Podnapisi.NET - association

Podnapisi.NET are now operated within the framework of the podnapisi.net association.

If you wish to donate, you can do so by transferring funds to the accounts listed below:

TRR: SI56 6100 0002 8937 193
BTC: bc1q2ax0nzz7dagls4n0llsgghkw7t8y75jet6wgvy
ETH: 0xE9ec8301c9e5C61788dc180Dc6896BF9A70a9632

Instructions on how to become a member of the association will be posted on the forum.

Read more on forum.

Nije prekontrolisano

Ovaj titl još uvek nije prekontrolisan od strane uredničkog tima. Savetuje se oprez!
Poster for Ali and Nino (2016).

Informacije o filmu

Naziv Ali and Nino (2016)
Vrsta Film

Informacije o titlu

Napravljeno 24. 3. 2017. 13:55:45
Suradnik Anoniman
Jezik Engleski
FPS Nedostupno

Korisničko glasovanje

Nema glasovanja

Korisnička izvješća

Loša kvaliteta titla. 0
Datoteka nije titl! 0
Pogrešan unos filma ili epizode. 0
Pogrešan jezik. 0
Pogrešno izdanje. 0
Nečitko (čudni karakteri, poput pravokutnika i slično). 0



Pretpregled prijevoda

Naziv datoteke
Pretpregled sadržaja
# Početak Svršetak Podaci Linije
1 00:03:0.914 00:03:3.982
  1. - Father,
  2. i want to get married.
2 00:03:6.887 00:03:9.154
  1. - You want me
  2. to find you a beautiful wife?
3 00:03:11.691 00:03:13.692
  1. - I want to marry nino kipiani.
4 00:03:15.595 00:03:18.430
  1. - Her hips are too slim,
  2. like all Georgians.
5 00:03:18.432 00:03:21.066
  1. - Father?
6 00:03:21.068 00:03:22.534
  1. - A woman's hips
  2. are more important
7 00:03:22.536 00:03:25.003
  1. than her education, my son.
  2. Remember that.
8 00:03:33.680 00:03:36.348
  1. When do you want to marry?
9 00:03:36.350 00:03:38.083
  1. - Soon.
10 00:03:42.388 00:03:44.556
  1. - I should like my grandson
  2. to be born in may.
11 00:03:46.526 00:03:48.727
  1. It is a lucky month.
12 00:03:50.631 00:03:52.097
  1. Why did you choose her?
13 00:03:52.099 00:03:53.699
  1. - I love her, father.
14 00:03:53.701 00:03:56.301
  1. - Generally speaking, loving
  2. a woman is not a good idea.
15 00:03:57.304 00:03:59.404
  1. - Father.


Broj preuzimanja 3K
Broj redova 751
Broj linija 1K
Broj linija po redovima 1.48
Broj karaktera 22K
Broj karaktera po linijama 20.7

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