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Poster for Land of the Giants (1968).


ID h4I
Entry type TV Series
Genres sci-fi
Countries USA
اللغات en
Duration 60 min
External links imdb , omdb
Poster for episode The Crash.

The Crash

The Spindrift, Suborbital Flight 612 NY to London, hits a space warp and crashes in a strange fog, apparently back on Earth. After pilots Steve and Dan are almost run over by a giant-sized car, they realize something is amiss. As they prepare to take off, they are picked up by a giant boy but manage to escape. With their power cells low, they land again. Fitzhugh, an embezzler tries to escape but loses his money to a giant cat. Valerie follows Steve and both are captured by a giant entymologist. Fitzhugh threatens Dan with a gun to force him to lift off, but Dan calls his bluff and he and Mark go after their captured comrades. Mark creates a diversion which gives Dan time to free the captives, and they escape. The rest of the passengers provide a distraction when the giant chases after them, but they escape in a sewer pipe into a junkyard, where they just manage to avoid a giant-sized dog.

Poster for episode Ghost Town.

Ghost Town

Chased by a giant tramp, Barry is knocked out by an electrical force field. When Fitzhugh and Valerie come back with the others, he is gone. They manage to get through the force field, which is turned back on behind them. They then find themselves in what seems to be an Earth-sized (i.e., normal for them) old-fashioned town that is mysteriously absent of people. They eventually realize that an eccentric old giant built the town based on papers he found in another Earth-plane that made it to this world. The eccentric insists they stay and enjoy his town, but his sadistic granddaughter enjoys terrorizing the Earthlings with gasoline, matches, and buckets of dirt. They eventually set part of the town on fire, and the granddaughter puts down the force field controller to put it out. Everyone but Mark and Steve make their escape, while those two try to escape in a toy car. They fail when the girl topples a building on them, but then her grandfather catches up to her and spanks her while Mark and Steve make their escape with the others.

Poster for episode Framed.


While in a park trying to recover the lens from a giant camera to power their solar batteries, Steve and Fitzhugh witness the photographer accidentally kill his model during a struggle. He spots them and they flee down a gopher hole, only for him to try to kill them with smoke. A hobo wanders by and puts out the fire, then passes out. The photographer frames him for the murder. For reasons best known to himelf, Steve tries to bring the real culprit to justice. He manages to snap a picture of the photographer planting evidence, then he and Valerie hide in the camera hoping to be taken to the photographer's darkroom where they can develop the picture. They end up in the darkroom eventually, and thanks to a distraction by the others manage to exit the camera just before the photographer removes the film and develops it himself. The photographer gets suspicious and calls the police to report "little people." The Earthlings grab the photo and when the police arrive, they put it out where they can see it, and they arrest the photographer for the murder. They fail to get the necessary camera lens, although in a touching moment the hobo leaves an old, useless box camera in the park for them.

Poster for episode Underground.


The Earthlings witness one man drop an envelope as he is shot by the police, and another elderly man try and find it. Then they receive a radio message from another Earth craft. Steve suspects a trap and plays it cautious, but Valerie and Fitzhugh go and get captured along with Steve by the elderly man, Professor Gorak. Gorak is in charge of an underground resistance, and the envelope has the coded names of the members. Holding Fitzhugh and Valerie hostage, he forces the others to try and break into the impregnable vault. The vent is blocked by debris, so Steve comes up with a plan to smuggle Fitzhugh in so he can open the box holding the letter and then destroy it. That plan goes awry as well when Fitzhugh is knocked unconscious. Using Fitzhugh's walkie-talkie, Dan and Steve distract the guards and get into the vault, but almost get captured. Gorak breaks in and shoots the guards while being shot and killed himself. The Earhtlings destroy the letter and escape.

Poster for episode Terror-Go-Round.


Barry and Fitzhugh are captured by a giant Gypsy child, who turns them over to his uncles Carlos and Luigi. The others try to rescue them, and all but Steve manage to get captured as well. He manages to convince Pepi, who realizes his uncle will kill the little people, to help him. Pepi calls the police as a distraction while Steve manages to free Mark and Barry from a giant pipe organ. They then create a giant balloon and using a fire as a distraction, manage to sail away.

Poster for episode The Flight Plan.

The Flight Plan

The Earthlings find another Earthling, an amnesiac who thinks his name is "Joe", on the run from two giants. They take him back to the Spindrift, although Steve isn't happy with the decision. Joe is dressed in a pilot's uniform, but is unable to remember anything about his past. Steve and Joe get recaptured by the same two giants and taken back to their lair, but manage to escape. The castaways are convinced of Joe's credentials since he helped Steve escape, but Steve is somewhat suspicious at the ease of their escape. Joe angrily defends himself then wanders off, and Betty goes to follow him...only to find out he is in league with the two giants. They have discovered a pill that shrinks giants down to human size, and plan to take the crew captive, learn how to fly the ship, and then take it back to Earth for its advanced technology. Betty is held prisoner, and Joe convinces the others he knows where some ion propellant is that they need to repair the ship. They get the isotope but Joe gets captured and the rest come back to rescue him. Joe, repenting of his evil ways, confronts his partners (who have captured everyone but Steve). Steve uses the explosive isotope to force the giants to release the others, and Joe takes it and holds his partners at bay long enough for the Earthlings to escape. The building blows up, leaving a dead, restored-to-normal-sized Joe.

Poster for episode Manhunt.


An escaped convict stumbles across the Spindrift and, as Steve, Mark and Fitzhugh look on, takes the ship and the remaining Earthlings with him. They try to follow, but can't keep up. As the convict takes refuge at a farmhouse, Mark converts the astrogator into a tracking device and the chase continues. The convict is forced to leave the farmhouse, still carrying the Spindrift, and stumbles into quicksand. The Earthlings try to help him, using his shirt to form a rope. The rope breaks, however, but Dan goes with the risky plan of "turning off the Beta Control" and overpowering the Spindrift out on its own. He succeeds, leaving the convict behind. Steve decides to rescue the convict as well, and uses what's left of the broken rope to attach it to the Spindrift, then let the convict pull himself out while powering up the ship again so he doesn't pull it back in. The plan succeeds, but the convict grabs the girls and Barry, puts them back in the Spindrift and takes off again. Out of gratitude he puts the Spindrift back where he found it, then gets captured by the pursuing guards. The others manage to get a dropped gun to the convict, who uses it to capture his pursuers and escape for good.

Poster for episode The Trap.

