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Poster for Okavango: River of Dreams (2019) S01E02.

Episode information

Title Okavango: River of Dreams (2019)
Type TV Series
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode type Ordinary
Episode title Limbo

Subtitle info

ID 2nhG
Created 05:12:57 31-05-2020
Contributor misiek666
Language English
FPS 25 (PAL)

User votes

No votes

User reports

Poor subtitle quality. 0
File is not a subtitle! 0
Wrong movie or episode entry. 0
Wrong language. 0
Wrong release. 0
Garbled text (strange characters, like rectangles and such). 0



Subtitles preview

Content preview
# Start End Metadata Lines
1 00:00:1.520 00:00:2.936
  1. Support from viewers like you
  2. makes this program possible.
2 00:00:2.960 00:00:4.960
  1. Please give to your PBS station.
3 00:00:18.280 00:00:22.800
  1. The king awakens...
4 00:00:22.920 00:00:24.520
  1. His domain is on the edge
5 00:00:24.640 00:00:28.440
  1. of one of the most
  2. extraordinary swamps in Africa.
6 00:00:33.160 00:00:35.360
  1. He knows his charges...
7 00:00:48.360 00:00:50.920
  1. He knows his riches...
8 00:01:0.880 00:01:3.240
  1. He knows his threats...
9 00:01:5.920 00:01:9.040
  1. Intruders... young challengers.
10 00:01:16.640 00:01:20.320
  1. But today, there is
  2. trouble in paradise.
11 00:01:24.760 00:01:26.760
  1. The cuts and scars on his face
12 00:01:26.880 00:01:29.200
  1. are a roadmap
  2. of his past battles.
13 00:01:33.560 00:01:35.920
  1. Everyone is aware.
14 00:02:20.760 00:02:22.840
  1. The message is clear:
15 00:02:22.960 00:02:25.120
  1. This is not their dream.


Number of downloads 94
Number of units 431
Number of lines 725
Number of lines per unit 1.68
Number of characters 16K
Number of characters per line 22.68

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