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Murder mystery author Richard 'Rick' Castle publishes the book in which he kills off his bestseller series' hero, Derek Storm. On that very day, NYPD detective Kate Beckett questions him about two murders in the exact style of his novels, on a lawyer Fisk viz. social worker Alyson Tisdale. He's professionally flattered to have a copycat. Her boss, captain Roy Montgomery, accepts his help as case consultant and teams them up, the mayor being a fan puts him de facto in charge. More copy killing follows. The police simplistically arrest his fan Kyle Cabot, the first common link. Castle and his author friends decide he must keep investigating, on the assumption it's a motive cover-up, which he does brilliantly, as even Beckett must grudgingly admit.
Na ulici odkrijejo truplo Tylerja Farisa, ki je obtožen spolnega zločina.Truplo je presekano na pol z mečem. Farisova žrtev pa trdi, da jo je rešil superjunak. To je uniforma Lona Vengeancea, junaka na spletni strani, ki jo ureja Sean Ethel.