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Plakat filma Mad Max (1979).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Mad Max (1979)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

ID gFon
Ustvarjeno 10. avg. 2013 10:26:26
Prispeval jdinic3
Jezik Angleški
FPS 23,976

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Mad Max (2CD) (EN) - part 1
mad max (2cd) (en) - part 1
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:4.129 00:00:12.304
  1. Ripped with SubRip 1.00b and Verified by CdinT
  2. (Cristi_Polacsek@SoftHome.net)
2 00:00:12.513 00:00:18.936
  1. I deliver perfection...
  2. and don't brag about it! :D
3 00:00:19.978 00:00:23.106
  1. Subtitles downloaded from Podnapisi.NET
4 00:01:5.607 00:01:7.067
  1. This is a routine pursuit.
5 00:01:7.276 00:01:10.946
  1. Main Force repeats,
  2. this is a routine pursuit. Code 44.
6 00:01:11.154 00:01:12.906
  1. Listen, you tell them we need help.
7 00:01:13.115 00:01:15.242
  1. This should be an open-code blitz
  2. and you know it.
8 00:01:15.450 00:01:17.244
  1. You have your information.
9 00:01:17.452 00:01:19.913
  1. Come on, sweetheart,
  2. this one's a heavy weight!
10 00:01:20.122 00:01:22.457
  1. Main Force repeats,
  2. you have your information.
11 00:01:22.666 00:01:26.920
  1. This is a routine pursuit.
  2. Please liaise with Big Bopper.
12 00:01:27.129 00:01:32.551
  1. Jesus, March Hare to Big Bopper.
  2. Assist on Code 3 Red Alert.
13 00:01:32.676 00:01:34.761
  1. Big Bopper. Gotcha, Hare.
  2. What's going down?
14 00:01:34.970 00:01:39.224
  1. -We've got a cop-killer.
  2. -You're kidding!
15 00:01:41.435 00:01:42.519
  1. Be warned, Sarse...
Ime datoteke
Mad Max (2CD) (EN) - part 2
mad max (2cd) (en) - part 2
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:0.459 00:00:3.712
  1. Look what's turned up for Sunday dinner.
2 00:00:3.921 00:00:7.299
  1. Main course and dessert.
3 00:00:7.508 00:00:9.843
  1. My favorite kind:
4 00:00:10.052 00:00:12.721
  1. Female.
5 00:00:13.764 00:00:16.892
  1. Subtitles downloaded from Podnapisi.NET
6 00:00:50.843 00:00:52.678
  1. Watch the tongue, lovable.
7 00:00:52.886 00:00:56.932
  1. I've seen him lick his own eyebrow clean.
8 00:01:28.130 00:01:29.673
  1. Must've spent some coin.
9 00:01:29.882 00:01:33.177
  1. Like the sign says,
  2. speed's just a question of money.
10 00:01:33.343 00:01:35.387
  1. How fast do you wanna go?
11 00:01:35.554 00:01:37.389
  1. -Max, quick, get in.
  2. -What's wrong?
12 00:01:37.639 00:01:39.349
  1. Just take my word for it, get in!
13 00:01:39.600 00:01:43.687
  1. -What about the tire?
  2. -Please, Max!
14 00:01:44.479 00:01:46.648
  1. Your tire, man.
15 00:01:46.857 00:01:48.358
  1. Hey, fella, what about your tire!


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Število vrstic 933
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