Podnapisi.NET - association

Podnapisi.NET are now operated within the framework of the podnapisi.net association.

If you wish to donate, you can do so by transferring funds to the accounts listed below:

TRR: SI56 6100 0002 8937 193
BTC: bc1q2ax0nzz7dagls4n0llsgghkw7t8y75jet6wgvy
ETH: 0xE9ec8301c9e5C61788dc180Dc6896BF9A70a9632

Instructions on how to become a member of the association will be posted on the forum.

Read more on forum.

Poster for Salvage Marines (2022) S01E06.

Informacije o epizodi

Naziv Salvage Marines (2022)
Vrsta TV Serija
Sezona 1
Epizoda 6
Vrsta epizode Redovna
Naziv epizode Showdown on Planet Gedra

Informacije o titlu

ID 59dH
Napravljeno 25. 7. 2023. 12:07:49
Suradnik misiek666
Jezik Engleski
FPS 23.976

Korisničko glasovanje

Nema glasovanja

Korisnička izvješća

Loša kvaliteta titla. 0
Datoteka nije titl! 0
Pogrešan unos filma ili epizode. 0
Pogrešan jezik. 0
Pogrešno izdanje. 0
Nečitko (čudni karakteri, poput pravokutnika i slično). 0



Pretpregled prijevoda

Naziv datoteke
Pretpregled sadržaja
# Početak Svršetak Podaci Linije
1 00:00:1.200 00:00:3.100
  1. Our galaxy.
2 00:00:3.100 00:00:5.220
  1. Humankind colonized space
3 00:00:5.220 00:00:9.060
  1. so long ago that no one
  2. remembers which came first:
4 00:00:9.060 00:00:12.210
  1. civilization,
  2. or the corporations.
5 00:00:12.210 00:00:16.020
  1. But a centuries-old conflict
  2. between the Grotto Corporation
6 00:00:16.020 00:00:18.180
  1. and our mortal enemy,
  2. the mega-corporation
7 00:00:18.180 00:00:21.080
  1. known as Helion,
  2. has led to endless wars
8 00:00:21.080 00:00:24.010
  1. and broken planets,
  2. making life
9 00:00:24.010 00:00:26.170
  1. for most on Grotto planets
  2. - known as Homeworlds -
10 00:00:26.170 00:00:28.110
  1. a living hell
  2. of indentured servitude.
11 00:00:30.030 00:00:32.150
  1. And I was no different.
12 00:00:32.150 00:00:35.010
  1. My only way out was
  2. to join Grotto's army,
13 00:00:35.010 00:00:36.230
  1. the Reapers.
14 00:00:36.230 00:00:38.210
  1. The Resource Exploration
15 00:00:38.210 00:00:40.230
  1. and Procurement
  2. Engineer Regiment,


Broj preuzimanja 210
Broj redova 572
Broj linija 842
Broj linija po redovima 1.47
Broj karaktera 16K
Broj karaktera po linijama 19.6

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