The Trap

After some encounters with giants, the Earthlings stumble upon a ticking clock with a radium dial. Mark thinks they can pillage the clock for repair parts and fuel. Unfortunately, two giant scientists are testing a sound detector. After getting only a small amount of radium, the Earthlings are forced to abandon the clock. Valerie and Betty get captured, and one of the giants interrogate them. The remainder of the group are force to choose between abandoning the two women, or using one of the ship's fuel cells to blow up the sound detector and create a diversion. The group decides to sacrifice the fuel cell (over Fitzhugh's complaints). Dan and Steve free the girls, but Mark is injured planting the explosive. Reluctantly, Fitzhugh comes to the rescue and, overcoming his qualms, blows up the fuel cell, allowing the rest to escape. Back at the camp, the group acknowledges Fitzhugh's efforts with a medal for heroism.

Poster for episode The Creed.

The Creed

On Barry's birthday he is stricken with a case of appendicitis. None of the Earthlings have medical training, so Steve will have to operate unskilled. They need ether, so they go to a nearby hospital only to be seen by a giant doctor. He insists on helping, in return for the Earthlings translating a medical book found from a previous crash. The hospital janitor spots them, but the little people drive him off with ether, so that they and the doctor can escape and rendezvous somewhere in the woods away from the campsite. While the police close in, Steve operates on Barry under the doctor's guidance. the operation is a success, and the doctor runs off to draw off the police since Barry can't be moved. He is shot and captured, and gives the police misleading directions to the Earthlings. Left behind in handcuffs, the little people thank the doctor as he relates his world's version of the Hippocratic Oath as his reason for helping them.

Poster for episode Double-Cross.


The Earthlings witness two escaping thieves dressed as aliens (??). One of them drops the charm bracelet he stole, knocking Fitzhugh out while the others escape. The thieves take Fitzhugh with them to help open a lock in a museum they want to steal a ruby from. Fitzhugh, stricken with amnesia, is a willing accomplice. Taking the name "The Professor" he is soon leading the motley gang of two. Barry tries to rescue him but Fitzhugh captures him while one of the thieves captures everyone else except Valerie. Barry is forced to open the lock while the others are held hostage. While the thieves break into the museum, the others engineer an escape past a hungry cat. They run off to the museum, and manage to help Barry alert the police. Returning to the thieves' hideout, they manage to pit the two against each other by hiding the stolen ruby. A fire starts and the Earthlings escape. The thieves are captured by the police, and a few good slaps restore Fitzhugh's memory.

Poster for episode The Weird World.

The Weird World

After the usual amount of scrambling against giant ravens and boys, the group finds a tape recorder with a message from a Major Kagan, a survivor of a previous crash. Sure enough, he soon sneaks up on the camp, steals a blanket, and takes Barry prisoner when the boy follows him to his gopher hole/hideout. Barry manages to escape and the others have followed his trail. They convince a paranoid Kagan they aren't in league with the giants, only to have Fitzhugh then turn around and try to convince Kagan the rest are in league with the giants. The rest eventually have to rescue Kagan. Convinced by their charitable actions, he leads them to the science center where his spaceship is being held. Kagan is unable to lead them in, paralyzed with the thought that this is where the rest of his crew somehow died. He has amnesia brought on by the shock. Everyone but Barry goes in to get the spaceship, but they are spotted before they can salvage any parts. Barry follows them and is caught in a giant spiderweb - the same one that caught Kagan's crew. Kagan gives his life to free Barry before the spider can eat the boy, and everyone heads back to camp.

Poster for episode The Golden Cage.

The Golden Cage

Steve and Mark spot an attractive Earth girl in a giant jar. Steve believes it is a trap, but Mark disagrees. Later, Mark returns and frees the girl as giants approach. They don't pursue Mark and the girl, who run off into the woods. The girl is named Marna and is the daughter of a Earth scentist Mark knew, who ended up on a space flight with his wife and daughter and ended up in the Land of the Giants. Marna was raised by the giants, and wants Mark to join her in her perfect life. Mark eventually goes into her miniature house, and discovers that Marna is essentially being used as a guinea pig. She gives him a gift: a giant diamond, and tells him to give it to the others. The diamond case has a tracking device, and its a trap for the giants to capture the rest of the Earthlings. Coming to his senses, Mark goes back to the others and they attach the transmitter to a giant turkey that Fitzhugh tried to capture for supper. It goes off, leading the giants on a wild goose chase, while Mark realizes Marna will never want to live a "free" life.

Poster for episode The Lost Ones.

The Lost Ones

Mark, Steve, and the women are taken prisoner by four kids who were on an under-privileged youth-flight that crashed on the planet. Paranoid from two years of being on the run (and apparently ot-nay oo-tay art-smay in the first place), they think the Spindrift crew are in league with the giants. The guys manage to break away, while one of the gang lead Valerie and Betty away. During the escape one of the gang gets locked in a giant trap box, and the gang's leader, Nick, threatens Valerie and Betty if the others don't help him free his brother. Valerie and Betty escape too, but the Earthlings decide to help on general principles. Meanwhile, Fitzhugh has been knocked out by eating a narcotic fruit, and is also captured. Finally Steve lets himself get captured so he and Nick can fight, distracting the giant trapper while the others slip more of the narcotic fruit into his coffee. He passes out, and they escape. At the end the gang, on good terms with the Spindrift crew, decides to go on its own way to look for its missing members who were captured by the giants.

Poster for episode Brainwash.


Fleeing the Giants, Steve and Fitzhugh escape into a sewer pipe and find a hidden Earthling-sized communications base. A previous Earth lost expedition left it behind before being captured. They summon Dan and Mark to the base, but Steve gets captured. The captain of security, Ashim, and his chief scientist Dr. Kraal know about the base, as they had captured the survivors of the last expedition (who all died during interrogation). Kraal has invented a truth foam that brainwashes anyone it is sprayed upon, and they use it first on a test prisoner, and then on Steve. The prisoner dies, and during the distraction Mark gets to Steve and wipes off the foam (which is only lethal from continued contact). Mark tells a zombiefied Steve to tell Ashim about a plan to blow up the building. When Ashim gets the info, he calls a security alert and Mark escapes with the zombie-fied Steve. They get back to the base, and the effects wear off. However, Fitzhugh gets captured and "foamed", and leads Ashim and Kraal to the base. A recovered Steve tries to blow up the base, leading to a fight with both Mark and Dan. He manages to throw the big red "destruct" lever, giving them two minutes. The two giants flood the base with foam. Trying to dig their way out, the Earthlings cave in the dirt beneath Ashim's feet, and ride his foot out to safety. The explosion kills the two giants, whose bodies protect the Earthlings.

Poster for episode The Bounty Hunter.

