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Poster for Shades of Winter: Between (2016).

Informacije o filmu

Naziv Shades of Winter: Between (2016)
Vrsta Film

Informacije o titlu

Napravljeno 02.02.2020. 11.41.19
Ulagač Torrent.UK
Jezik Engleski
FPS 24

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# Početak Kraj Podaci Linije
1 00:00:27.667 00:00:32.432
  1. I do feel connected to the elements. When
  2. I'm out there, the rest just disappears.
2 00:00:41.631 00:00:45.698
  1. One thing that drives me
  2. and inspires me, is gravity.
3 00:00:54.765 00:00:59.613
  1. The mountains are, for me,
  2. one of life's most important things.
4 00:00:59.713 00:01:4.631
  1. It gives me so much energy,
  2. and a sense of life.
5 00:01:13.164 00:01:17.411
  1. There is a connection
  2. between the ocean and snow.
6 00:01:17.511 00:01:20.063
  1. I mean, ulltimately,
  2. it all comes down to water.
7 00:01:24.563 00:01:28.629
  1. I want to be a white paper
  2. and just set off from there.
8 00:01:33.063 00:01:37.544
  1. We should never forget yesterday,
  2. but, always, live for today.
9 00:01:37.644 00:01:40.828
  1. Because we never know
  2. what tomorrow might bring.
10 00:01:52.594 00:01:55.077
  1. I feel fortunate
  2. that I grew up in the Alps,
11 00:01:55.177 00:01:57.775
  1. and that I call
  2. these beautiful mountains home.
12 00:01:57.875 00:02:3.610
  1. I've learned a lot about myself
  2. and what I can do, through skiing.
13 00:02:3.710 00:02:7.375
  1. It has made me who I am
  2. and gotten me where I am, today.
14 00:02:7.475 00:02:13.243
  1. My life as a skier and film maker
  2. has taken me to beautiful places.
15 00:02:13.343 00:02:18.475
  1. But I simply love
  2. the feeling of coming home.


Broj preuzimanja 38
Broj redova 447
Broj linija 825
Broj linija po redovima 1.85
Broj karaktera 20K
Broj karaktera po linijama 25.07

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