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Plakat filma This Is Going to Hurt (2022) S01E04.

Informacije o epizodi

Naslov This Is Going to Hurt (2022)
Tip TV serija
Sezona 1
Epizoda 4
Tip epizode Običajna
Naslov epizode Episode #1.4

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 19. sep. 2022 17:04:42
Prispeval jdinic3
Jezik Angleški
FPS 25 (PAL)

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:2.000 00:00:3.280
  1. Can I ask what you're doing here?
2 00:00:3.280 00:00:4.720
  1. I'm the doctor who delivered
  2. your nephew.
3 00:00:4.720 00:00:5.880
  1. That's why I'm asking if it's
  2. appropriate
4 00:00:5.880 00:00:6.960
  1. for you to be here with my sister.
5 00:00:6.960 00:00:8.240
  1. The mum's lodged a complaint.
6 00:00:8.240 00:00:10.160
  1. Is that your statement? I've not
  2. even started mine yet.
7 00:00:10.160 00:00:12.360
  1. I've only managed seven words and
  2. a coffee stain.
8 00:00:12.360 00:00:14.800
  1. Write that you discussed with me
  2. over the phone
9 00:00:14.800 00:00:16.840
  1. and that I advised you
  2. to send her home.
10 00:00:16.840 00:00:18.600
  1. I know you hoped I'd marry Helen,
11 00:00:18.600 00:00:20.960
  1. Mum, you've mentioned it every 40
  2. minutes for the last five years.
12 00:00:20.960 00:00:23.240
  1. Would your friend like a chocolate?
  2. Boyfriend, actually.
13 00:00:23.240 00:00:25.840
  1. I'm very happy, and we love each
  2. other, and we're gay.
14 00:00:25.840 00:00:26.960
  1. Both of you?
15 00:00:26.960 00:00:28.640
  1. Will you marry me? Of course I will.


Število prenosov 461
Število enot 774
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.4
Število znakov 25K
Število znakov na vrstico 23.19

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