The Bounty Hunter

The Giants are putting up kinda cute posters of the Earthlings, which is viewed as a threat that will increase the danger toward them. Steve orders everyone to stop foraging for food and find metal to repair the ship posthaste. He and Mark find a tent where a giant and his daughter are camping, and spot a pistol. Steve ix-nays getting it despite Mark's insistence, so Mark goes back later and gets it anyway with a little prodding from Valerie. When Steve finds out, he goes to help Mark anyway, and they manage to haul it back to the ship. Meanwhile, Barry has befriended the daughter, who left him a cookie. When Valerie hears about it she goes to get it and is captured. After a daring rescue, with the daughter looking the other way, they set up the gun to fire. Fitzhugh grabs some bread crumbs the giant left out, unaware they're covered with a powder that covers his feet and leaves tracks. The giant follows the tracks to the Spindrift, and gets shot and badly wounded. When Mark declines to cut the man's throat, Betty and the others render first aid, only for her to be captured. The daughter convinces her father to let her go, and the father misdirects the park rangers away from the Earthlings in gratitude for their assistance.

Poster for episode On A Clear Day You Can See Earth.

On A Clear Day You Can See Earth

The Earthlings make the mistake of breaking into a scientist's home to get a lens to repair their solar battery. The scientist, Murtrah, is an odd duck who laughs maniacally and continually to the point of tedium. Worse, he has invented a pair of infra-red goggles with which he can spot the Earthlings at night. The little people escape temporarily, then go back to destroy the remaining goggles. Murtrah captures Steve, and the others go back to rescue him. This results in Fitzhugh getting captured as well. Steve apparently bluffs Murtrah by saying he can see Earth through the IR goggles, and that Mark can fix them. Fitzhugh is freed, along with a note from Steve giving orders to the others to blow up Murtrah and Steve rather then risk his invention becoming widespread. Once again, everyone pretty much ignores Steve's orders and try and rescue him anyway. The others rig the house to explode, then Mark goes into the house and tricks Murtrah into mixing a batch of chemicals that give off smoke. The others have locked the door, and they use the extra time to free Steve. They escape into the vents and detonate the explosives, killing Murtrah. At the end, Steve reveals that it was no bluff: he could see Earth.

Poster for episode Deadly Lodestone.

Deadly Lodestone

Mark and Steve run afoul of the Giants, who are using some kind of detector to home in on them. They soon realize that the head of the SID, Inspector Kobick, has a detector that can home in on "innella" metal, a substance unique to Earth. They quickly make the connection, but Kobick can still track them and Dan remembers that he has a bone pin made of the substance in his leg. They need Dr. Brulle (from "The Creed") to get it out, but he's in prison for life after the events of that preceding episode. They manage to dial him up through Kobick's office, claiming Kobick needs his experience. Brulle puts them in contact with Nurse Helg, but she is apparently in cahoots with Kobick to set the little people up. It's a triple-cross, however: to keep Brulle safe, Helg needed to convince Kobick they were both working with the Inspector. Kobick sets up a plan for Brulle to provide remote surgery instructions through a walkie-talkie, and then swoop in on Dan in the middle of surgery. While Steve and Brulle fake going through the operation, Helg spirits Dan away and performs the surgery with an experimental laser, and the others spread their inella metal objects throughout the city. The plan fails through no apparent fault of Helg or Brulle, leaving them in the clear while Dan is left to recover from the surgery, the pin successfully removed.

Poster for episode Night of Thrombeldinbar.

Night of Thrombeldinbar

The Earthlings are bemused by plates of cookies and signs set out for someone called "Thrombeldinbar". Fitzhugh tries to grab a fallen cookie but is grabbed by two orphan children, who think he is the elf Thrombeldinbar. The kids want him to grant their wishes, and plan to "set him free" when the moon arises. The others find Fitzhugh at the orphanage, but he refuses to leave, preferring to help the children. He goes so far as to help them with their math homework assigned to them by the disgruntled head of the orphanage. The children decide to escape, putting Fitzhugh in a bag. He discovers that "set him free" consists of them setting the bag on fire. The orphans run into an organ grinder, and the monkey steals the bag. The organ grinder realizes the kids have an earthling, and switches bags so he can get the reward. The kids burn the bag, and the other Earthlings think Fitzhugh has been immolated. Fortunately, he starts calling out. Steve and Dan warn the head of the orphanage that the kids are in danger, and he comes to the rescue as the organ grinder prepares to torture them for info on the Earthlings Fitzhugh was calling for. They manage to get the real bag and Fitzhugh away from the monkey, and make their escape as the orphans and the head guy get the better of the organ grinder, and are reconciled. Thrombeldinbar Bless Us, Every One!

Poster for episode Seven Little Indians.

Seven Little Indians

Dan and Fitzhugh avoid a SID trap, but Chipper is captured. Kobick advertises the "World's Smallest Dog" at a zoo, which lures in Barry, Valerie, and Fitzhugh to be captured. The rest go after them, hiding in the animal cages. Dan and Steve make an attempted rescue, but are only able to grab a tranquilizer pellet. Dan is captured, and Steve grabs a porcupine quill hoping to make it into a dart to knock out the SID guard watching the prisoners. The zoo caretaker, Grotius, makes a deal with the remaining Earthlings: they give him the dog if he frees the others. He tries to betray them to Kobick. Taking advantage of the distraction, Steve and Mark free the others and take refuge in a leopard cage. They use the tranquilizer to knock out the leopard and the others run while Steve is cornered. Mark and Dan manage to knock out the lights and drop a phone on the SID man trying to grab Steve, giving him time to get free. Kobick believes the whole thing was a set-up by Grotius and has him arrested, while expressing admiration at his ingenious prey.

Poster for episode Target: Earth.

Target: Earth

Dan and Mark duck into a laboratory to avoid Kobick and hide in an experimental guidance unit, and almost get fried. Steve helps them to escape, but Mark overhears head scientist Franzen and his wife discussing their plan to use the unit to travel to Earth. Mark is convinced he can bargain with them for transportation in return for his scientific assistance, and Valerie and Fitzhugh agree to help him. Franzen's supervisor Logar and Kobick disagree on the use of the little people. They secretly agree to have Mark provide help and then be taken into custody. Franzen's wife feels the Earthlings will steal the credit from her husband, and tries to kill them. They manage to escape that fate, although Fitzhugh's hands are badly burned. Mark needs more assistance and sends Fitzhugh and Val to get Dan and Steve. The two are captured anyway, but Franzen insists they will be freed and offers to let them go. Dan and Mark accept his offer and succeed, and then are betrayed by Logar. Shocked, Franzen attacks Logar as the Earthlings set the self-destruct sequence on the guidance unit. They escape as Logar is electrocuted and then Franzen is blown up in the explosion before he can get away.

Poster for episode Genius At Work.

