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Plakat filma Hitman: Agent 47 (2015).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 6. apr. 2016 14:16:00
Prispeval Anonimnež
Jezik Angleški

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Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
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Hitman Agent 47 2015 1080p BRRip x264 AAC ETRG
Hitman Agent 47 2015 1080p BluRay x264 DRONES
Hitman Agent 47 2015 1080p BluRay x264 anoXmous
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BRRip x264 AAC ETRG
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BRRiP XViD AC3 LEGi0N
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BluRay x264 NeZu
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BluRay x264 DRONES
Hitman Agent 47 2015 BRRip XviD AC3 EVO
Hitman Agent 47 2015 BRRip XviD AC3 iFT
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BRRip X264 AC3 EVO

Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Hitman Agent 47 2015 720p BRRip x264 AAC ETRG
hitman agent 47 2015 720p brrip x264 aac etrg
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:24.520 00:00:27.364
  1. The history of man is defined by war.
2 00:00:28.920 00:00:31.427
  1. And war by the men who fight it.
3 00:00:32.360 00:00:35.125
  1. What if we could create a better man?
4 00:00:35.800 00:00:37.245
  1. Someone did.
5 00:00:38.100 00:00:45.011
  1. The Agent Program was initiated in August of
  2. 1967, by a man named Peter Aaron Litvenko.
6 00:00:46.040 00:00:49.487
  1. Its purpose was to create
  2. the perfect killing machine.
7 00:00:49.920 00:00:54.608
  1. Human beings without emotion
  2. or fear or remorse.
8 00:00:56.600 00:00:59.922
  1. The resulting subjects were called Agents.
9 00:01:1.600 00:01:4.001
  1. The program was a success.
10 00:01:4.001 00:01:8.801
  1. But the price of creating men without
  2. humanity was Litvenko's conscience.
11 00:01:9.440 00:01:13.764
  1. Applying his brilliant mind
  2. to his flight, he vanished.
12 00:01:13.764 00:01:17.530
  1. Fearing that it would be exposed,
  2. the government shut down the program.
13 00:01:17.760 00:01:20.962
  1. And surviving Agents drifted into shadows.
14 00:01:22.160 00:01:25.543
  1. Realizing its potential,
  2. many tried to restart the program.
15 00:01:27.680 00:01:29.523
  1. All failed.


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