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Plakat filma Striking Distance (1993).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Striking Distance (1993)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 4. maj 2004 16:34:56
Prispeval Anonimnež
Jezik Angleški

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

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Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:01:48.129 00:01:52.281
  1. Police Department, zone one.
  2. Sergeant Roberts.
2 00:03:28.609 00:03:34.445
  1. The Polish Hill Strangler
  2. has claimed a fourth victim.
3 00:03:34.609 00:03:39.922
  1. The nude body of Arlene Dunn
  2. was recovered from the Ohio River.
4 00:03:40.089 00:03:43.843
  1. Police had been alerted
  2. to the crimes by the killer, -
5 00:03:44.009 00:03:47.797
  1. - who taunts them by playing the
  2. song "Little Red Riding Hood".
6 00:03:47.969 00:03:51.928
  1. The police brutality trial
  2. of Detective Jimmy Detillo is over.
7 00:03:52.089 00:03:57.925
  1. Detillo was convicted
  2. for the beating ofLeon Watson.
8 00:03:58.089 00:04:2.128
  1. Watson remains in a coma.
  2. The key to the conviction -
9 00:04:2.289 00:04:7.727
  1. - was the testimony of Detillo's
  2. partner and cousin Thomas Hardy.
10 00:04:7.889 00:04:13.964
  1. Hardy testified that his partner
  2. used unwarranted force.
11 00:04:14.129 00:04:18.122
  1. Come on, son, we're gonna
  2. be late for the policeman's ball.
12 00:04:18.329 00:04:22.641
  1. - You've got to face him sometime.
  2. - I feel like an asshole.
13 00:04:22.809 00:04:27.121
  1. Maybe you are an asshole.
  2. You always were kind of strange.
14 00:04:27.289 00:04:33.808
  1. - I had you as a role model.
  2. - You got that from your mother.
15 00:04:33.969 00:04:38.759
  1. - I see you got the boat fixed.
  2. - Yeah, we're going out tomorrow.


Število prenosov 767
Število enot 625
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.67
Število znakov 24K
Število znakov na vrstico 23.11

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