Genius At Work

Fitzhugh and Barry run across a giant boy, Jodar, being chased by a giant hillbilly. They help him escape. Jodar is a boy genius, kind of a prototypical Wesley Crusher, and gives them an enlarging pill he's been working on. Chipper gets hold of it and it works! Fitzhugh returns later and takes the pill, grows to giant size, and steals some clothes from the hillbilly. The rest of the Earthlings want nothing to do with him, and there is no antidote so he has no way to go back with them once they fix the ship. Disgruntled, Fitzhugh goes off and intimidates some giants. That, the Earth money in his pocket, and the clothing which match the description of the hillbilly (who has been attacking children) get him arrested. He fakes amnesia, but Inspector Kobick isn't buying it. Steve contacts Jodar and enlarges himself, then pretends to be a respected lawyer. Kobick sees through the ruse and imprisons him as well. Jodar comes up with an antidote, and both Steve and Fitzhugh shrink and escape. To make sure Fitzhugh isn't arrested again if he grows back to giant size (??), they go to the hillbilly's house and find evidence that convinces the police to arrest him for the assault on the kids. They also give the remainder of the antidote to Chipper, while Jodar departs for college.

Poster for episode Return of Inidu.

Return of Inidu

Five of the Earthlings take shelter from a storm in an abandoned house, only to be driven out by a ghost! Three of them are captured by some teens, who are frightened away by a green ghostly image of Steve. A man dressed as a magician shows up and whisks them back into the house. The other two follow, where introductions are made. The magician is Inidu, a master of "teleportation" magic. Years ago he was convicted of killing an audience volunteer. He escaped from prison and has been in hiding ever since. The ghost and noises are more of his magic, meant to frighten away intruders. He and the Earth people get on famously, and he offers them shelter. Attracted by the reports, his student Enog shows up. The little people witness him searching for something, then Inidu returns. Teacher and mentor prepare to share a drink, which Enog secretly poisons. The Earthlings warn Inidu, and Enog reveals that he came to find Inidu's book of secrets. Three of the Earth people get captured by Enog, who uses them to force Inidu to give up his book. The police show up nearby, and Fitzhugh saves the day by both getting Enog's confession on tape, and using the green powder to project his voice and summon the police. The Earthlings depart as Inidu is cleared of the charges against him.

Poster for episode Rescue.


Ducking a SID man, the Earthlings are spotted by two children on a picnic. Giving chase, the children fall down an abandoned well. Steve and Dan are captured, while Valerie and Betty contact the childrens' mother and suggest she have Steve and Dan help with the rescue in return for their freedom. Inspector Kobick rejects the idea, but Steve and Dan volunteer their services without condition. They are lowered into the well, which is closed off to giant-sized access due to cave-ins. Meanwhile, Mark and Fitzhugh get hold of the sewer plans and find an old drain pipe that leads into the well. While Steve and Dan verify the children are alive and get oxygen to them, Mark and Fitzhugh get to them. Coming up with a plan to escape, they manage to dig into a parallel pipe and plan to climb back up the oxygen mask tube while the children get out. Another cave-in puts the kibosh on that plan. When the four men try to make a break for it through the drain pipe, the grateful parents distract Kobick long enough for them to escape.

Poster for episode Sabotage.


Dan and Mark are sucked up in a vacuum-cleaner like machine by Bolgar and Zarkin, of Police Security. Mark's shoulder is injured, and he is unable to later escape with Dan. Bolgar plans to frame the Earthlings for an explosion to raise public opinion against them, discredit the pro-Earthling Senator Obek, and increase his own political power. Dan and Steve help Mark escape, then follow Bolgar's assistant Zarkin and watch him plant evidence. Steve lets himself be captured, and while Bolgar is speaking on the radio Steve tricks Zarkin into confessing while a tape recorder is playing. Mark lures Zarkin away while Steve and Dan call Senator Obek, who arrives and puts the two men away for good.

Poster for episode Shell Game.

Shell Game

Fitzhugh, looking for giant seafood, runs afoul of a giant deaf boy whose father is a poor fisherman. He escapes, and Valerie and Betty return. They and Steve are forced to take refuge in a giant seashell, which the boy takes home. They are discovered. Worse, the boy has excellent eyesight and manages to track Fitzhugh back to the Spindrift! The family gets the spaceship as well, although the rest of the Earthlings escape. The father is eager to turn the little people in for a reward to put his son in a special school. When he leaves, Steve bargains with the mother: they'll make a hearing aid for the boy in return for their freedom. Initial efforts prove unsuccessful, leading the father to believe they're lying. Mark eventually figures out they need a shell for an amplifier. The father is in too deep with the local authorities, so his son takes the ship without his permission and hides it in a different location. The mother convinces her husband not to pursue the matter, hoping the authorities will understand since they tried to stop their son and failed.

Poster for episode The Chase.

The Chase

Fitzhugh and the women are captured and brought to SID HQ. Steve, Dan, and Mark follow, and witness men trying to break in. One is wounded and they manage to escape. Kobick then contacts Steve with an offer of amnesty. When Steve calls back from an empty house, Kobick traces the call and traps Steve and Mark anyway. He lets Fitzhugh and Valerie go as a sign of good faith, as he needs the men to trace luminous ink through the sewers. Rebel counterfeiters are trying to bring down the government by flooding the economy with phony money. Steve and Mark reluctantly agree, and then try to draw things out so Dan and Fitzhugh can break Betty out. They get captured as well, and the men overhear Kobick over the radio boasting he won't honor his deal. They team up with the counterfeiters, who need to get at a safe in Kobick's office with incriminating evidence. Steve draws off Kobick with a phony location, then goes back and manages to get the safe open. The rebels sneak in, turn off the force field imprisoning the little people, and escape as they leave a bomb to destroy the evidence. Grateful, they drop the Earthlings off.

Poster for episode The Mechanical Man.

The Mechanical Man

Mark and Fitzhugh are captured by a giant after witnessing a bulletproof man kill a policeman during a break-in. The giant, Professor Gorn, is a scientist who was monitoring his creation: a robot. They want Mark to lend his technical expertise to iron out the little bugs like the fact it kills people. Gorn and his assistant Zoral use Fitzhugh as a test experiment to prove Mark's theory that the robot has the equivalent of a defective adrenal gland. Meanwhile, Steve, Dan, and Valerie break in using their laser drill. Mark eventually irons out the bugs. Steve and Dan help Mark escape, and all three take refuge in the robot. Fitzhugh deliberately gives away Valerie's presence, then spins a tale about how the Earthlings are master saboteurs. That gives Mark time to rig the robot so he can run it by remote control. When Gorn calls in a Council member to witness his triumph, Mark has it free Fitzhugh and Valerie, then attack its creator and destroy the lab. Gorn is killed, although Zoral escapes.

Poster for episode Six Hours To Live.

