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Plakat filma Das doppelte Lottchen (1950).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Das doppelte Lottchen (1950)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 7. okt. 2023 15:29:52
Prispeval klaff2004
Jezik Angleški
FPS 25 (PAL)

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0


I have spend more than 39 pure hours to Translating sentence to sentence from German to English, Re-synchronizing, editing and Re-grouping of the sentences, but thanks to the guy who wrote that German subtitle at the first time. The whole work have done upon font size 70 (Letter Spacing -1) and color yellow in KM-player configuration. and thanks Lord Jesus for the fact that I accidentally had learning German in high school and in the other way I was a Translator from English to Persian. This subtitle is not colorized for them who have problems with color codes.


Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Das doppelte Lottchen (1950)25 fps-98.44 min mp4 version-Translated-Edited-Resync-reGrouping-Hi
das doppelte lottchen (1950)25 fps-98_44 min mp4 version-translated-edited-resync-regrouping-hi
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:01:31.600 00:01:36.659
  1. The story in question begins in the mountains, in Seebühl.
2 00:01:36.660 00:01:38.899
  1. Do you know Seebühl?
3 00:01:38.900 00:01:41.859
  1. The mountain village of Seebühl? No?
4 00:01:41.860 00:01:48.059
  1. Seebühl am Bühlsee? Really not? Strange, very strange.
5 00:01:48.060 00:01:52.119
  1. No matter who you ask, no one knows Seebühl.
6 00:01:52.120 00:02:0.739
  1. Seebühl am Bühlsee may be a strange place.
  2. One that only the people you don't ask know.
7 00:02:0.740 00:02:11.259
  1. There is such a thing. So you don't know Seebühl. Then
  2. you may not know the children's home in Seebühl:
8 00:02:11.260 00:02:13.699
  1. The holiday home for little girls.
9 00:02:13.700 00:02:16.899
  1. It's a shame, but it doesn't matter.
10 00:02:16.900 00:02:22.539
  1. Children's homes are very similar to each other.
  2. If you know one, you know them all.
11 00:02:22.540 00:02:27.579
  1. And anyone who walks past them might mistake them for beehives.
12 00:02:27.580 00:02:32.419
  1. It hums with laughter, shouts, whispers and giggles.
13 00:02:32.420 00:02:34.539
  1. Of course in the evening...
14 00:02:34.540 00:02:39.459
  1. Sometimes the gray dwarf, homesick, sits down in bed.
15 00:02:39.460 00:02:43.139
  1. He counts up the children's tears all around him:


Število prenosov 50
Število enot 951
Število vrstic 1K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.33
Število znakov 42K
Število znakov na vrstico 33.92

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