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Plakat filma Law & Order (1990) S14E03.

Informacije o epizodi

Naslov Law & Order (1990)
Tip TV serija
Sezona 14
Epizoda 3
Tip epizode Običajna
Naslov epizode Patient Zero

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 1. jun. 2018 05:30:56
Prispeval corneldvd
Jezik Angleški
FPS 23,976

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Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


Law and Order (1990-2010)[Complete Series 20 Seasons Boxset]

Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Law & Order S14E03 Patient Zero SD TV
law & order s14e03 patient zero sd tv
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:5.939 00:00:7.873
  1. [Man Narrating]
  2. In the criminal justice system,
2 00:00:7.941 00:00:11.570
  1. the people are represented by two separate
  2. yet equally important groups...
3 00:00:11.644 00:00:13.578
  1. the police, who investigate crime,
4 00:00:13.646 00:00:16.342
  1. and the district attorneys,
  2. who prosecute the offenders.
5 00:00:16.416 00:00:18.509
  1. These are their stories.
6 00:00:18.585 00:00:22.851
  1. So you'll never guess
  2. who was trying on a Chanel suit...
  3. Sandy Rowan.
7 00:00:22.922 00:00:25.254
  1. Chanel. Who's she kidding
  2. with those hips?
8 00:00:25.325 00:00:27.919
  1. The point is she's getting
  2. back with Bruce.
9 00:00:27.994 00:00:30.588
  1. No way.
  2. After that whole thing?
  3. Well, forget that.
10 00:00:30.663 00:00:33.063
  1. LfJohn forgot
  2. my 10th anniversary,
11 00:00:33.133 00:00:35.499
  1. I would be out of there
  2. before you could say
  3. "Raoul Felder."
12 00:00:35.568 00:00:37.536
  1. I mean, where is
  2. her sense of pride?
13 00:00:37.604 00:00:40.004
  1. She said, "Love is stronger
  2. than pride."
14 00:00:40.073 00:00:43.201
  1. Bruce's bank account?
  2. Stronger than both.
  3. Yeah.
15 00:00:43.276 00:00:45.210
  1. [Man]
  2. Hey.!
  3. [Gunshot]


Število prenosov 496
Število enot 724
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 2.11
Število znakov 33K
Število znakov na vrstico 21.6

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