Six Hours To Live

While stealing grain from a farmer, the group overhears the farmer worrying to his wife about how a man they framed for murder will be executed in six hours and they'll be in the clear. For reasons known only to himself, Steve and the others (with only Fitzhugh initially deferring) decide to clear the prisoner, Martin Reed. They steal some knockout drugs from a pharmacy and contact a reporter with their story. The reporter agrees to smuggle Dan and Steve into the prison inside his camera. They then sneak into Reed's cell and use the knockout drugs to help him to freedom. They tell Reed who was responsible and after the time for the execution passes, he confronts the farmers pretending to be a ghost. The Earthlings have rigged the phone so that the warden and the reporter can hear everything, as the farmers confess everything to the "ghost". They finally see through the ruse, but the police arrive to take them away.

Poster for episode The Inside Rail.

The Inside Rail

While looking for horse hair at a local racetrack to make high-tensile cable, Fitzhugh and Barry watch the horse races. Upon finding a ticket that he believes is a winning one, Fitzhugh tries to cut a deal with a giant bum, Moley. Moley ends up spilling his guts to the head of track security, and Mark and the women get captured. While Steve and Dan try to rescue them, Fitzhugh and Barry witness a hood trying to drug a horse Fitzhugh believes will win the next race. Fitzhugh gives him a hotfoot, and the others escape when they use the drug hypodermic to knock out the head of security. At the end Moley makes another bet and wins at incredible odds. He gives Fitzhugh his cut...which is more giant-sized money then he can possibly carry back to the ship, or even use.

Poster for episode Deadly Pawn.

Deadly Pawn

First Fitzhugh, Barry, and Valerie, then Mark, Steve, and Dan, are captured by Kronig, a giant industrialist who is a chess fanatic. He wants to demonstrate his superior mind against Earthlings. To do so, he tells them to pick their best chess player and play him. If they win, they get their freedom. If he wins or they refuse to play, he turns them over to the SID. Barry turns out to be the best player, much to Kronig's distaste. He insists the others be tied to the major chess pieces because of the perceived insult. As an "optional" feature, the board has random trapdoors that drop the pieces into a furnace. Barry is forced to sacrifice Steve, Dan, and Mark's "pieces" to get them off the board so they can make a run for it. Mark gets back to the ship and programs the computer to play chess, helping Barry. Dan and Steve try to rig an escape. Kronig finds out about the computer and tosses Valerie, Barry, and Fitzhugh into the furnace chamber, just as the others short out the controls and temporarily shut it down. Dan and Steve get tossed into the furnace and well, and use the laser-drill to cut their way out just before Kronig reengages the controls. Kronig and his doctor struggle and Kronig is killed when he stumbles into a panel, as the others make their escape.

Poster for episode The Unsuspected.

The Unsuspected

While evading a SID sergeant, Steve ends up beneath a toadstool that dumps spores on him while Dan draws the sergeant away. Shortly thereafter, Mark is assaulted by an unseen assailant and Betty vanishes. While Dan and Mark look for Steve, he returns to the ship and asks Valerie to help him rescue Betty. The radio isn't working, so they leave Barry behind. Barry discovers the radio is unplugged, and contacts the others, then goes after Steve. It turns out Steve is undergoing psychotic hallucinations due to the spores, and Kobick finds out about it. Steve captures Valerie and Barry, then grabs Fitzhugh and imprisons them all in an abandoned real estate office. Fearing they're trying to sell him out, he contacts Kobick and tries to make a deal. While Kobick tries to trace the call and overhear their conversations via Steve's lost radio, Dan and Mark continue the search. Steve meets with them and lures Mark off into a trap. Seeing both Mark and Chipper display brief bits of violents from small traces of the spores, Dan puts it together and avoids another trap by Steve. As Kobick closes in, Steve and Dan fight it out and Steve snaps out of it just before killing his friend. The group manages to make their escape just as Kobick arrives.

Poster for episode Giants and All That Jazz.

Giants and All That Jazz

Barry has been learning trumpet playing from Dan, and goes to a nightclub with Valerie and Fitzhugh. They witness the owner, Biff, who is a lousy trumpet player and owes money to a crook, Hanley. Barry loses the trumpet and then he and Valerie get captured by Biff, who prepares to reluctantly turn them over to the SID to make enough money to pay off Hanley. The rest of the group track Biff down and Dan offers to teach him a new musical style, "jazz," in return for the other's freedom. First they need to recover Dan's trumpet, which Hanley found. They manage to do so, and Biff learns jazz and shows off to Hanley. Since Biff is using a mute, just like the one on Dan's trumpet, Hanley puts two and two together and goes to confront the Earthlings. Lookout Fitzhugh has been captured by a snakewoman/circus performer (who thinks he's a talking monkey!), so Hanley gets hold of the other Earthlings and holds them hostage to force Biff to play for him and make money. The men engineer an escape by blowing up a TV, and Biff turns on the crooks. Assured of financial success, at the end he honors his promise and lets everyone go.

Poster for episode Collector's Item.

Collector's Item

While fleeing a giant dog and the SID, Valerie and Betty duck into a goldsmith shop where the man is hard at work on a music box/cage for Garak. Garak spots and captures Valerie, and plans to use her in a plot to kill his uncle. He bets his obnoxious Uncle Togar, a ruthless millionaire and mechanical toy collector, $10 million that he can impress him. Garak has his wife dress Valerie up as a ballerina and teach her to dance. Meanwhile, Steve rides Garak's car back and gets Dan and Fitzhugh into Garak's house. They sneak onto the covered cage when Garak takes it to his uncle, while Mark and Steve figure out Garak's scheme to put explosives in the cage, rigged to go off when the door opens. They get captured by Garak's wife, and convince her something is up. Meanwhile, Dan and Fitzhugh are captured by Garak and Togar. Garak is anxious to make his escape before his uncle opens the door. Mrs. Garak brings Mark and Steve with her and confronts her husband, who was willing to blow up her as well. She leaves, the Earthlings make their escape, and Togar and Garak blow each other up when they struggle and knock the cage over.

Poster for episode Every Dog Needs A Boy.

Every Dog Needs A Boy

Son Carl works in his father's combined pet shop/veterinarian clinic, and is abusive toward the animals. The assistant Ben is upset. The Earthlings witness Carl sic one of the store's dogs on a local man, and then the dog accidentally injures Chipper. Barry is upset, particularly when Steve refuses to let him go back to the store to seek the doctor's help. Barry does so anyway, with Valerie trying to talk him out of it. They both get spotted by Ben, who agrees to help Chipper and succeeds. Carl finds out about the Earthlings when Dan and Steve attempt a rescue, although he doesn't initially know about Barry and Val. The others escape, but Carl holds the threat of Ben's cooperation over the assistant so he won't report Carl's offenses to his father. Carl then loses the dog from earlier, which is a valuable movie dog. Chipper can't be moved, so the Earthlings go look for the dog to help out Ben. Carl captures Valerie and Barry, and tries to coerce the camp's location from Valerie by threatening her with another giant dog. Mark lets a chimpanzee loose to distract Carl while Steve cuts her an escape, and Dan and Fitzhugh manage to bring the missing dog back. The dog attacks Carl's dog and Ben attacks Carl, and both manage to win. All of the Earthlings get recaptured when the doctor/father returns. Sympathetic, he tells Ben he's been promoted, kicks Carl in the metaphorical butt, and gives the Earthlings refuge until Chipper is fully recovered.

