentric characters including a psychopathic teen patient of the father, a mysterious housekeeper who isn't what she seems, a former resident of the home who murdered his family, and a southern actress with a disturbed daughter.
While Ben returns to Boston to deal with a past mistake, Vivien and Violet must deal with danger within the house.
Ben receives a visitor who threatens to unhinge him completely. Meanwhile, Vivien investigates the house's original residents, and Constance and Moira confront each other over their shared secret.
A young teenage girl, Zoe Benson, accidentally kills her boyfriend with a genetic affliction that traces all the way back to the witches of the Salem witch trial. Zoe is taken against her will to a girl's school in New Orleans where she and others are to be trained in their gifts. However, the headmistress' mother, the Supreme, is seeking a way to maintain her youth and will go to any lengths to do so.
When Zoe cracks from the pressure, Fiona steps in to keep the local law authorities from connecting her and Madison to the bus incident. Meanwhile, Cordelia seeks a way to become pregnant, Delphine escapes the school, and Fiona meets with Marie.
Zoe tries to reunite the resurrected Kyle with his mother, but things don't go according to plan. Meanwhile, Fiona takes Madison under her wing when the Supreme learns that the girl is her successor, and Madison and Nan visit the new next-door neighbors.
On Halloween, Marie prepares to make the next attack in her war against the Coven, and the Council visits the school to investigate the disappearance of Madison, Fiona's successor. Meanwhile, Zoe tries to get through to a resurrected Kyle, and Hank gets up to no good while he's out of town.