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Poster for McLaren (2016).

Movie information

Title McLaren (2016)
Type Movie

Subtitle info

ID ezdE
Created May 26, 2017, 2:12:54 PM
Contributor Grzesiek11
Language English
FPS 23.976

User votes

No votes

User reports

Poor subtitle quality. 0
File is not a subtitle! 0
Wrong movie or episode entry. 0
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Garbled text (strange characters, like rectangles and such). 0





Subtitles preview

Content preview
# Start End Metadata Lines
1 00:00:33.992 00:00:37.611
  1. DIRECTOR: Now, can we... Whoa, hold it.
  2. They're still lighting.
2 00:00:37.746 00:00:40.659
  1. Right. Stand by.
3 00:00:41.625 00:00:45.039
  1. Gordon, would you talk, and,
  2. um, Bruce, if you could just nod.
4 00:00:45.170 00:00:46.206
  1. Yeah.
5 00:00:51.593 00:00:54.882
  1. GORDON: This is the story of a young man
  2. from New Zealand who was so successful
6 00:00:55.013 00:00:59.678
  1. at driving cars that he came to Europe
  2. to branch out as a professional driver.
7 00:01:0.852 00:01:6.018
  1. As a designer, and as a businessman,
  2. last year McLaren exported racing cars
8 00:01:6.149 00:01:9.233
  1. worth one and a quarter million dollars.
9 00:01:21.206 00:01:22.367
10 00:01:26.420 00:01:30.167
  1. COMMENTATOR: Bruce McLaren driving in his
  2. 100th Grand Prix at the age of only 32.
11 00:01:44.104 00:01:48.189
  1. Bruce storms back to make it
  2. a sensational McLaren one-two.
12 00:01:49.776 00:01:51.312
  1. McLaren seems to choose any line
13 00:01:51.445 00:01:54.563
  1. in a daring drive
  2. rarely seen in motor racing.
14 00:01:55.073 00:01:59.033
  1. McLaren crew chief Tyler Alexander
  2. looks happy, wouldn't you say?
15 00:02:4.708 00:02:7.667
  1. GORDON: Bruce, you're competing on
  2. the world's motor racing circuits,


Number of downloads 1K
Number of units 1K
Number of lines 1K
Number of lines per unit 1.66
Number of characters 56K
Number of characters per line 29.01

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