Poster for episode Chamber Of Fear.

Chamber Of Fear

In a curiously unselfish moment, Fitzhugh creates a distraction to let Valerie escape a giant, and gets captured himself. The giant, Deenar, is a wax sculptor and diamond cutter, who wants to make statues of Fitzhugh and sell them. Deenar is also the silent, wimpy partner of Jolo, a wax museum owner and thief. Jolo browbeats Deenar and forces him to cut a stolen diamond up into multiple pieces to sell without it being identified. Steve and Dan contact Deenar, and offer to find the diamond (hidden in Jolo's wax museum) while Deenar distracts Jolo, in return for Fitzhugh's freedom. Deenar agrees, so Mark and Valerie look for the diamond while Steve and Dan try to free Fitzhugh. He's been imprisoned in a jar of wax or clay or something, and Deenar has tied his dog up nearby as a guard. While they overcome these obstacles, Mark and Valerie are unable to find the diamond, even hidden within the statues. Fitzhugh is eventually rescued and the five get back together at the wax museum where they find the diamond in a walking monk statue. Fitzhugh tries to grab it and the group is spotted. Steve threatens to throw the diamond out a window (?!?), which distracts the giants long enough for a policeman summoned by Betty arrives and arrests them all while Earthlings escape.

Poster for episode Comeback.


Steve, Mark, Fitzhugh, and Valerie stop a depressed giant from jumping over a bridge, only to be captured by him. The man is Egor Crull, a horror actor fallen on hard times. Egor thinks he can use the little people to jumpstart his career. He takes them to Manfred, a third-rate producer stuck with a broken down studio. Manfred is eager to use them in lieu of expensive special effects, and isn't too concerned about their safety or the illegality of his actions. He puts the four through a series of life-endangering stunts, including a confrontation with a giant-sized gorilla, a broken bannister, a fake gun with real bullets, and a fiery pit. With some help from Dan and Barry, they manage to break free after the day's shooting is over, but Fitzhugh is recaptured. Manfred and a distressed Egor fight it out, and with the aid of the gorilla Egor emerges triumphant. He goes on his way while the Earthlings escape.

Poster for episode The Clones.

The Clones

The episode starts in media res with Valerie and Barry in a cage held by Dr. Arno, who is trying to get them to lead him to their camp. They manage to escape, and return to camp where they relate a strange tale of being captured along with Fitzhugh, and put in tubes with mist. Dan, Steve, and Mark go to rescue Fitzhugh while Barry and Valerie stay behind. Chipper starts barking at them, they find they have odd brownish spots on their bodies, and they soon start plotting the destruction of the Spindrift!Meanwhile, Dan is captured at the science center, and used as a guinea pig in a cloning experiment. The original Valerie and Barry, and Fitzhugh, have been duplicated as well. The originals and the clones all manage to escape, but are recaptured except for Dan, who esacapes with Mark and Steve. But which Dan? The men avoid an ambush by the clone-Valerie and Barry, who dissolve. When Chipper reacts poorly to Dan, he realizes that he is the clone, although he has all the memories and personality of the original. Understandably upset, he tries to chain himself up. Steve frees him, Dan goes berserk, then dissolves.Steve and Mark take Chipper and break back into the science center, using metal parts to block a suction pump used to guard the vents. Using Chipper as a clone-detector, they figure out who is the real group, except for Dan, who has been duplicated again and both versions are taped down and being experimented on. The clones of the others dissolve, and Steve goes back to rescue both Dans. The two Dans fight, one is knocked out, and Steve tries to rescue the conscious one. That Dan turns hostile and fights with Steve, insisting Steve go it on his own. Steve knocks him out and drops him to the others, who realize that one is the original. Steve still tries to rescue the clone-Dan, but he pulls a gun. At the last second he overcomes his madness and sacrifices himself, blowing up the lab while everyone else escapes.

Poster for episode A Place Called Earth.

A Place Called Earth

Two time travellers from Earth in the year 5477 travel back in time, One of them, Olds, has plans for ruling the universe. They disguise themselves as naval officers from Earth (based on Fitzhugh's uniform). Then...a lot of stuff happens. The travellers kill a criminal giant who spots them, leading two others to start searching. Steve is suspicious of these new arrivals, so they capture him. Then they capture Dan. Then they convince Mark and Betty to help them find someplace where they can stash 100 people. Steve and Dan steal some truth serum, and manage to use it on Olds despite his protective force field. They find out his plan and get hold of his control medallion, and Steve is also contacted by another time traveller from the future sent back to try and stop the first two. Olds recovers the medallion, but Steve convinces him he can read minds by relating some of the information he gained from the drugged Olds. Mark is almost caught by the two searching giants, and the renegade time travellers kill those two giants as well. The second traveller, Fielder, is accidentally killed by Olds, and then Olds is captured before he can initiate his evil scheme to use the Land of the Giants as his base for his 100 followers to take over the universe.

Poster for episode Land Of The Lost.

Land Of The Lost

While stealing firecrackers, Barry and Valerie take refuge in a giant child's balloon, which is cut loose. Mark and Steve hop in, and the balloon is inexplicably drawn west, against the wind and across the "Sea of Storms". Dan and Fitzhugh can only listen helplessly as the rest of the group are drawn out of range. They end up in a foreign land ruled by a giant tyrannical king, Titus. Titus has used some kind of tractor beam to draw them to him. He thinks that everyone in the Earthlings' area are their sizes, and finds the contradiction between their size and various Giant-sized items puzzling. He sends back Steve under a deadline to acquire proof of their claim everyone else is giant-sized, holding the other three as hostages. Steve barely manages to do so, and brings back Dan and Fitzhugh with him. They leave the balloon via parachute before arriving, and blow up Titus' power plant. With the help of a rebelling slave, Andros, the entire group escapes and floats slowly back to their ship and "home".

Poster for episode Home Sweet Home.

