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Subtitles were not yet audited by the editorial team. Caution is advised!
Poster for Schindler's List (1993).

Movie information

Title Schindler's List (1993)
Type Movie

Subtitle info

ID c_ky
Created 27. juli 2014 07:46:45
Contributor Anonymous
Language English
FPS 25 (PAL)

User votes

No votes

User reports

Poor subtitle quality. 0
File is not a subtitle! 0
Wrong movie or episode entry. 0
Wrong language. 0
Wrong release. 0
Garbled text (strange characters, like rectangles and such). 0



Subtitles preview

Content preview
# Start End Metadata Lines
1 00:00:39.560 00:00:43.080
  1. Savree maranun
  2. verabonun verobotay.
2 00:00:43.160 00:00:46.520
  1. Barooch ata adony
  2. elohaynou melech aholam.
3 00:00:46.600 00:00:49.240
  1. Borah pree hagafan.
4 00:00:49.320 00:00:52.760
  1. Barooch ata adony
  2. elohaynou melech aholam.
5 00:00:52.840 00:00:55.120
  1. Asher kideshano bemitzvotaiv...
6 00:00:55.200 00:00:57.520
  1. verazha banou veshabat kodsho...
7 00:00:57.560 00:00:59.600
  1. behava hencheel lanoe.
8 00:00:59.680 00:01:3.120
  1. Zecaron lemase berashit
  2. ke hoe yome...
9 00:01:3.200 00:01:6.120
  1. techelah lemekray kodesh...
10 00:01:6.200 00:01:9.160
  1. zecher letziat mizraim.
11 00:01:9.240 00:01:12.440
  1. Kee banoe bacharta
  2. veotano kedashta mekol hameem.
12 00:01:12.520 00:01:15.040
  1. Veshabat kodsho
  2. behavat razone.
13 00:01:15.120 00:01:16.720
  1. Henchaltanoe.
14 00:01:16.800 00:01:22.800
  1. Barooch ata adony mekadesh
  2. hasabat.
15 00:01:41.640 00:01:47.080
  1. September 1939, the German forces
  2. defeated the Polish Army in two weeks.
Content preview
# Start End Metadata Lines
1 00:00:2.520 00:00:6.320
  1. Ja, schoen gefangen! Gut!
2 00:00:11.800 00:00:15.840
  1. Nochmal, ja! Schoen!
3 00:00:38.320 00:00:46.400
  1. Department D orders Goeth to exhume
  2. and incinerate the bodies of more than
  3. 10,000 Jews killed at Plaszow
  4. and the Krakow Ghetto massacre.
4 00:00:46.400 00:00:47.080
  1. Also los! Bewegung!
5 00:00:47.160 00:00:50.920
  1. Schneller hier!
  2. Zack, zack, zack!
6 00:00:51.000 00:00:53.240
  1. Beweg deinen Arsch!
7 00:00:53.320 00:00:55.760
  1. Das geht
  2. auch schneller!
8 00:00:55.840 00:00:58.720
  1. Bewegt euch!
  2. Schlaft nicht ein!
9 00:00:58.760 00:01:2.760
  1. Nur die ganzen Fetzen,
  2. nicht das Gemuese!
10 00:01:7.560 00:01:9.480
  1. Was ist denn hier los?
11 00:01:9.520 00:01:12.160
  1. Komm, das kannst du mit
  2. den Haenden machen,
  3. fass da vorn an!
12 00:01:12.240 00:01:13.720
  1. Hier!
13 00:01:13.800 00:01:16.440
  1. Los, raus mit den Fetzen!
  2. Die Kleinteile lass liegen!
14 00:01:25.440 00:01:29.080
  1. Jetzt macht aber schnell,
  2. verdammt noch mal!
  3. Weg mit den Scheissdingern!
15 00:01:37.440 00:01:40.840
  1. So ist es! Walhalla!
  2. Walhalla laeuft hier!


Number of downloads 14K
Number of units 1K
Number of lines 3K
Number of lines per unit 1.94
Number of characters 71K
Number of characters per line 18.62

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