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Plakat filma Tulip Fever (2017).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Tulip Fever (2017)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 16. nov. 2017 01:38:13
Prispeval Grzesiek11
Jezik Angleški
FPS 23,976

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


THX to bhoie_t.



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:41.867 00:00:43.790
  1. MARIA:
  2. Before you were born,
2 00:00:43.827 00:00:47.548
  1. <i>Amsterdam was captivated
  2. by a flower.</i>
3 00:00:47.664 00:00:50.213
  1. <i>The tulip.</i>
4 00:00:50.333 00:00:53.212
  1. <i>They came from far away,
  2. in the East,</i>
5 00:00:53.336 00:00:55.384
  1. <i>and were so rare and beautiful,</i>
6 00:00:55.505 00:00:59.601
  1. <i>for people lost their senses
  2. in wanting to own them.</i>
7 00:00:59.718 00:01:3.848
  1. <i>Rich and poor were spending
  2. and borrowing money</i>
8 00:01:3.972 00:01:5.770
  1. <i>to join the trade in bulbs,</i>
9 00:01:5.891 00:01:9.521
  1. <i>which were going up in price
  2. ail the time.</i>
10 00:01:9.644 00:01:14.115
  1. <i>None more so
  2. than the rare striped tulips</i>
11 00:01:14.232 00:01:16.451
  1. <i>that were called breakers.</i>
12 00:01:16.568 00:01:18.787
  1. (auctioneer
  2. speaking indistinctly)
13 00:01:18.904 00:01:20.781
  1. <i>A new breaker came from nowhere,</i>
14 00:01:20.906 00:01:24.706
  1. <i>like an act of God,
  2. and it changed people's lives.</i>
15 00:01:24.826 00:01:29.206
  1. <i>A white flower
  2. with a God-given crimson stripe</i>


Število prenosov 5K
Število enot 1K
Število vrstic 2K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.4
Število znakov 43K
Število znakov na vrstico 18.37

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