Home Sweet Home

Barry and Fitzhugh find a space pod (left by the time travellers from "A Place Called Earth"), unaware that two giant Rangers have also found it and are using it as a lure. Fitzhugh cons Dan into repairing it, but Steve and Mark find out. When the giants close in, Steve and Fitzhugh accidentally lift off and find themselves on a unalterable course back to Earth, through a space warp. They arrive, but in 1900. They are arrested by the citizens, who aren't sure what to make of them. They manage to escape and get back to the time machine/space pod. Dan, Barry, and Valerie have all been captured, but Mark has managed to decipher the machine's owners' manual. Steve and Fitzhugh are in radio contact, and Mark shows them how to "stop time" to try and recover the key for the machine, taken by the villagers. They have only a limited amount of "frozen time" before they burn up themselves. Steve grabs an unwitting Fitzhugh, who wants to stay and use his knowledge of the future, and they just manage to escape. The pod leaves 1900 Earth, time unfreezing when they depart. They arrive back in the Land of the Giants, and freeze time to stop the giants and free the others. They are forced to send the pod off on automatic to unfreeze time, depriving them of their means of escape.

Poster for episode Our Man O'Reilly.

Our Man O'Reilly

A Giant, O'Reilly, is fleeing from security guards led by Krenko. He knocks himself out and Steve is forced to gag him so Krenko won't hear his moaning. When O'Reilly wakes up he sees the Earthlings and thinks they're leprechauns. The Earthlings take advantage of this to escape, but Fitzhugh decides to take furhter advantage of the situation. He goes back and convinces O'Reilly to start gathering repair parts, as well as beer and lollipops, for them. Steve is initially against the idea, but O'Reilly succeeds in getting some spare parts and the captain warms to the idea. Krenko is still following O'Reilly, and wants to use him as the fall guy to cover up the fact he's been commiting the robberies. He figures out O'Reilly is dealing with the illegal Earthlings, and plans to capture them as well. The Earthlings need O'Reilly to break into a jewelry store and get important tools for their repair effort. O'Reilly takes them in, but is spotted by the jeweler. He knocks the jeweler out, then Krenko knocks O'Reilly out. The Earthlings manage to trip up Krenko and escape with O'Reilly, leaving the crook to be arrested by the police. In the end they tell O'Reilly the truth about where they're from, and he goes merrily on his way back to the country.

Poster for episode Nightmare.


An optimistic Fitzhugh is packing for departure: Mark is working with a giant scientist, Andre, to perfect the "Delta Device" and give them the power source they need. It runs amuck, exposing the Earthlings and Andre to odd radiation. Andre's superior, Berger, is suspicious and tracks Andre back to the Spindrift, only to have it vanish before his eyes. Apparently the Earthlings and their ship have turned invisible. Then strange things happen. Fitzhugh witnesses Steve "slow down" temporally, and then Barry and Chipper vanish. The Earthlings soon realize that some of the giants are invisible too (??). Kobick manages to capture Valerie, but she is invisible to Berger, who inadvertently lets her free. Meanwhile, trying to contact Andre, first Dan and then Steve vanish. Steve appears to be trapped in a hallucinatory landscape, and is attacked by distorted versions of Kobick, Berger, and Mark. Fitzhugh also disappears after turning the Delta Device back on, and manages to find Steve, and they then find Dan. The effects of the radiation wear off, and Barry also snaps back to normal. Berger tries to have Andre arrested, but Andre counter-accuses him and Kobick, sick of the whole thing, believes Andre. The Earthlings get back to the Spindrift just in time to shut down the Delta Device Fitzhugh turned on, but it burns out and the group can't contact Andre again because Berger is still watching him.

Poster for episode Pay The Piper.

Pay The Piper

Dan, Fitzhugh, and the women are lured into a cage by hypnotic pipe playing. The piper reveals himself as a rather fey-looking alien being, a giant on this planet, who is apparently the Pied Piper of Hamlin. He tries to sell the Earthlings to a senator for a reward, while the other Earthlings follow. The senator refuses, so the Piper tries to take his child. Dan thwarts the attempt by having the senator record the Piper's music, loop it, and play it backwards (good one, Dan!). The senator still refuses to free them, so Mark and Steve trip the senator and free the rest. The Piper, reverting to human/Earth size, then confronts the Earthlings and offers them a deal: help them get the senator's child and he'll take them home. The group righteously refuses, except for Fitzhugh, who secretly contacts the Piper. With the aid of an unwitting Barry, Fitzhugh turns off the protective tape and the Piper gets the boy and takes him to his extra-dimensional home. Steve and the others find out and force Fitzhugh to take them there as well, where they plan to use Fitzhugh's money to buy the kid. The Piper will honor his deal to take them home...in 700 years when he is in the vicinity! Fitzhugh angers him and the Piper challenges him to a version of the shell game...with first Chipper, then Betty, then Barry as the "pea". Fizthugh refuses to play, and Steve screws up spotting the "pea" the first two times. With Barry on the line, Fitzhugh plays and manages to spot him thanks to some judicious cheating. An irritated Piper attacks the group, but Steve has put red peppers in his horn. They use the distraction to escape once and for all.

Poster for episode The Secret City Of Limbo.

The Secret City Of Limbo

While ducking archaeologists and a mysterious saboteur who fires a gun that causes an explosion, Fitzhugh is wounded and the group takes refuge in a cave. It contains a teleporter which transfers Dan, Fitzhugh, and Valerie into a secret underground city. Magistrate Taru takes them into custody, and eventually believes their claim that one of his people were using a secret weapon to drive off the archaeologists despite laws against it. Taru is in an election against General Aza, who tries to poison Taru's drink. The little people secretly witness this and warn Taru. He declines to free Fitz and Valerie, but sends Mark to get help. He comes back with Steve, and they come up with a plan to taint the drilling site with "omicrom 4", an explosive substance that will deter the archaeologists. They manage to do so when Betty causes a distraction and then gets caught (and subsequently freed). Taru wins the election, and an irritated Aza paralyzes Taru and then goes to the surface to start the war he has been trying to provoke. In the subsequent struggle Aza hits his head on a rock and dies, and the Earthlings get the weapon back. They unparalyze Taru and he sends everyone back, then destroys the teleport pad as the Earthlings are still at risk in the secret city, where their presence is illegal.

Poster for episode Panic.


Fitzhugh and Betty are captured by a paralysis ray, but whisked away from SID Officer Marad's cell by a teleportation device. The teleporter is Dr. Kirmus, who has built his own tricorder-sized teleportation device. Marad has had Kirmus under scrutiny with the aid of her landlady, a secret SID spy. Kirmus says he can teleport things all the way to Earth, but the SID close in and capture him before he can show the Earhlings. Kirmus does free Fitz and Betty before he is caught. They and the others try to get to the teleporter, recovering a piece that Kirmus hid in his house. Betty and Dan get captured, and Marad puts them in a freezing chamber to force Kirmus to work the teleporter. Mark and Valerie manage to free them, while Steve and Fitzhugh get to the teleporter. Fitzhugh just manages to locate Earth, but as the SID close in there isn't enough time to teleport there. Activating a self-destruct sequence, Steve teleports out the others, than Kirmus, than himself, as Marad is caught in the explosion. Kirmus goes on the run, deciding not to build another teleporter for fear the authorities will get it and misuse it.

