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Cartaz para Do Not Disturb: Ayzek ile Bir Gece (2023).

Informação do filme

Título Do Not Disturb: Ayzek ile Bir Gece (2023)
Tipo Filme

Informação das legendas

Criado 30/09/2023 16:15:14
Contribuinte jdinic3
Língua Inglês
FPS 24

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# Start End Metadata Linhas
1 00:00:27.000 00:00:30.000
  1. <i>I'm on medication.
  2. I mean, I should be.</i>
2 00:00:32.875 00:00:36.750
  1. <i>I've been through some hard times.
  2. I left the ferry services.</i>
3 00:00:36.833 00:00:39.958
  1. <i>Add the pandemic to that,
  2. I've been out of a job for two years.</i>
4 00:00:41.625 00:00:45.666
  1. <i>What are you waiting for
  2. to become the hero of your life?</i>
5 00:00:45.750 00:00:49.875
  1. <i>Take a look at yourself from above.
  2. How much of it is you?</i>
6 00:00:52.041 00:00:54.833
  1. <i>I'm bored to death.
  2. The boat was fine.</i>
7 00:00:54.916 00:00:58.041
  1. <i>You know how some people get sea sick?
  2. I think I get land sick.</i>
8 00:00:58.833 00:01:0.916
  1. <i>We've been wearing masks for a while now.</i>
9 00:01:1.000 00:01:2.833
  1. <i>It was hard getting used to that,
  2. but we did.</i>
10 00:01:2.916 00:01:4.708
  1. <i>But one can only stay home for so long.</i>
11 00:01:4.791 00:01:7.333
  1. <i>In times like these,
  2. you have to start listening to yourself,</i>
12 00:01:7.416 00:01:8.833
  1. <i>and taking care of yourself.</i>
13 00:01:9.416 00:01:14.000
  1. <i>There's a lady on Instagram,
  2. Peri Sönmez, the Perisozler account.</i>
14 00:01:14.083 00:01:15.708
  1. <i>Two of her videos are my favorites.</i>
15 00:01:15.791 00:01:18.041
  1. <i>"Forgive Yourself, Adapt, and Accept,"</i>


Número de downloads 142
Número de unidades 1K
Número de linhas 2K
Número de linhas por unidade 1.52
Número de caracteres 74K
Número de caracteres por linha 25.52

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