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Plakat filma Little Women (2022) S01E11.

Informacije o epizodi

Naslov Little Women (2022)
Tip TV serija
Sezona 1
Epizoda 11
Tip epizode Običajna
Naslov epizode Episode #1.11

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 8. okt. 2022 14:06:40
Prispeval Pati1989
Jezik Angleški
FPS 23,976

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


Netflix Official Subtitles



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:57.266 00:01:0.561
  1. <i><font color="white"> I'm at the Civil Party's
  2. campaign office in Yeouido.</font></i>
2 00:01:1.061 00:01:3.438
  1. <i><font color="white">The result of the exit poll
  2. is about to be announced.</font></i>
3 00:01:3.522 00:01:5.315
  1. <i><font color="white">With a total of 48.4 percent of the votes,</font></i>
4 00:01:5.399 00:01:7.901
  1. <i><font color="white">Park Jae-sang of Civil Party
  2. is in first place.</font></i>
5 00:01:11.029 00:01:12.990
  1. <i><font color="white">With the announcement of the result,</font></i>
6 00:01:13.073 00:01:15.158
  1. -<i><font color="white">the Civil Party campaign office</font></i>
  2. -You've done well.
7 00:01:15.242 00:01:16.535
  1. <i><font color="white">was flooded with cheers of excitement.</font></i>
8 00:01:16.618 00:01:18.036
  1. It's time to start all over again.
9 00:01:18.120 00:01:22.708
  1. <i><font color="white">The result shows that Candidate Park
  2. was still in the lead with 48.4 percent.</font></i>
10 00:01:22.791 00:01:27.045
  1. <i><font color="white">His total amount of votes overtakes
  2. that of Candidate Hwang,</font></i>
11 00:01:27.129 00:01:29.631
  1. <i><font color="white">which stands at 21.7 percent.</font></i>
12 00:01:29.715 00:01:33.260
  1. <i><font color="white">The two candidates are set apart
  2. with a difference of 26.7 percent.</font></i>
13 00:01:33.343 00:01:35.429
  1. <i><font color="white">Provided that no further issues await him…</font></i>
14 00:02:29.066 00:02:30.901
  1. <i><font color="white">I know why you married me.</font></i>
15 00:02:37.908 00:02:41.328
  1. <i><font color="white">You knew I could die for you anytime</font></i>


Število prenosov 191
Število enot 966
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.38
Število znakov 39K
Število znakov na vrstico 29.83

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