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Plakat filma Detour (2016).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Detour (2016)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 7. apr. 2017 16:06:16
Prispeval Grzesiek11
Jezik Angleški
FPS 24

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:02:13.359 00:02:18.134
  1. A man suffocated his baby daughter and
  2. put her in a bag outside Houston station.
2 00:02:18.234 00:02:21.033
  1. Ordinarily, this would've been
  2. a death penalty case...
3 00:02:21.133 00:02:24.167
  1. ...but the killer made it to Mexico...
4 00:02:24.267 00:02:26.765
  1. ...and now faces life without parole.
5 00:02:27.232 00:02:29.199
  1. So, what does that teach us?
6 00:02:29.299 00:02:32.933
  1. It teaches us that no law or ordinance...
7 00:02:33.033 00:02:35.631
  1. ...is mightier than understanding.
8 00:02:37.466 00:02:40.332
  1. Know the rule of law, and you can bend it.
9 00:02:40.899 00:02:43.000
  1. Understand its workings...
10 00:02:43.100 00:02:46.632
  1. ...and you can turn first degree murder...
11 00:02:47.466 00:02:49.267
  1. ...into second degree murder.
12 00:02:49.367 00:02:52.632
  1. Second degree into manslaughter.
13 00:02:56.065 00:02:58.766
  1. Harper! Harper, buddy! Wait up, man!
14 00:02:58.866 00:03:1.366
  1. I got the baddest story for you, dude.
15 00:03:1.466 00:03:4.833
  1. I was at the depot this weekend with
  2. the chinaman, and I dropped liquid acid.


Število prenosov 3K
Število enot 914
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.58
Število znakov 39K
Število znakov na vrstico 27.1

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