Poster for episode The Deadly Dart.

The Deadly Dart

Mark is ducking Inspector Swan, but is captured. The SID Inspector shoots him away on a giant arrow. Mark survives and the others find Swan, dead. He has been killed with a curare dart to the ankle, and his murder is apparently the second. The first was a carnival operator who held the Earthlings captive. Reporter Bertha Fry is stirring up trouble and raising public sentiment against the Earthlings, much to the disgruntlement of Lt. Grayson, head of the investigation. A miniature blowpipe with the initials MW on it point to Mark as the killer, and even some of the Earthlings begin to wonder. Mark comes back to camp, denies everything, and then leaves after a brief brawl. An explosion occurs in the city and explosives are missing from the ship. Dan and Steve sneak into SID HQ, where they overhear Grayson talking to Zoral (from the episode "The Mechanical Man"), who was assaulted. The two men are caught but manage to escape, and witness Zoral being killed with another curare dart. Mark eventually manages to send a weak signal. Ducking a magnet trap left by the late Swan, the Earthlings track Mark's signal to SID HQ! It turns out that Grayson's subordinate, Barker, has captured Mark (and also captures Fitzhugh and Dan) and is framing the Earthlings for the murders to discredit Grayson. Barker tries to kill Grayson with another curare dart, but Steve warns the lieutenant and after a brief struggle, Barker is knocked out. Barker cheerfully confesses to everything, and a reluctant Grayson lets the Earthlings go because of their warning that saved his life.

Poster for episode Doomsday.


Dan, Steve, Betty and Fitzhugh witness a wounded man stumble into an apartment. They try to call for help, but the man tells them to call "Dr. North". They do so, and get a vague message telling them to wait. They hide as a female doctor comes for the man, Kamber, who is concerned about the wiring job he did and wants to know where a key is. Kamber claims he lost it, so the doctor lets him die after mentioning her plan to blow up the city! Spotting the little people, she leaves a bomb which they manage to avoid, although Fitzhugh's leg is broken. The group can't move Fitzhugh, and almost kill him with the injection of an unknown "wide specturm anti-biotic" that puts him in a brief coma. While the others leave to investigate, Betty stays with Fitzhugh, and they are both captured by Kobick, who is tracking Kamber. Kobick doesn't believe their story about the bombs. The men find the coin and the concealed map overlay. Steve tries to convince Kobick of their story, and the Inspector reluctantly checks it out. Dan and Mark manage to track Dr. North, and they and Steve get captured by her. Steve injects her with the antibiotic they used on Fitzhugh, then sets the clock ahead. "North" doesn't believe them, but the Earthlings rig a fake call to her travel office (actually Valerie on another phone), and she tells them where the bombs are. While Kobick and his men defuse the bombs, Steve breaks back into SID HQ and frees Betty and Fitzhugh. Kobick corners him but Steve buys his freedom with the location of "North", and Kobick gets the credit for breaking the case.

Poster for episode A Small War.

A Small War

Barry is attacked by a toy soldier remote-controlled by a boy with a small toy army. The kid, Alek, believes that the Earthlings are sophisticated toys used by his rival Falco, spots the Spindrift, and unleashes a series of attacks on the little people. They manage to defeat the toy soldiers, jeep-mounted machine gun, and tank. The group disagrees on how to deal with Alek: Mark wants to blow him up. He tries, but Barry tries to stop him and they both get captured. While Alek bombs the ship with a toy plane, the group frees the two "prisoners". Dan is wounded, and when Alek sees the blood Betty convinces the kid they are indeed real. Alek's father shows up and figures out the boy has been dealing with Earthlings. He tries to search for them, and corners Valerie and Fitzhugh. Steve launches an attack with the plane, and is hit by a thrown rock, but the repentant Alex brings him down by remote control while everyone escapes. The disgruntled father leaves, as does Alek without revealing what he knows of the Earthlings and their camp.

Poster for episode The Marionettes.

The Marionettes

The Earthlings are sneaking into a circus to steal explosives when an escaped gorilla captures Valerie. With the aid of an elderly puppeteer, Goalby, Valerie is rescued. Betty then wanders into a bear trap, and Goalby frees her but injures his right hand. Betty and Fitzhugh decided to help Goalby win his audition by becoming "puppets". The circus owner, Brady, captures Valerie and Dan and realizes Goalby's puppets must also be little people. He captures Fitzhugh and Betty, and forces them to work for him by threatening the other two. Mark and Steve stage a rescue by using some of the explosives to blow open the gorilla's cage. It attacks Brady, while Goalby and his assistant Lisa free the four captive Earthlings. In return Steve, Mark, and Fitzhugh provide Goalby with some new techniques and a recording of their musical number so that he can become a hit.

Poster for episode Wild Journey.

Wild Journey

Steve and Dan are ducking a giant guard, who is pursuing a previously unseen little person. This individual, Thorg, teleports them away with a device he identifies as a STM ("space time manipulator"). He and his partner Berna are time travellers and researchers. Thorg shows off by showing the two men scenes from Earth, and even the very day they departed from Los Angeles before crashing. When the giant's dog grabs Thorg, Steve grabs the STM and uses it to send him and Dan back in time to avert the whole crash. Thorg and Berna go back to maintain temporal continuity, and a chase ensues. The two travellers can't send the men back - they now have to "go forward" the way they originally did. They shrink Dan and Steve to force them to cooperate, but the men escape. Left with no choice, they go back and this time the travelers use a pill to enlarge them to normal size...and scramble their memories. Before the drugs kick in, Dan and Steve try to persuade the passengers that the ship will crash. Failing to do so, they try sabotage but forget what they're doing. They relive the crash without changing anything other then a few distant memories and a brief note that Steve left himself.

Poster for episode Graveyard Of Fools.

Graveyard Of Fools

Investigating reports of a miniature airplane, Fitzhugh and Valerie are captured by Melzac, a scientist who is in communication with his twin brother halfway across the planet. Melzac captures Dan and Steve, and sends all four of them up in the plane. They are then somehow "teleported" across the planet to the Graveyard of Fools, from which no expedition has ever returned. It appears to be a literal graveyard, with headstones of Steve and Fitzhugh. Eventually the four are reunited after ducking strange hallucinogenic monsters, and Steve and Valerie are grabbed by Melzac's twin brother Bryk. They need the little people to repair an alien "servo-actuator" that gives them power over time and space. Dan and Fitz free them, while Mark and Betty manage to regain control of the plane. The servo-actuator overloads just after they all manage to teleport back, destroying both brothers with the feedback.