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Plakat filma Wimbledon (2004).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Wimbledon (2004)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 8. dec. 2004 08:23:53
Prispeval Ruff_Ryder
Jezik Angleški

Ocene uporabnikov

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Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
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Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:01:47.191 00:01:51.361
  1. <i>We all start off in life
  2. with a dream, don't we?</i>
2 00:01:51.445 00:01:55.073
  1. <i>For a tennis player,
  2. it's being in the final
  3. of the Grand Slam...</i>
3 00:01:55.157 00:01:57.826
  1. <i>center court, a high lob,
  2. a smash.</i>
4 00:01:57.868 00:02:0.495
  1. <i>Game, set and match...
  2. you're a champion.</i>
5 00:02:3.749 00:02:7.669
  1. <i>But for most tennis players,
  2. that's all it ever is... a dream.</i>
6 00:02:7.711 00:02:11.048
  1. <i>The reality is another story...
  2. my story.</i>
7 00:02:12.299 00:02:14.218
  1. <i>You see that good-looking fella?</i>
8 00:02:14.301 00:02:18.055
  1. <i>No, not the kid in white.
  2. The other, tired, good-looking fella.</i>
9 00:02:18.138 00:02:20.807
  1. <i>Yeah. Him.
  2. Well, that's me.</i>
10 00:02:20.891 00:02:23.101
  1. <i>British Davis Cup a long time ago.</i>
11 00:02:23.185 00:02:25.604
  1. <i>Two singles titles even longer ago.</i>
12 00:02:25.687 00:02:28.440
  1. <i>Presently ranked 119th in the world.</i>
13 00:02:28.524 00:02:30.442
  1. <i>Sport is cruel.</i>
14 00:02:30.526 00:02:33.987
  1. <i>Now, I know it doesn't
  2. sound too bad.</i>
15 00:02:34.071 00:02:37.157
  1. <i>Four million tennis players in the world,
  2. and I'm 119th.</i>


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Število vrstic 2K
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Število znakov na vrstico 23.14

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