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Plakat filma The Unforgiven (1960).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov The Unforgiven (1960)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 4. jul. 2012 15:24:35
Prispeval jdinic3
Jezik Angleški
FPS 23,976

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:02:13.842 00:02:15.636
  1. Shoo, now, shoo.
2 00:02:17.221 00:02:21.225
  1. Ain't you got no better manners
  2. than to eat at the top of a house?
3 00:02:53.173 00:02:54.341
  1. Guipago!
4 00:03:19.033 00:03:20.200
  1. Rachel.
5 00:03:32.880 00:03:34.506
  1. What day is today?
6 00:03:34.924 00:03:37.426
  1. Tuesday, l think, Mama. l'm not sure.
7 00:03:39.929 00:03:42.222
  1. Butter tastes kind of wild to me.
8 00:03:42.306 00:03:44.934
  1. Must be the green in springtime grass.
9 00:03:55.444 00:03:57.613
  1. -Guipago!
  2. -Rachel!
10 00:03:59.448 00:04:1.116
  1. Rachel, the bread.
11 00:04:4.203 00:04:6.622
  1. Tuesday's bread day.
  2. You've got to make the bread.
12 00:04:6.997 00:04:10.251
  1. You ain't friends with me yet, are you?
  2. Well, neither am l.
13 00:04:10.376 00:04:11.710
  1. Guipago...
14 00:04:12.127 00:04:14.546
  1. you gray-haired old grass eater.
15 00:04:15.798 00:04:17.675
  1. You're only half horse, you know that?
Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:27.903 00:00:30.072
  1. Ben, you scared them.
  2. They're running away.
2 00:00:30.197 00:00:33.867
  1. -l told you to stay away from that window.
  2. -l ain't afraid.
3 00:00:34.159 00:00:36.537
  1. -l am.
  2. -What'd he want?
4 00:00:40.541 00:00:42.543
  1. He wanted to buy a woman.
5 00:00:44.003 00:00:45.004
  1. You.
6 00:00:47.673 00:00:49.550
  1. Did you sell me?
7 00:00:50.467 00:00:52.344
  1. l held out for more horses.
8 00:00:52.469 00:00:55.889
  1. -Why would they want to buy me?
  2. -Because you're a girl, my pretty.
9 00:00:55.931 00:00:58.517
  1. Horses and women
  2. are all the same to a Kiowa...
10 00:00:58.559 00:01:0.144
  1. to be bought or traded.
11 00:01:0.519 00:01:3.689
  1. -But how'd they hear about me?
  2. -They must've seen you sometime.
12 00:01:3.772 00:01:5.691
  1. Kiowas are like panthers!
13 00:01:5.858 00:01:8.402
  1. Always sneaking about
  2. when you can't see them.
14 00:01:8.652 00:01:11.405
  1. That one in the white buckskin,
  2. l'll never forget him.
15 00:01:11.530 00:01:13.949
  1. -He was beautiful!
  2. -A Kiowa?


Število prenosov 294
Število enot 1K
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.27
Število znakov 31K
Število znakov na vrstico 23.96

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