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Plakat filma Darbareye Elly (2009).

Informacije o filmu

Naslov Darbareye Elly (2009)
Tip Film

Podatki o podnapisu

Ustvarjeno 8. maj 2010 16:00:18
Prispeval jdinic3
Jezik Angleški
FPS 25 (PAL)

Ocene uporabnikov

Brez ocen

Poročila uporabnikov

Slaba kakovost podnapisa. 0
Datoteka ni podnapis! 0
Napačen vnos filma ali epizode. 0
Napačen jezik. 0
Napačna izdaja. 0
Popačen tekst (nenavadni znaki, kot so kvadratki in podobno). 0



Predogled podnapisa

Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:24.960 00:00:27.269
  1. Golshifteh Farahani
  2. Taraneh Alidousti
2 00:00:29.280 00:00:31.748
  1. Shahab Hosseini
  2. Merila Zarei
3 00:00:32.600 00:00:35.194
  1. Mani Haghighi
  2. Peyman Moad
4 00:00:36.840 00:00:38.512
  1. Rana Azadivar
  2. Ahmad Mehranar
5 00:00:42.120 00:00:45.795
6 00:00:48.080 00:00:49.638
  1. Scenario: ASG har Farhadi
7 00:00:49.840 00:00:52.149
  1. With the participation of A. Jafarian
8 00:01:13.480 00:01:15.789
  1. Editor: H. Safiyari
9 00:01:16.960 00:01:19.190
  1. Image: H. Jafarian
10 00:01:20.280 00:01:22.794
  1. Producers:
  2. A. Farhadi
  3. S. M. Razavi
11 00:01:23.400 00:01:27.234
  1. Written and directed by
  2. Asghar FAR HALO
12 00:02:4.240 00:02:5.593
  1. It was funny, huh?
13 00:02:6.320 00:02:7.639
  1. Yes, but I have to pee.
14 00:02:7.840 00:02:9.831
  1. That'll teach you to excite yourself like this.
15 00:02:10.040 00:02:12.508
  1. Stop somewhere if you can.
Ime datoteke
Predogled vsebine
# Začetek Konec Metapodatki Vrstic
1 00:00:31.060 00:00:32.539
  1. Sepideh.
2 00:00:37.180 00:00:39.091
  1. They want details
  2. Her identity.
3 00:01:11.980 00:01:15.495
  1. She was playing with her kite
  2. and she saw nothing.
4 00:01:15.700 00:01:17.656
  1. You've seen her go into the water?
5 00:01:17.860 00:01:19.930
  1. - No.
  2. - What did you see?
6 00:01:20.260 00:01:21.978
  1. - Arash screaming in the water.
  2. - And then?
7 00:01:22.180 00:01:23.693
  1. This is my son.
8 00:01:23.900 00:01:27.176
  1. I called my father
  2. to come save him.
9 00:01:27.380 00:01:30.452
  1. Okay. Are you sure the woman
  2. went in the water?
10 00:01:30.700 00:01:33.339
  1. I asked her
  2. to watch the children.
11 00:01:33.540 00:01:34.939
  1. What was her name?
12 00:01:35.140 00:01:36.812
  1. - Elly.
  2. - Elly?
13 00:01:37.780 00:01:40.374
  1. Elham Elnaz, Elmira ...?
  2. The full name.
14 00:01:42.140 00:01:44.096
  1. Don't you know her?
15 00:01:44.300 00:01:45.449
  1. She called Elly.


Število prenosov 2K
Število enot 1K
Število vrstic 2K
Število vrstic na enoto 1.3
Število znakov 39K
Število znakov na vrstico 19.67

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