Podnapisi.NET - association

Podnapisi.NET are now operated within the framework of the podnapisi.net association.

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Instructions on how to become a member of the association will be posted on the forum.

Read more on forum.

Poster for Kota Factory (2012) S02E03.

Informacije o epizodi

Naziv Kota Factory (2012)
Vrsta TV Serija
Sezona 2
Epizoda 3
Vrsta epizode Redovna
Naziv epizode Atmospheric Pressure

Informacije o titlu

Napravljeno 24. 9. 2021. 09:39:32
Suradnik PeradoxSRJ
Jezik Engleski
FPS 23.976

Korisničko glasovanje

Nema glasovanja

Korisnička izvješća

Loša kvaliteta titla. 0
Datoteka nije titl! 0
Pogrešan unos filma ili epizode. 0
Pogrešan jezik. 0
Pogrešno izdanje. 0
Nečitko (čudni karakteri, poput pravokutnika i slično). 0





Pretpregled prijevoda

Naziv datoteke
Pretpregled sadržaja
# Početak Svršetak Podaci Linije
1 00:00:21.200 00:00:23.600
  1. Sir, we have a meeting at 3:30 p.m. Its--
2 00:00:24.280 00:00:25.120
  1. Come in!
3 00:00:28.040 00:00:29.600
  1. -Good morning, sir.
  2. -Good morning, sir.
4 00:00:30.760 00:00:31.600
  1. Good morning.
5 00:00:32.960 00:00:34.280
  1. Why are you not in the classroom?
6 00:00:35.480 00:00:38.560
  1. Sir, the physics class--
7 00:00:38.640 00:00:40.440
  1. Isn't physics a part of the IIT syllabus?
8 00:00:45.280 00:00:47.560
  1. Sir, that's what we wanted to talk about.
9 00:00:48.160 00:00:51.400
  1. We're done with two chapters,
  2. but we haven't understood anything.
10 00:00:52.400 00:00:53.400
  1. Which batch are you in?
11 00:00:53.840 00:00:54.920
  1. -Twelfth A3.
  2. -Twelfth A3.
12 00:00:56.720 00:00:59.280
  1. Do you have any idea
  2. whom you're talking about?
13 00:01:3.160 00:01:4.240
  1. Sir, we're talking
  2. about Professor Bhargav.
14 00:01:4.320 00:01:5.280
  1. Exactly!
15 00:01:6.720 00:01:8.640
  1. If at all any one of you
  2. makes it to the IIT,


Broj preuzimanja 149
Broj redova 498
Broj linija 670
Broj linija po redovima 1.35
Broj karaktera 16K
Broj karaktera po linijama 24.56

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